So Sup Forums, what went wrong?

So Sup Forums, what went wrong?

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nothing wrong actually

TF2 changed the gaming industry for ever


This, it's just dying a normal death now. Nothing went wrong, except maybe gun skins and the MyM shitfest.

no good updates for over 3 years

The night never came

Only 1 enginer PDA
i hate using default weapons

To be honest with you the only thing that needs fixed is: Casual Mode
-Being able to join servers through invitation
-Pyro update needs to be released as well as the TF2 comic.

Meet your match update
Gun mettle update

honestly its an old game. nothing went wrong. sure its losing players but thats because all these shitters just got bored and started playing a new game. happens to everything eventually.

>game is 10 years old
>'what went wrong'
were you playing multiplayer games back in 2007? there was a real problem with multiplayer games lasting a couple of years before being abandoned, and then the playerbase would abandon it, and then some new release with less features would come out and everyone would play that. in fact 2007 was just when call of duty started doing like yearly releases so multiplayer shooters were basically shit. battlefield had gone to consoles. it was unheard of that a game would have a large community for 5 years let alone 10.

nothing went wrong. it's still as fun and as varied as ever. heck it still stands toe to toe with newer multiplayer shooters because of the capacity for players to learn and master the mechanics.

Game was designed with continuous updates in mind, cosmetics was their solution to the cost of these updates, bug fixes, and server costs, but despite still paying for them the game no longer receives any such updates.

There is also the problem that the game had no central idea of what the game should be balanced for.

Finally there is the argument that the game is 10 years old build for older hardware and older engine and it held together with barebone parts, and that TF3 might be the best case scenario at this point.

>he /threads on his own post

overwatch is better and the new short proves that they even have TF2 beat in "meet the" videos

It's a 10 year old game, that's about to die its natural death.
It's just that there is no game that can properly do the same thing and take its place and that MyM was a total disaster.


>overwatch is better

The fact that tens of thousands of people still play it is a testament to how great it is

10-20 years down the road, TF2 will be seen as one of the most important shooters ever made

>/threading your own post

Kindly neck yourself

The gold rush update. Also mannconomy.

engie's video alone blows any of the OW shorts out of the water
it's so fucking good
that's just my opinion though

Figure this out: half of 2017 has already passed and tf2 didn't get a single big update yet.
Hackers have free reign.
There are more friendlies than actual players.
And of the already few players available, only half know how to play the game. The other half is composed by complete newbies that refuse to do the training and listen to other more experienced players ("Hey engis, do not build sentries near eachother" but nobody listened).
And the training mode itself is so dated I don't blame them not to try it.

It's not even in the same league. Overwatch is as close to prime TF2 as hearthstone is to Magic.

>overwatch is better

Nice meme

I'd be all over a tf3 but Valve, as of now, prefers to create card games to spill more money to simpletons and VR tech demos.

don't you dare post that ugly pink slut on my board or else i'll castrate you


i used to love this game, and i continued to play it through the stupid economic hat-experiment it started. the trends tested in TF2 are now completely fucking ruining online game, and i feel guilty/complicit at this point for ever being part of it.

Valve neglected it.
And any update they do to it hurts it more than it helps.
>Been over a year since pyro won
>blogpost 3 days ago saying they still dont have a date set for the pyro update

but she baked you a cake user

Just try and stop me, faggot.

I wish I could get addicted to this game again instead of Overwatch, is it worth going back?

Casual Matchmaking was uncalled for
If MyM just officially introduced the Comp gamemode and left Casual alone the game would've not been the last straw to everyone
Also no updates for a year, no new maps, no nothing
They couldn't even make the Jungle update before releasing the Pyro update to sate the playerbases' hunger

I wanna fuck that pink slut

>both party vans died


Valve killed the community servers. Everything else I don't really give a shit about. I miss the old servers.

Not everyone on Sup Forums plays TF2 anymore, maybe used that HDD space for newer games

I mean why do you guys want the game updated so much?

I think its better to wait, I dont want valve to rush like they did with mym.

I man content with the current state, not like theres anything better.

Or just release tf3 on source 2 and port over users inventory

come at me gaylord

>Source 2
Say goodbye to rocket jumping then

Valve Corporation refuses to allocate the resources that TF2 desperately needs. There is no fucking reason that Valve couldn't have hired a third party company to police maps and organize updates/balance changes while being watched over by the TF2 team for quality control. Whether you like TF2 or not it is constantly in the top 10 most played games on Steam, and even if 20,000 of them are bots that's still a HUGE number, and there's no reason that there's only a skeleton crew left making sure the game doesn't totally break. Valve's current philosophies are totally at odds with what people want from game developers in current year: Valve wants to almost never say anything to the community and just release good products that sell themselves. That shit doesn't work anymore when people lose faith in you as a company.

