What is the best silent hill

What is the best silent hill

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the first three are all masterpieces, but my personal favorite is 3

The first three.


1 and 3 taken together are one of the best gaming experiences of all time, so really, hit up 1-4, then check out Shattered Memories, and then if you NEEEEEED more, Book of Memories is a neat SH art museum on top of a decent Diablo clone.
Origins is an okay game, but is ultimately forgettable.
Homecoming is irredeemable, but has a few good boss fights.

Oh, and Downpour was a step in the right direction, a spiritual sequel to 2, but again, ultimately forgettable. Best of the series outside of the numbered entries.


>4 over 1
>Shattered Memories over 1
what the fuck man, downpour is even worse than homecoming


People love to shit on 4 but it's still a hell of a lot better than anything that came out recently. Play all 4 games.
My all time favorite is 2 tho.

Downpour "got it" and for that, it is better than Homecoming by leaps and bounds. It is deeply flawed, but no more so than the original game. If Konami had given Vatra better funding and more time, it would be the comeback of the series.

I respect any man who says it's between 1 and 4

mine is 2

>Downpour "got it"
elaborate on this for me, cause when I played downpour it was a buggy, unfun mess of a game that lacked any of the qualities that once endeared me to the franchise

It has a new style theme and setting, which was the rule with SH 1-4, but all the post 4 games took the other world and themes of 1/the movie.
It has all original enemies, specific to the MC
It has branching story paths and endings, returning from SH1
It has side quests, which are a much needed improvement
It has a twist ending that isn't related to the cult.
The cult exists, but isn't important to the story.

Bingo. That's the recipe for a good SH. Too bad it is buggy and rushed, just as you said.

4's pretty damn great faggot, better than 1 and 2 in my opinion

>first 3

This will ALWAYS be the opinion of fucking plebs. The Room is a fucking masterpiece you elitist cunts. I doubt you fags even played it. You probably think FF7 is the best final fantasy game and hated LOST after the first two seasons. Fuck you

1-4 are all fairly solid games that each bring something different to the table so I can understand why people are divided between them. The only post-4 game I really got interested in was Shattered Memories but it was more interesting in theory than in practice.

>It has all original enemies, specific to the MC
yes but the enemy designs are bland as hell
>It has side quests, which are a much needed improvement
absolutely not
also it lacks akira yamaoka's soundtrack, which immediately removes a vital element of silent hill's atmosphere

the first half of the room is great, but the second half is inexcusable

The sound track and audio design point is correct. Yamaoka was sorely missed in DP. However, I will defend the side quests to my death bed.
Downpour was only bad because of Konami rushing Vatra. It has good bones and a solid foundation. That's my stance.


3 then cöosely followed by 2.

Death stranding


I want to suck Heather Mason's dick!


> "4 > 3"


these are the facts

As much as I adore Yamaoka's work on even the later games which I don't care for, I didn't mind them actually making a change. It's just a shame that DP's music wasn't so good.
I liked the general sound design, nothing to write home about, but it was ok.

The idea of getting locked up in the room like that was great.

I can agree that 3 played better (lel backtracking Benny Hill) and that 4 had rather tangetial relation to Silent Hill as it was not Henry's fault in any way that the shit hit the fan. Still the survival horror genre was never know for the smooth gameplay so I put more value on presentation.

>1 worse than DP
nice bait

you are a very polite pleb, kudos

Obviously 3 because best girl

as a Silent Hill game

as a game

i find 3 lacking the psychological terror of 2,1 and 4 which is what matters more to me, but 4 combat was fucking infuriating.

1>2>3>4>everything else
You literally can't argue against this

So how do you play Silent Hill 2? All the guides tell you to get the EU Directors Cut which costs a fortune, and the one with the widescreen fix on piratebay has no fog in it

Anyone got any tips?

Lads I'm gonna be playing the first SH for the first time this week. I've been looking forward to playing this for two years, since I played through 2 and 3 two years ago.

>1 the best game of the series that fucking low

Get a PS2, original Xbox, or PC. Play the game.

You posted it already, so the copypasta guy most likely won't post it.
Look for a Sup Forums archive, go to an older SH thread, and find the copypasta guy, he posts links for SH1-4

Gotta give it to SH2.

