Why do Nintendo and their scalpers have to ruin everything?

Why do Nintendo and their scalpers have to ruin everything?

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What came first, the low stock or the high scalp rate?

>All these poorcucks complaining about SNES mini priced at 80$ being to much
Its literally TWO days at a 9 to 5 job

Low stock. That's what made scalpers zero in on Nintendo

>amazon and best buy in the middle of the night
>everyone else sells out in 10 seconds

what a shitshow

they made a snes classic edition?
I was looking a nes one for my niece so her first console would be good for children one

Working a full two days for an emulator...

Did these go on preorder yet? I've had my Best Buy link for weeks now, waiting for it.

What? I subscribed for alerts and never got sent shit

Reminder that brick and mortar Gamestop's are taking pre-orders.

>sold out in 1 minute on every site but last night

they literally only made 10,000 units or some shit

Will you ever get to emulate the starfox 2 that never saw the light of day?
Let alone at perfect emulation?

>two days

You sound like the poor fag, friend. I make about that much in one day on a shitty online job.

If you were a real fan you would have been checking everywhere daily and keeping up with alerts on twitter. Manged to snag two from bestbuy and 1 from Amazon simply because I got an alert from Twitter saying it went up.

Fuck yourself in the ass, Nintendo. Don't be surprised if people boycott you and you fail as a company.

Because that worked so well with the NES classic, you crybaby.

But why can't they just mass-produce it the way Sega does for the Genesis?

so how long until someone makes a repro cart of the snes classic version of starfox 2 for an actual snes?

It seems Gamestop already had their pre-order up around the same time Target did.

The last remaining place is Toys r us.

It's okay user, I bought only 3. Someone in the East coast is gonna pay me nicely.

I would rather pay Game Stop $200 for a shitty bundle.

>Call in Gamestop
>No preorders up yet
>Drive to store to wait
>Sold out before I even get there

I cannot support Nintendo financially anymore. They don't care about their consumers. I don't care about them.

>get alert that Target just put up more preorders
>quickly look


>stay outside Gamestop for a few hours, kill time with puyo puyo
>people on Sup Forums calling me an idiot for pulling that stunt
>first one in, pre-order 1 of 10 they got allocated
>now local Gamestop's are sold out everywhere

At the very least i'm not a scalper

>tfw work at gamestop
Good luck finding one, scrubs.

tfw u preordered 2 month ago

At least I don't work at gamestop

Burn. He got you, bro.

>work at wal-mart
I probably won't try to get another one, though I easily could.

Fair enough.

they are doing in store pre orders, better hurry up before they are gone, each store only gets 10.

it's Reggie who's buying them and scalping them for more that fat monkey

For some reason all Nintendo shit is way easier to get in Europe.

You can find heaps of switches in literally every electronics store.

SNES Mini was the hardest to get my hands on yet, but I still managed to secure 4 preorders for me and my friends.

Is there any legit reason why Nintendo doesn't make more?

Don't even care for this.

Unofficial NES and SNES emulation is lightyears ahead of what Nintendo could give us.

Only the N64 Classic will be worth getting due to how much of a shitshow N64 emulation is.

Yes, easily. Probably within a week of the system's launch.

I already got one, I just wanted another, but I don't want it enough to go outside right now.

>For some reason
It's because Nintendo has never been as popular in Europe as anywhere else.






Take it easy user, it's only video games

it's less than a day of work for me

To make big bucks, brah.

And people want things that are limited edition.

Nobody buys these things to actually PLAY them, it's like amiibos, people don't actually buy them for their unlocks, both are for collection purposes, that's why amiibos outsell the games they work on.

it's not limited edition though. They'll make more...right?

Fucking this

No. They said they're only selling them until the end of the year.

Managed to get one! Pic related.

I make about that much in one day on a shitty online job.
And I make that In 3 hours. But let's not make this a bragging competition.

>>people on Sup Forums calling me an idiot for pulling that stunt
>Waited in line for the privilege of spending $80 on a bad emulator.

Wow, you sure proved them wrong.

>waaaaa why cant i just sit on my ass in a capitalist society and stuff come to me without working for it!!! waaaaaaaa!!!

ThinkGeek has SNES bundles up. Have fun if you want to spend $140 - $250

Where is that one user who says scalping is good for the economy or something? Most deluded poster on Sup Forums.

>low stock
They're hiding all the consoles in a warehouse. They've been caught doing it before.

I didn't say it took me an entire day to make it, friendo. Maybe we have the same job.

>walk into GameStop
>get one
>talk to some businessman also getting one about how excited he is to play mariokart and Lttp again

Cool day

Why didn' t you have all these game already downloaded on your Wii/Wii U or have them physical for several years?

I did it for Star Fox 2. I just love that now everyone is scrambling through crashing websites, shitty bundles, scalpers, and local stores that sold out hours ago and I didn't have to do shit aside from wait with a bottle of water and Puyo Puyo.


Why not? It's cute as fuck and looks nice/nostalgic on shelf. Also it's not like it costs that much or anything. Also seems like a good way to introduce my kid to video games (Well after I've played enough nes with him, and he actually likes playing).