>Used to open tf2 at 2am
>Browse the valve servers in the server browser
>Pick one that had a decent sized amount of people playing on it
>Just play piss sniper for the fuck of it
>Had fun and felt very comfortable
>Now they did away with that and attached stupid matchmaking


What would the engine change have to do with it?

>go on weeabootique
>mute micspammers
>play tf2

It works

iirc rocket jumping relies on source code glitches, source 2 fixes this but you lose rocket jumping as a consequence

6v6 is a unbalanced shitfest

they bloated the game with useless cosmetics and weapons. The game didnt get much innovation after the horde mode. So it became stale.
Now they are trying to push esports meme where it doesnt need one, effectively killing the game.

I know these fucks at valve dont care about making games but I wish they would at least fucking stop ruining the ones they made

So they could just make the game have it then.


nothing but the dumb removal of valve servers

Content updates for new weapons and cosmetics. It just looks tacky and too many weapons are hard to balance.

Last time I checked Quake 3 barely had any content updates and it's still played and revered by many.

Bad updates followed by no updates.
Going F2P in the first place also hurt it a ton because of the people it attracted. I doubt we'd have shit like "friendlies" if the game never went F2P.

Not that easy with spaghetti code though

Abso fucking lutely

Im saying make a new game, TF3 and not port TF2 though.

I was just saying have all the cosmetics of TF2.

If anyone truely cares about that anyway.

Plenty of things really:

Meet you match being a disaster.
Nerfing the defense classes into oblivion making soldier and demoman, classes that didn't have much wrong with them, a fucking powerhouse. Why build a defense and hold your ground when soldier and demos can kill whoever the fuck they want in a second?
Killing quickplay and community servers destroyed the player base, now every community server is filled with friendlies and all the worst kinds of maps and rulesets you can think of for LOLZ
Casual mode is fucking awful , it doesn't even have a scramble after the end of every match, so90% of the matches are one sided as hell and so are every next one.
The new crate system is the new oxford dictionary definition of jewish, but it is ok guys the are going to fix the creates during pyro update to make it even more jewish.
Making Medic, soldier and demoman the only classes with an actual impact in the game pretty much makes most matches predictable as hell,you can see who wins by the amount of soldiers, demos and medics a team has.
The balance of the unlocks i also kinda fucked.
Competitive TF2 is a fucking joke but i don't blame them for the MyM disaster

wait for the update, the game matchmaking is kidan fucked and most community servers are the definition of trash.

free2play brony invasion

>bootysimulator is better than hatsimulator
you're not a man of taste, user, please consider ending yourself

>the last partyvan is gone

Well fuck. If you are there user you did a good job unlike the others

I haven't played TF2 in a good 2-3 years, but I've been meaning to get back into it. Is it still fun if I don't give a fuck about competitive?

I usually main Scout with Sandman + Guillotine, or Pyro with Degreaser + Flare Gun + Powerjack.

Valve stopped caring

>God tier meet the medic video
>Ends with TF2 is now free to play
Talk about whiplash

community servers are mostly meme maps, trademaps and 24/7 with infinite respawn on turbine/hightower.

casualplay is awful and everyone quits after one match.


Do casual Valve servers still exist? You know, with time limits and map rotation? Those were always my favorite servers to unwind on.

Sandman + Guillotine is getting the nerf bat hard next patch, but Degreaser + Flare + Jack still works just fine. Powerjack health gain was nerfed from +75 to +25, and it can no longer overheal.

Game is still one of the top on Steam after 10 years.
Literally nothing went wrong.
Also, tonight's the night

>Powerjack health gain was nerfed from +75 to +25, and it can no longer overheal.

Damn, that's pretty significant. So what's the go-to weapon for Pyro's melee now?

The maul if youre a patrician

>sandman reduces max health by 15
>valve forgets this and nerfs it anyway


quickplay servers doesn't exist anymore instead it works like this.

>Select casual play
>select whatever maps you like to play
>search for a server,you are usually gonna end up in the middle of a game of a map you didn't choose
>when the match ends players are given 3 choices of maps to choose.
>People usually quit during the map selection or pick the exact same map.
>have to wait around 5minutes for the server to add new players to substitute more than half of the ones who left.

