Final Fantasy XIV & Domino's Pizza
In Australia, Domino's Pizza is running a promotion for $49.95 that gives you. Not sure why an MMO player would need three pizzas, but it's a heck of better deal than anything we'd get in America.

3 Traditional Pizzas
1 Garlic Bread
1 1.25L Drink
1 FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online Complete Edition Download (choose from PS4 or PC!)
Includes: A Realm Reborn + Heavensward + NEW Stormblood

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Imagine being so fat.

That's a good deal.

>1 Garlic Bread
just one?

Ugh, Domino's sucks. Any local joint will kick its arse for the same price.

user it includes the game and all expacs

That's actually a pretty fucking great deal but it's a shame their games are fucking shit.

>Not sure why an MMO player would need three pizzas
Because 1 is barely enough to get full, 2 is for getting ready to explode and 3 is for uh... general munching after saying "i ate too much i'm never gonna eat that many pizza again"

not sure what's worse, the game or the pizza.

bring him back

>i only make my pizzas from scartch with the finest ingredients imported from sicily

Imagine being at computers

>mocking the joyous feeling of making your own pizza from scratch, cooking it and then eating it
Home-cooked pizza >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anything else

tfw I have probably 400$ in dominos gift cards
tfw I'm american
tfw I cant get this deal

I also make my own mmo's.

>not eating home cooked pizza
I feel so bad for you.

SQUARE ENIX is dead, isn't it user ? ...

>he thinks his home made soggy crust could ever compete with a professional establishment

what the fuck is that

pizza and gaymen just goes together

Damn that's a good deal.

>implying i want pizza grease everywhere while trying to play vidya

Three pizzas can last you a week and is easy to reheat to eat later, which gives you more time to play the game.

>not enjoying cookie pizza
stupid yuropoor

you need two?

I paid $59.99 burgerbux for the complete game bundle and did not get garlic bread, sugar water, or 3 fucking pizzas with it.
I am saltier than the total amount of sodium in that sick deal.

The ultimate food creation.

>when you pull out of Lala pussy

i miss their 555 deal

>latency so bad they have to appease Aussie players with pizza

I wouldn't settle for anything less than a blowjob (plus swallow) from a female SE representative

>implying she wouldn't love it

Not as bad as the burning dumpster that is papa johns

This. I play from the midwest and since the server merge to West Coast I had to stop playing any caster entirely. I've died to aoe I walked out of 5 seconds before.

>Just one little garlic bread?

>overstuffed with content
>about the same quality as microwave pizza
accurately describes the state of FFXIV verses FFXI

>Buying the collector's edition of a game doesn't include the game itself
>Ordering pizza will though

>Not sure why an MMO player would need three pizzas

>Domino's Pizza has its own toon in the game

yuck, makes me think of a fat NEET playing FFXIV 14 hours a day and eating 3 pizzas. gross

>that gas station promotion
>that cinnamon pastry promotion
>that gaming magazine promotion
>that Doktor Pepper promotion

What other shitty promotion am I missing?

Amazon was kinda alright.

tip included?

Never understood the meme that MMOs make people fat. If anything it makes you into a skeleton because you're too addicted playing to eat.

America: eating shit since 1776.

That'll be $49.95, plus tip.

Do they have to be 3 supreme pizzas?
Papa Murphy's MasterRace by the way.

You can play an MMO on ps4? DO you nee to connect a keyboard?

I'll tip ya in your gobber ya cunt

> Not sure why an MMO player would need three pizzas

Buy the thing on Friday and you have one Pizza for each day of the weekend to play your game. Too bad that it's a download code so the 50GB download will take a day at least.

you DON'T have to but its nicer to have all the keys

Please tell me the cookies are soft, then those are the best cookies I ever saw.

tips are where the garbos go you fucking yanky

Here you go my good sir, 49.95$ and...
*tip fedora*
a tip.

