Bored to death, no game entertains me anymore not even nostalgic classics

Bored to death, no game entertains me anymore not even nostalgic classics.

Have I finally grown up out of videogames? I'm 22.

take a break for a good while. when you come back games will have that spark again

Youll probably be boted for a while, then come back. In the meantime, get a life op. Make the most of it. Find new hobbies

Turn the sound off and listen to a stream/podcast/video in the background as you play.

>I'm 22.
You're a literal child, and/or playing nothing but shit.

t: 30 years old and playing more vidya than ever.

Pick up a new hobby and come back to vidya in a month or so.

Already had that, went on vacations with my friends for two weeks on July, no PC.

You surely sound very mature, very very mature.

It's not a big secret that the modern gaming sucks major ass, and if you only chug up generic AAA trash you're bound to get fed up in no time.

I literally stated I was playing classics. Was playing with my PSX earlier this morning.

Most modern games suck, but even then that's up to oneself and its tastes since fun is subjetive.

Sounds like you've burned out, unless nothing else really entertains you either, in which case you're probably just depressed

Play something light and arcadey. I recommend a beat 'em up or shmup. Or take a break and read a book or watch something. Video games are engaging and every now and again you just need to kick back and disengage.

This is good advice. Games with too much presentation and downtime can burn you out. Go for something purer and don't get bogged down in story or walking simulations.

What is the point of these threads? If you don't have fun with vidya stop playing it and do something else.

Learn an instrument, start carving dildos out of bar soap, a two week vacation isn't a hobby.

Not him but doing something else is a pain

Well that sounds like your life is awful. Maybe get some help.

Listen to an album
go outside and breathe

>2 weeks
Nigger you weren't even trying. Try 2 years

Nah it's just pretty dull and monotonous

>only 22

Get a job

>keep waiting for the weekend
>weekend comes
>spend all day on Sup Forums and dont actually play anything