Well fuck may as well get a sd2snes at this point. Why would anyone pay that much for an emulator with limited options

I can't think of a reason that benefits customers. For the most part, the small stock causes people to talk about Nintendo which in turn makes it look like their products are highly sought out to other people. It doesn't matter if the discussion talks good or bad about Nintendo. The publicity does enough on its own. I do think that people shouldn't stress over it since they should be savvy enough to use an emulator at the least to play the games if they are able to camp out preorder pages and publicly complain when they don't get it. I understand people want it for nostalgia and collector reasons and that's all fine and well, but I don't think it's worth the stress it may cause someone.

>I waited in line for hours and spent $80 on a rom that will be dumped within minutes of release.
You just said something even more stupid, mate. At least try to defend yourself with something like "I like plastic toys on my shelf".


>Best Buy didn't notify me
>Amazon didn't notify me
>I have class I can't miss on the day of physical release in Newark so no waiting outside of stores
>I just wanted to play Star Fox and FFVI and have a neat-looking little machine in my room without going full autismal on a Raspberry Pi
Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.
I love how Ninty advertises release for this never-before-released game and will more than likely completely discontinue the Classic and doom SF2 to obscurity again since they killed Virtual Console for Switch.

Not really someone that emulates on PC. My toaster is kinda crap and not conducive to set up on my CRT or HD TV, and I don't really have a good controller for emulation either. Only exception i've ever made was Mother 3.

Also, 80 bucks is hardly anything.


got one at my local gamestop just now. based as fuck living in the middle of nowhere

>I'm not really an intelligent person, thanks.
The amount of money isn't important -- you spent hours and some amount of money on a worse product. Sup Forums has every right to call you retarded. The only possible excuse is for people who want it as a collector's item, but that's another kind of autism.

>My toaster is kinda crap
It's a fucking SNES.

Holy shit, look at yourself.

Getting buttbasted at video games.

that fucking jewry

Have we seen any gameplay on Starfox 2 yet? Because that is the only thing that would make me want to get it at all.

Why does it bother you that people are buying snes classics?

Yeah, I just saw it this morning with the rewind video.

You seem angry.

>Sup Forums called me an idiot, but I showed them.
>But you are an idiot.
>Why are you so mad lol.

Dodging the question I see....

>preordered mine in-person with like 1 other person from a gamestop thats literally hidden inside a Costco

thanks Jose

>if you were a real fan

real fans wouldnt buy three fucking consoles knowing how limited the production is, real selfish asshole maybe

Beautiful commercial


>since they killed Virtual Console for Switch
I doubt it. One thing Nintendo has been consistent on is that they want to sell their old games as stand alone games. The NES Classic and even the SNES Classic don't really undermine this because both are being sold as nostalgia physical items with low supply as PR generating items, rather than a consistent product. The Switch right now comes with a built in NES Emulator, rather than doing the weird VC thing and bundling each ROM with an Emulator. I think Nintendo is going the software route the way they've gone with their free DLC route: stretch out updates that probably could've made it much earlier to continue generating people returning to the product further down the line.

Really what they should do is sell 3DS/Switch cartridges with the NES/SNES Classic games on them, but I doubt they will for the above mentioned reasons. Because then you're selling the actual games, not some plastic nostalgia item that happens to play games. And when they sell them as games they prefer to do it separately and at higher prices.

I just want the official Star Fox 2 release.

> inb4 Uhhh buh buh buh the rom is out there already
The official Nintendo-release rom is absolutely not available anywhere else.

> inb4 The ROM will be hacked out of the system and released

We don't know that. Not by a long shot.

I make that in a week. No I don't, I make that in ten days. I fucking hate England.

Exactly this. Star Fox Zero was a real bummer, and i've always wanted to play Star Fox 2.

I had to pre-order one of gamestops bundles because the 80$ one was gone, so I got the 100$ one that comes with some gay book. Am I going to still turn a profit on that? Do I just put it up on ebay the day it gets shipped to me? Craigslist?

>inb4 The ROM will be hacked out of the system and released
You don't honestly think it's going to be hard to do that, do you?


I do not. But I don't take for granted that it will happen either.

Also if out of nowhere their hardware security is really intense and it takes years before the ROM gets out, I'd rather have an SNES Classic.

Nintendo should start a direct-to-scalper distribution system at this point. Selling through retail is completely pointless.

>be put on waiting list by GameStop to call when preorders available
>Get call as soon as the mall opens
>Drive 10 minutes to the mall
>Out of stock, s-sorry



I hate how places like Gamexplain and IGN get this kind of shit for free weeks in advance and then proceed to say "if you aren't a hardcore Nintendo fan this isn't for you" while everyone else has to fight retailers to get the smallest bit of hope that they can even preorder

The voice needs more 90s

All I heard in regards to VC is that they were going a Netflix-like route where you pay the online subscription to play unlimited VC games, and to me, that seems like a bum deal to pay a yearly service for BING BING WAHOO.
The idea that they should rerelease old games on carts and make bank on that is one I'm all for, most companies essentially do that with HD rereleases anyways. Not having all the bells and whistles of a SNES Classic with it would probably suck, but I'd get over it so long as I can play Star Fox 1&2 and some old platformers at my own leisure on my own little devices without going crazy trying to emulate for max comfy.

Mcfucking kill yourself.

Back! Back to the Past!
Samurai Jack

>ordered 4
>have real life friends at work that want them
>i was able convince 3 of them to buy it for $200 and 1 for $250

Making money feels good

Gonna be honest, you're a shitty friend.

>>i was able convince 3 of them to buy it for $200 and 1 for $250
who are you trying to impress by lying on the internet?