ITT; The "Jar Jar Binks" of their respective franchise

ITT; The "Jar Jar Binks" of their respective franchise.


wouldn't it be Sup Forums tho?
it's the most mentally ill board on this site

Weird, I was pretty sure Tekken 7 was a video game.

b is just a retarded porn board now don't bully them



these two cunts for sure


tekken player here
I don't really have any issue with chloe


I didn't hate jarjar, almost enjoyed him.


>loli, shota, hfur, and trap threads
>not mentally ill
pick one, doofus

You could also say Platinum, but at least she's supposed to be obnoxious, as opposed to this piece of shit who ruins every scene she's in by her pressence.

You know who didn't need a quippy sidekick? Bruce Campbell. Every time Sam opens his mouth, it drags the whole game down.


Speaking of Bamco fighting games and Jar Jars.....


This spiky git.


>Annoying personality?
>Annoying vocal patterns?
>Supposedly major character of a "reboot" of a beloved franchise?
>Creator is a pompus prick with his head up his ass?

on the plus side, if you picked her, or got stuck with her, you dont have to look at an ugly fucking nigger all game

reread the OP, then reread the post to which you replied, and think really hard

Fun fact: Sam Raimi's brother plays Sam and Chet in Ash vs Evil Dead

Chloe can't be Jar Jar status until she's in more than one game. Given how everyone except wannabe griefers and waifools can't stand her, and namco doesn't hate its customers THAT much, she probably won't be long for this franchise

why would anyone save this

also - this fucking pile of trash.

i actually couldn't remember his fucking name.

Only memorable character

Rochelle isn't that bad, but she is dull. Coach is still the GOAT archetype. Francis and Luis are too memey.




I do admit that she's *slightly* less annoying if customized enough to not be wearing her ugly outfit.


what does this even mean.

>i actually couldnt remember his fucking name
>name is in the filename
Thats just my guess for what he meant

lurk more

Why do Tekken fags get triggered around this character? Tekken is full of stupid looking characters and waifubait shit, why is this one any different?

Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums

Sup Forums hasnt been relevant since Party rock anthem


Chloe is actually pretty fun to play as and the people that hate her are a really vocal minority. At worst most people are just indifferent about her. Moreover she is largely an appeal to Harada who is a big fan of Idolmaster.

Any dumb cutesy mascot character in a JRPG.

Because those characters don't try to be annoying as fuck.

That made me a little horny, what are you doing to me?


Like I'd ever be anyone but Nick.


This, really. Lucky Chloe doesn't just look stupid and have an annoying voice, she has a troublemaking womanchild personality

Character that's barely in the story is the Jar Jar Binks?

what was so bad about this character?

Her poetry.

If you don't know already, then you might as well be asking the same about JarJar.

>annoying personality?
>(supposedly) major character of a "reboot" of a """beloved""" franchise?
>creator is a pompus prick with his head up his ass?

It's called "Scrappy", you fucking underage

Who wear it better?

>Main Rucky Chroe
>Never skip the cringy intro just to piss of my opponent

Came here to post this. I'd also say Makoto but people like her for some reason.

Don't talk shit about Jack Frost!

Did you mean to post Nadine, or are you just an Elenafag?

hey fuck you too dude



I want to do this to all the edgelords with skullmask, full flames etc.

but le funny memes!


Fuck off, Marie was great. stupidbakanonihateyou

Persona 4 as a whole is the Jar Jar Binks of the Megami Tensei franchise though.


Please tell me there's an option to turn him off

But everyone likes them. Shouldn't Jar Jar type characters be hated?

Hank Venture never looked so good.

I think Jar Jar is the natural evolution of Scrappy, and I'm an oldfag.

Haha, no. But to be fair he's way, way less annoying in the game than the anime.

Chloe's great though. Fun moveset, unique design. Only western cuckboys hate her because they can't handle cute girls.

Most of the older DOA fans hate them for "ruining" the series. To hell with them, I love Honoka and Marie alright as well.