8 Millions copies are now sold

Where were you when PUBG became GOTY of 2017?

here's why Sup Forums hates it: streamable.com/eo0ng

>it's popular so it's good
Sad shill

if it'd be shit nobody would play it, I am assured once the console port launches it will surpass CoD in term of playerbase. It already surpassed every jrpgs ever made

>if it'd be shit nobody would play it
I'll just leave this here

its a fucking puzzle game


you can play that on 10293297538324795938475 devices

pubg needs a high end windows pc

>it's popular so it's bad


Game is the best mulitplayer experience in years.

my build was 500 bucks with a GPU from 2013 or so and i get 50fps. that's better than almost all console games this gen and last. an early access game

It's just normalfags buying into it. It's just the shooter equivalent of League just with no waifus. I've seen lots of gameplay and I have no idea why people like this game.

>high end windows pc

>no waifus
it's literally a CGDCT game

You faggots actually play this shit? Kill yourselves.

>3rd shill thread about pubg

What's the draw of this game? It's just battlefield with shitty vehicles. Redpill me on this shit.

If we go by popularity Overwatch has 30million copies sold.
It's way more polished and its subjectively better.

i don't understand the video. i would be doing the same thing


then you're a fucking retard, just hide behind the tree and overheal

I would be in the car

they're also the guy who died here. old Sup Forums would have loved this game

Not like you'd know what "old Sup Forums" was like.

old Sup Forums would have loved this game