
6 days

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this game is gonna be just as DoA as lawbreakers

>a game with a singleplayer component will be DoA
Who gives a fuck you memespouting fag

the singleplayer component is essentially playing against bots. It's a multiplayer focused game, don't get it twisted.

So for honor isn't dead and is still worth buying because it has a campaign, then?

A quality comparison by a quality shitposter, your next move is to say "the meta will be shit too"

No, its an actual world with exploration and leveling up involved

Sounds in the game are awful tho. Its like someone is kicking footballs at the goal repeatedly.

did anyone catch the devolver digital stream today on twitch? they did a boss and some 1v1.

Aren't they just wooden figures running around and slapping each other though?

What game is this?

They've been streaming absolver for forever now, plenty of vods if you want more intel

Fair point. But better ambient music wouldnt hurt, especially during the fights.

>watch this, I am going to call the widely regarded positive as shit
>did I do good mother, am I a Sup Forums troll now

There will never be a 3D game with good combat compared to fighting games from almost 20 years ago. For Honor, DMC, Bayo, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Nioh, M&B, Chivalry, MGR, etc... they're just absolutely garbage.

indie version of for honor DOA

I'm just hoping the dev support will be good and bring the game to its full potential.

realtalk im going to shill the fuck out of this game if it turns out good


You gotta try being a bit more subtle

there's hours of footage out there already, you should be able to tell if it's good

I'm not trolling. I played every game I mentioned there quite a bit, and they're literally garbage compared to a fighting game.

A lot of stuff can't be gauged until real server stress and a bunch of retarded humans are applied

The core mechanics seem great, but how will they be handled in the hands of your average shmuck? What playstyles will people tend towards?

not really

for honor looked pretty good but then it turned out the playtesting was done by shitters so the fighting mechanics were goddamn terrible at high level play

this game looks very good to me, but i know not to get my hopes up in 2017

If you look at reviews on steam, it clearly takes a lot of people hundreds of hours of play time to decide they don't like a game.

>Absolver right around the corner
>Ruiner just got a release date

Devolver can't be stopped.

Game runs on P2P, no servers.

I played it at GDC, it was neat

P2P means nothing, it can be handled poorly or well. Only on Sup Forums do you have people throwing around P2P as a characteristic of its own.

I really want this game to be good. Why is everyone saying its doa? you dont want to bop niggas with you bo staff? what are you gay?

>What playstyles will people tend towards?
The one that wins

Give it a week, a bunch of autists will test everything to death and will find the best and most optimal moves/strategies, which then are posted somewhere as "builds" and copied by people with no imagination or desire to experiment

Its the post TORtanic era of Sup Forums, every game is DOA now ignore the shitflinging autismos

im not a shitposter but expect the meta to be shit t- NANI???

Hopefully well, they claim its very stable for now, as it only supports 3 players per instance.

Thing is this game's fights are all based around predictability. To look up movelists and deny yourself the element of surprise is simply shooting yourself in the foot

and then i'll do what i usually do in games that allow customization, which is use some weird homebrew build that is technically inferior than the flavor of the month build, but is never played so almost no one knows how to play against it, giving me ez victories

Devs said the world would take 30 minutes to run through if you knew the way.

I think there is a 3v3 gamemode which is where the netcode will be actually tested. The beta seemed to indicate that it's decent but who knows how release will look like.

>can't make your character a loli

What's the point

Windfall -> Stagger
Any other plebs need not reply

Have they given a number as to how many items there are? Like clothing and weapons, I mean.

This is what decides whether I buy the game or not, I want to make a badass looking mofo.

That's the case for most games if you ignore the enemies you cum guzzling slut.
>wow wtf dark souls only takes an hour if I just sprint past the game who made this

I think they have a customization video that gives a number of total combinations, using math you can probably deduce the amount of items for each slot.

I'd love to see you run through the entirety of Dark Souls in an hour.

I think 3v3 and 2v2 is Arena mode, but yea, it will be tested. There was a talk about 4 player instances for open world but probably in the future if the games proves its stable.

It's not the game's fault, it's just what happens with any competitive multiplayer game, but everyone know all too well that you'll be seeing the exact same shit all over once people figure it out



not that user though, i honestly don't give a shit how big the world is as long as the game is fun and works

>any% is running through the entire map
You're incredibly dumb.

The moment people figure it out it stops working is the point. There will probably be like a best 30 moves, but if you combo whole strings you will simply eat shit since you become infinitely more avoidable.