Followed by Shattered Memories.

wrong thread buddy

3 > 1 > 2. 2's that low solely because it showers you with supplies.

The voice acting has aged like milk, the solution to get the best ending feels painfully obscure on the first playthrough, and the characters look like poorly constructed legos.

But the atmosphere still holds up. Holds up strong.

>it showers you with supplies.
all of the games do this though, the "survival" aspect of silent hill is often greatly exaggerated when most of the series' horror comes from its atmosphere. it's not resident evil.

>playing sh1 and wanna get into the series
>first monster
>getting scared as hell and got to take breaks every few minutes

how do you guys do it?

not being a pussy

Lost became shit when they brought supernatural elements and the shit characters from tail of the plane
Jack was boring
Sayid arc wasen't handled properly
Jun and his wife both die together and forget about their baby
Kate behaves nothing like the way she did in her flashbacks, it felt like I was looking at two different characters
Sawyer was alright I guess

You'll get used to it. I actually find 1 the most unsettling and stressful to play given how uncanny everything is, and the really clunky controls.

>when they brought supernatural elements

So the pilot?

I know the SH and RE games like the back of my hands. SH3 and REmake are the only games that come close to having meaningful resource management.

I've only played 2 and 3 after my roommate pestered me to, as someone who hates horror I had a good time.
Overall I liked 2's more contained story and James 'redemption' with the ending I got but I really like Heather and how much of a dweeby kinda-fuckup she was. Having skipped 1, 3 just didn't have the same impact that it probably deserved. Both games still look so much fucking better than you would assume given their age.

Then we watched the movies and holy shit I am so sorry for people who really care because god damn were they awful

Just need to keep throwing yourself at it. It took me forever to get anywhere in SH2 when I first played it simply because I was afraid to keep moving forward and find out what was making weird noises.

But you start to get used to it after a while. I kind of miss when I wasn't so desensitized to horror games actually.

2 > 1 > 3 > 4
you can ignore the rest since they're either more of the same, or different but trash.

SH3 has barely any though, RE2 is more dire.
Plus Silent Hill games tend to have incredibly useful melee weapons so you can basically just save all of your ammo for boss fights.

>Having skipped 1, 3 just didn't have the same impact that it probably deserved
I'm playing 3 right now and never played 1, is it really that important?
No spoiler pls

I didn't like the first movie when I first saw it, but after seeing Silent Hill Revelations I look back on it with rose tinted glasses.

The first movie at least tried to nail a bit of the melancholy atmosphere but the second one was off the mark to the point of it being hilarious. Mannequin spider was kind of a fun design though.

SH3 has a lot of difficult to dodge enemies thrown at you in large quantities and bosses meant to waste your ammo and health. RE2 throws lots of easily dodgable enemies at you and its bosses are more forgiving while giving you ample supplies to take them out. Also going full melee on SH3 will drain your health considerably until you get good with blocking.

This is coming from someone that only plays these games on the hardest available difficulty so my view might be skewed since RE2 doesn't have a hard mode.

SH3 is a direct sequel so having played the first game does add a lot of context to the game

Silent Hill 1 is the best game and SH3 is a direct sequel to it.
It is easy to emulate, and is $5 on PSN for PS3, PSP, and PS Vita.
You have literally no excuse

There are callbacks and little touches that are nice, like the notepad that Harry used to save being scattered around in the town and stuff like that, but other than the big thing before you skip town nothing major imo. I guess its like finding Red at the end of Gold/Silver? Like its cool if you get why its there but without the full context its just kind of 'eh.
Be sure to find the hair dryer in the sewers unlike my dumbass

the girl from 3 is just too much charismatic for that kind of atmosphere

1 was okay in that it at least tried to have an internally coherent mythos. I still can't get over the fact that Alessa and Rose just straight up made a deal with the actual Devil. The PH cameo was just fucking egregious and the most 'us gamers' shit I've ever seen.