I normally use a wireless keyboard/mouse combo that attaches to the PS4 using a single USB port. That way I get the controller PLUS keyboard and mouse

Considering the retail cost of the game in America, that's an awesome deal.

>tfw the probability of someone actually doing this isn't zero

Mushroom pizza is best pizza. Prove me wrong I dare you Sup Forums

Disgusting. They've been terrible for years, ever since they started coating their pizzas in over abundances of garlic powder and the last time I ate their pizza I woke up in the middle in the night with indigestion. You can't get any worse than Domino's.

Bell Peppers, Sauage and Pepperoni.

Everything gives me indigestion. Count yourself lucky.

I don't think that's garlic powder. A similar thing happened to me, but when I bit into the pizza, I noticed the bottom was completely covered in flour.

do this with promo but with games I can solo and I'm in baby

this will be my new form of acquiescing games

Why do restaurants or other food places 90% of the time have garlic bread instead of a normal one?

You get the game AND all that fucking food for 50 bucks?

Yes, but its most likely just a download code not a physical copy

>be me autism
>Order pizza to hotel room on the 2nd floor
>Knock knock
>Red faced fat midget girl huffing and puffing in the doorway with my pizza
>Pay for pizza and shut the door
>Realize I didn't tip her a week later
>Laugh about it

>game itself is like $60
jesus christ
how are they gettin away with such a good deal like this
you get a discount on the game and then basically free pizzas

She wanted the T

>open pizza box
>get killed by a giant spider inside it

That's actually a good fucking deal. I'd unironically buy one since I never played FFXIV.

I find papa John's is usually better. Dominoes is always so salty and they skimp on veggies so hard.

>open pizza box
>have to level up before getting the pizza

Nobody actually eats that. Stop taking the bait.

>open pizza box
>have to wait for 2.5gcd between each bite

>tfw my local pizzeria that made 10/10 pizzas and didn't charge you for delivery closed down for yet another fucking mediocre Domino's
I fucking hate normalfags I swear, if it isn't a known brand they won't touch it until someone forces them to see the light.


you look at ffxiv and see food


If you sat back and thought about it for more than 12 seconds, I'm sure you can figure it out.

Hint: The game requires a subscription, the game already exists, and one single player doesn't put much toll on the infrastructure

>Open pizza box
>Bacon arranged in a "OwO" shape

How is this Domino's fault?

Clearly, the pizzeria wasn't running a profitable business. Maybe they should have charged for delivery. If their product was desirable enough, they could have done that or increased prices.

>try to weave in two smaller ogcds between bites
>my ping is too high and i end up clipping my pizza

More like Final Fantasy XIV Fatblood am I rite?

I explicitly said it was the fault of my townspeople though, there's no corporate dick in need of sucking here.

I feel like I've been out Americanned. Usually we have the cheapest fatty food and good Vidya deals.

*scratches the roof of your mouth and burns your tongue*

Pizza rolls are pretty good out of the oven if you don't overcooked them and let them cool.

Why don't people realise pizza differs by town/region? My town's Domino's and Pizza Hut are pretty good.


My papa John's is pretty damn good. Gotta get well done and use promos like 40 or 50% off for it to be worth delivery, though.

There'll be a Storm of Blood in your pants after you're done eating.

How the hell do I quit this game? Has anyone been addicted to MMOs before? Advice?

Uninstall it. After a few days you will no longer want to play it.

Hit yourself in the nuts with a hammer every time you feel like playing. Basic operative conditioning.

Would that really work? I log in for the social aspect and would feel bad if I just left my FC

>worked in the pizza biz
>sometimes people would 'give life tips' as the tip and close the door after with no real tip

i like the domino's pan pizza but i think the regular pizza tastes like cardboard, it's so weird to me
the sides are good at least

>he doesn't just use the neighbors address and shoot the delivery guy for free pizza

Uh, can I order this outside of australia?

I'd rather have some Cup Noodles™

10 years too late m'friend