>running through the world implies running through the whole map

i know senpai, i've played enough shitty assfaggots, brawlers and MMORPGs in my life to know that most people just pick the easiest way to win. it's a lot of fun to beat those people

i played blade & soul pvp while underleveled and still managed to reach the top 100 or so of my class in the entire EU region or something. at the time, blademaster was considered the shitty joke class too, so i was playing at a massive handicap against people just grinding out easy wins with summoners and stuff

They said you can run through the whole map so I think it's safe to assume they mean the whole map

But that's not what you said is it

their tiny hurtbox would make them OP

Is the entirety of the map not the whole map?

So which starting fighting style are we going with?
Forsaken: parry
Kahlt: abosrb
Windfall: Dodge

I'm not sure if I want forsaken or windfall, but I feel as if everyone is gonna go windfall

forsaken and windfall seem to effectively do the same thing but windfall has the slight mobility and it's tougher because 4 directions to dodge instead of 2 for parry

rex kwon do


they really are going strength to strength huh. they should probably stop milking serious sam though

just like dark souls then

Absorb sounds like it's the best bet if I'm going to be playing it from the far end of the world. God I hope this shit is playable from here.

supposedly absorb was shitty in the beta

>on-rails, auto lock-on, low tickrate console port 3D fighting game with noticeable delay and net rollbacks
Who gives a shit, it will have marginally better netcode than dark souls 3 but none of the charm or variety that game offers, while still having P2P only.

Rock of Ages 2 is also coming out in 6 days, your money will be much better spent on a game that's actually fun

they put in drunken master style which looks amazing


where's my fucking hung gar fighting style tho? i want to go hung gar bearmode

maybe in the future, or the dlc, or the sequel i guess.

>but none of the charm or variety that game offers
simple duelling, 100% honorable, no ranged, sounds like a great game IMO. all the different moves and customisation options seem to offer plenty of variety. and the bionicle masks are charming.


I want the creepy multi eye mask.
But mask just make me think of blade symphony which was a great game while it was alive. Shame devs didn't support it more

The beta was fucking terrible so I have no hope for this game.

I hope it works out for you bud, but I don't have high hopes seeing how the community at large as been enabling devs to get away with unforgivably bad P2P netcode over the last decade. Think marginally better than dark souls 3, but the same anti-consumer cheapskate technology that consolefags think is normal. I'll be having fun rolling boulders into castles while spamming moonbase alpha text to speech in roa2, should you change your mind.

Rock of ages 1 was meh and 2 doesn't look much better dude.

thanks for your input user it really opens up a floor for discussion

Why not say how it was terrible? You're not just shitposting, right user?

>have a mask fetish
>this game
muh dick

>tfw anons fetish is not seeing the face of the girl he's fucking

Bullshit, the devs are obviously fags.

Looks boring as hell.

so whats the primary platform for this game?

seems like pc is beta testing, but ps4 is main platform and will have more players and no hackers/ griefers

just spent the last hour watching Northernlion stream his press copy, all combat was just mash X, bosses were "Mash X until mobs spawn, lifedrain them, resume mashing X".

In terms of style the game looks great but the combat isn't actually as deep as people seem to be claiming unfortunately, he was beating well known esports streamers just with X spam.

what's the difference between this and for honor?


uh youre an idiot
they have super complex combat system, stop pretending youve experienced a game because you watched some twitch faggot stream for 30 minutes

ps4 will probably have more players but

>paying for multiplayer


Wow, great comeback dickrag, you sure showed me.

>well known esports streamers

there are also other factors liek optimization, future content/ dlc, and stuff

For Honour is primarily a matchmade team battlegrounds lobby simulator, this is primarily a solo getting good journey.

Bull fucking shit, roa1 can be called many things but "meh" just isn't one of them, it had too much in the bells and whistles department even if you didn't like it. The absolver on the other hand will not be spared that label if it continues not to surprise us with anything.

Oh please, it's no chivalry or mount&blade, it's on-rails as fuck. Has more in common with tekken than any game with actual control freedom.

oh you're one of those
>it's better because I can swing at my opponent from 359 retarded angles and 1 logical one

are you gonna shill me mordhau next

you sound like a pathetic shitter

>Judging the game after watching a guy spam attacks and win
I do the same thing in Street Fighter and BlaZblue, guess they are shit now

Explain how a pvp multiplayer game is on-rails.

this game is full of mask porn, yeeees

they're french. they would add them if they could.

Wait are you implying streamers aren't the best players at every game and can't accurately show it off?

ill be playing whatever looks like the most fun. im not a metafag and if the game is good, any of the schools will be viable if your good enough

who "khalt and entirely boxing moves" here

only way to play

The defense force really needs to calm down or fuck off. You're on Sup Forums and you're rabidly defending a game that isn't even out yet against people who will say literally anything is shit. What is wrong with you?

Who "windwalk and entirely drunken fist moves" here
Also I'll be roleplaying by being drunk at all times

>le internet hate machine

fuck off

>super hyped awesome tier game
>nigger trying to be a shitter