It happens every time, also the game doesn't have auto balance nor scramble after every round/match, so if you steam roll or get steam rolled the same will happen in the next match.

They got hurt really badly. You have to join them via the matchmaking system which is slow as fuck, you can't just enter them via the server browser anymore. If you wanted to go to a server playing a very specific map that isn't one of the most popular ones expect to wait 10-20 minutes and have everyone leave after the round is over. Also autobalance is gone and you can only switch teams if one side is down by a large number of players (and even then you need to be specifically asked by the game before you can, which sometimes takes so long to do that no amount of team switching could save the losing team).

>overwatch is better
You, on the right.

No, 60K daily players for a decade old game means it's dead, you fucking dunce.

It blows my mind when people honestly say that TF2 is dead.

the writing in the overwatch shorts is just mindnumbingly dull. no wit, no flair. just empty platitudes and 'woah so zany' dialogue.

The Powerjack is still the best pyro weapon even though Valve fucked it so badly. Maul/Homewrecker is better if you have a lot of engies, but nothing really beats the speed boost Powerjack provides.
You can pull some funny shit with the Scratcher if you have balls of steel, but I wouldn't recommend it.

giving every class a crutch that removes their weaknesses, and giving every class a counter so spy is near worthless to play



this exactly
I think Valve secretly wants tf2 to die. In fact, I think Valve wants all of their games to die so they can just work on Steam.

It's fucking retarded that the company whoms't created 3 of the biggest, most influential games on the fucking planet won't continue to work on them.

At this point, I want Valve to just sell CS, TF2 and DOTA to a third party. It's obvious they don't give a fuck about them anymore, so why let them die a painful, neglectful death where everyone only remembers them as
"those games that used to be good but then Valve stopped caring"

Valve stopped caring as soon as they had steam. It's really no wonder we didn't ever get HL3

You sound like you know a lot about game development and how companies funciton.

If you get the chance, play it on PS3 or 360.

Still very much alive, and as Vanilla as the day it was released. No hats, no nerfs, no trading, no Mann Co. Just the pure game.

>Still very much alive
I find this hard to believe. Still, sounds nice.

Sure it has it's busy and quiet times, but for a 10 year old game on last gen hardware that was never really it's target audience, you can always find a game.

It's always got a handful of servers up. You're a bit gimped with the controller play, and it's so fucking vanilla Pyro doesn't even airblast, but it's fun.

TF2 doesnt work well with a controller though.

Fucking boring compared to the pc version.

I mean unless you have the mouse keyboard controller for ps3/360

Nothing went wrong, it's still the same chocolate fudge brownie ice cream with the same maps but they spilled some shit* on the carpet. Still it goes down smooth once you're in a match.

*Constant crate drops, weapon skins and shitty matchmaking.

i'm tempted to try it just to see how it is.

Server browser is still there, though. With 2000+ available community servers.

> With 2000+ available community servers.

Not him but mostly of them are dead and are either meme maps, trade maps or maps with absurd rulesets, like 24/7 turbine/2fort with instant respawn.

When was the last time a map was even released? The only gameplay change I've seen in years is airblasting fire off teammates gets you health but that's more of a teaching retards thing than actually improving the game.

Jesus christ the martian queen is great
That really does sound like fun

Do it.You can pick up TOB for a couple of dollars.

This. Ironically, Xbone has added the Orange Box in his BC list and by consequence tf2 on 360 got a bump in players too, thanks to crossplay.

that's because she is great

i just found a few people selling the orange box for the ps3.

it sounds like fun.

does anyone knows if there's any community for it?

im south american so a couple of dollars is actually a lot.

>the new short proves that they even have TF2 beat in "meet the" videos

>Not him but mostly of them are dead and are either meme maps, trade maps or maps with absurd rulesets, like 24/7 turbine/2fort with instant respawn.
I dunno about you guys but in my corner of the world this was the case for years before matchmaking. I know it has its flaws but matchmaking has made the game far more accessible for me.

>one team is curbstomping the other
>team balance incoming
>get message asking if I volunteer to join the losing side
>only benefit is increased score which doesn't matter in any way
>not a single person volunteers
>curbstomp continues
>someone somewhere thought this was a good idea

Balancing that adds as many problems as it fixes and generally raping the aesthetics.
Still pretty good.