Revelations though, boy howdy. What a fucking joke. Was the cult trapped in the other world or in the town? Why were they trapped in the other world? Were they trapped there when Allessa killed everyone in 1? Are they another different cult? Why do they have mask and suits to explore if they can never leave? How does Jon Snow know about cells and facebook and indian burial grounds he grew up in not-hell with cult? WHY THE FUCK WAS PYRAMID HEAD HEATHER'S 'GUARDIAN' I could go on but I'm getting a headache thinking about it.

I did like the spider, that seemed like something that could actually exist in one of the games, if only for for blatantly fetishy it was when the girl was turned.

>the girl from 3
Her name is Heather user

Unironically a tie between 4 and Shattered Memories

So what triggers him pulling you away? Is it once per session or only in certain locations?

no it's not

It only occurs in a few otherworlds and I'm pretty sure whether or not you see it is random.

I only got it once on my recent playthrough, quite early.
Wiki said it has a random chance to happen when you die, and that's it's an allegory for circumcision (taking away heather=god=holy foreskin)


Is that supposed to be Mr. Rogers?

what a slut

>that's it's an allegory for circumcision

yes that one, I always forget her name

bunch of virgins talking shit about muh game series >:I

>He doesn't know Silent Hill has a lot of symbolism against male genital mutilation
Oh you innocent child

The only bit I remember really liking about the Silent Hill movies was the ending of the first film.

It was something new that fit in with the film's take on the nightmarish divide between the two worlds. And the somber musical tone and almost completely silent delivery of it surprisingly hit an emotional note for me.


I have no idea if they ever gave an actual explanation for why it ended like that though.

is this some nerd faggot trying to justify his inability to put his dick inside a vagina?

They didn't give any explanation

The movie has been butchered by the producers. It was quite pretty albeit a bit awkward but there were a lot of scenes added that just ruined the pacing further.
Like all the scenes with Boromir which were pointless

Tch tch tch user, don't try to defend this murderous practice.

Death Stranding


3 or 2, either answer is okay with me.

>These crawling cunts in narrow corridors in SH3
I fucking hate these cunts

Ned Stark's search for needless town lore aside, I think Silent Hill was always going to be a pain to adapt, because so much of it was just wandering around lonely foggy streets. Which didn't have the same impact when you weren't the one controlling the character who's lost and alone.

I'll give the first movie points for trying with the solid visuals, monster design, and game music though. Pyramid Head fanservice notwithstanding.

Beef jerky does wonders there.

1 is the best, 2 is real good, 3 is meh but people jizz over the junkie looking girl and give the game a pass because of that, 4 was so shit that I never played another Silent Hill game after that. I've heard the newer games are even worse than 4.

SH3 gives you a katana and a sub-machine gun. And I still think the enemies are more grating to get through than any of the original three games.

I think 4 and Origins were the hardest for me to finish.

Homecoming was more structurally sound, but less inspired. More of a clunky action horror than general Silent Hill. Some good boss designs though.

I even liked some of the story ideas before they started going for a watered down version of SH2's ending near the climax.

1 really needed to focus on either Rose or Harry, splitting between the two cut down on time you could have spent building dread or anticipation.
If nothing else that pseudo-puzzle elements were about as realistic as could be done for a movie.
There were some really good visuals, the cop looking at the ridge and multiple dudes coming into view and the bit with the pristine nurse in Allessas fucked up burn ward were really good, there should have been more build up and subtle shit like that in the background to keep you on your toes

The thing is, Silent Hill only works as a video game with its "follow the bread crumbs". It's good gameplay by exploration but makes for poor drama.
There's no reason for a real person to actually enter every room in an abandoned school to find a lead on where to go next. That's pure video game logic that just seems stupid in a movie. It needed to take more liberty with the story and not try to force fan service like this.
That's easier said than done however. Everyone wants to see the school, the church, the empty streets with the giant chasm, the dark alleys etc... but it's hard to justify as much variety in a 90 minutes movie than in a several hour game
It is indeed gorgeous. Gosh how I love the lighting, and how dark some scenes are.

Yeah, I feel like it's something that would have worked better as a quick mini-series as opposed to a full length continuous film.

I love SH2 for being good as a standalone game story-wise, as well as having the best story all together.

I want to suck Heather's penis!


*blocks your path*

>Downpout "got it"