Where were you when PS4 officially surpassed the 3DS?

Where were you when PS4 officially surpassed the 3DS?

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I dunno. Why would you compare a console to a handheld though?

70 million already huh?


I want to know what the fuck people are doing with the useless machines. You can only play bloodborne so much.

Iunno, Nintendo fans always have.

The 3DS is nearing the end of its lifespan and is going to be made completely irrelevant once Pokemon hits Switch, so I'm not terribly surprised.

I'd buy a woodgrain PS4

Why do you care about sales figures? Really? Think about it.

They might be able to get to PS3s ~80M sales in 12 years in only 4 years of PS4.

It out sold it long ago considering it's double the price of a 3DS

Ps4 released November 2013

3ds released march 2011

28 month head start vanished.



You sound salty. I got alot of fun exclusives.

What's the source?

such a funny meme!

Pcgaming mag. Right in the image there

>10 million in 3 months
fuck off retard

>faggots attack me in the other thread for bragging about graphics
>when sonygroes and nintodlers literally jerk themselves over fucking sales, something that doesn't benefit them at all

my ass

It's shooped bait.

Do you shitposters even try anymore?

Got you to reply didnt i?

This really validates my PS4 netflix machine... based sony...

Because that handheld survived multiple generations and was the most steady source of income for Nintendo during the Wii-U days.

That's a Switch user, not a 3DS

Dumb wojakposter

If people were to tell me about an skin like that I would have told them to fuck off, but it actually looks quite nice


>graphic whore
Nah, it's just you're really shitty being and flaunting it.


There wont even be a ps5. Sony is doomed

>Page not found

There wouldn't have been 70.4 million units sold if there's only Bloodborne on PS4. Just buy one. It's cheap now and you get to play a lot of great games.

It's literally the best console this gen.

Just wondering if you would at lease put effort into your shitposts.
It use to be considered an art form


Dont need to. Obviously.

>It's shooped bait.
That's what I figured, but given the date of that announcement they will be breaking 70 million units sometime in the near future.

here's the real one

Nigger, typically the more a console sells, the more the company behind it tries to milk its fanbase and pull anti-consumer bullshit. You are literally bragging about being abused.

Check your internet connection user.


>pretending to be retarded is enough for me
Not really surprising.

>hes still going


Persona, bloodborne and what else exactly?

People dont care about exclusives
also Yakuza

Because when a handheld surpasses a home console it's sad on behalf of the home console, when it's the other way around it's to be expected, you retard.

yakuza 0, uncharted, HZD


Playing video games on a cheap platform instead of buying a fucking PC and getting fucked every 2 years?

Here's another (you) to quench your thirst.
It's ok, eventually you get bored of pretending and it becomes your true nature.

Is 500GB enough storage, looking to buy a ps4 slim, don't know if I should drop the extra cash and get the pro

Holy shit

>bait thread with obviously shooped image
>Nintendo fans still take the bait and get upset

You people are laughably stupid.

>its sad

Did you read that retarded bullshit in some PCMR 'education' pamphlet?
Care to tell about he abuse that happened when PS2 hit 150M+?
I guess it's time to pull out some extremely rare frogs to weasel out of this one.

Every single thread...

PS4: 70 million
Xbone: 22 million
WiiU+Switch: 18 million

Sony always wins baby.

That wood decal looks nice tbqh

The PS4 selling better than the PS3 should just depress Sony fans if anything.

Retard read this Ninten drones truly are a dumb delusional species

They make 1TB Slims too.
All PS4 games force install on the hard drive so it'll fill up faster than you'd think, even if you're physical only. I think 500GB is enough though, especially if you get a good deal on the Uncharted bundle.

If you can hold out until Black Friday then wait. During prime day the 500GB Slim bundle hit $220 so it'll probably get that low or lower then.

>PS4 tripling the Xbone in sales

You're the one posting a fake image Op

That's it huh? I guess people have really embraced PC gaming.

how can there be a head start at all if the 3DS is dead now?

>You can only play bloodborne so much.
thats an odd way of spelling yakuza 0

really, too bad I'm not american

>buying a fucking PC and getting fucked every 2 years
user are you retarded by any chance?

A PC lasts you just as much as a console if you're not stupid with the settings.
Obviously if you play on high today, you'll play on medium two years from now but the graphic quality will still be the same, allowed by your rig's power, and still vastly superior to any console.

Getting fucked on day one sure is better huh, enjoying those 30 frames a second?

Do you really believe that your computer will stop being able to play games after 2 years? Or that PC hardware gets outdated so quickly that consoles age 2-3x better than a PC gpu? How tech illiterate are you?

That wood decal actually looks kinda nice.

You mean aside from PS2 being hilariously weak and having the worst version of every game? Or all the accessories that you had to buy like a network adapter, controller expansion, etc?

Remember all those "THERE WILL NEVER BE A PS4" shitpost threads from 2009 to 2012?
That was great.



PS4 has the best graphics/ best 3rd party support/ best exclusives/ best sales.
It's no brainer why people choose ps4 over irrelevant pc and outdated xbox.

Don't forget people saying that p5 is going to be wiiu exclusive.


Wii U and Xbox fucked up
Wii U had piss poor marketing
Xbox One had horrible PR
The PS4 didn't earn the victory
Its competition just failed so fast early on

Handhelds have been consumed by mobile, the only reason the 3DS still managed as well as it has is because the entire jp PSP market basically snubbed the vita and shifted over to 3DS, allowing it to eat the leftovers from PSP's market. Now, even that's petering out as more and more shift to either mobile or console/PC.

Judging by the sales numbers, GTA, FIFA and CoD. Pretty pathetic but hey, it's a normalfag machine.



This. Its almost guarantied Sony will drop the ball with the PS5 as they never seem to learn.

Funny that back then when grannies were buying Wiis literally just for Wii Sports and DSs for Brain Age nobody thought this was an issue

Except sony nigros, the same people happy about the PS4 sales numbers.

>Sup Forums 2013
>Sony has sold 60.4 million PS4s

And for all you retards wondering what people are doing with these consoles, it's normies playing multiplats because they do not game on PC. What the fuck do you think? Stupid dipshits.

Keep telling yourself that

You don't.

Funny enough, it aint jav.
Its an american gundam game where char is a fat white guy, they fight in zacks and they hail to the principality of john.

Who cares about sales?

Games are what matters and the Wii U and Switch already have massive library of games compared to how garbage the PS4's library is.

Nothing they said was wrong.

Sup Forums is this sheltered that they actually believe everyone plays video games on a highend PC like they do

Can confirm. I am normie scum and I play mostly multi plats on PS4. I also unironically think Horizon was one of the best games of the year.

Hate all you want, don't care. I have a good time. All I play on 3DS is mainline nintendo titles, and even then only when at home taking a shit or between fapping sessions on a day off when I have no one to hang out with.

nigga I've seen that game and this isn't that

>We did it guys! We successfully became the lowest common denominator!


Half of the Switch library is PS4/PC late ports


>literally salty that a number on a screen threatens the validation of his mon PS4 purchase that he has to use Netflix a app that exists on literall smart tvs, phones and toasters now

>$599 is probably too cheap

>Explain to Sup Forums why a product is successful
>They assume you're a Son(ygger)

bing-bing wahoo!!

>splatoon 2
thats the only good games on the switch thats not a port or trash.
2 games.