Oil Ocean can go fuck itself

Oil Ocean can go fuck itself.

i hope this game gets a bug fix patch.
like even in that fight you can instantly die if you're around the platforms while they raise up.

Why do people have such a problem with this boss? It's not too much harder than any of the others, not even as Knuckles.

lack of patience mostly

I died 2-3 times on my first encounter, but have literally not even died a single time since (done about 4 more replays). If you can keep your flame shield up until to this point the whole thing is a joke.

and of course super forms are going to trivialize it, and I typically get all the emeralds at press garden at the latest now

>Difficult to recover rings on
>Projectiles are tiny and blend in easily
>Fall right throuch the ocean some times
Its easy once you realize these factors or you have a fire shield but its certainly way less forgiving than the other bosses.

Well I liked it

>this fight with knuckles

Thank fucking god. People that play the game as they should, playing just as Sonic, get fucked so hard on that final boss for this zone.
inb4 meh meh this wasn't hard for me.

The ground disappears so you need to jump toward it both to attack and not sink in the oil. The air is filled with random bullets so jumping is almost guaranteed to get you hit. It's difficult to recover rings when you have to be jumping constantly and there's a giant octopus blocking half the boss arena. First encounters with this boss involve a lot of trial and error figuring out how to hit the tentacles without losing all your rings.

>Both bosses were easy
>Act 2 is cool
>Fire shield shenanigans are badass
>Level wasn't even a bad level back in Sonic 2, S2 had much worse levels
>The music is awesome
I don't understand Oil Ocean haters. Is it just a case of the gitguds?

With all the hype surrounding it, I was really surprised with how much this game frustrated me. I've beaten it once, on my second playthrough now, but there are so many instances where I realize my frustration is overtaking my enjoyment and I just stop. Underwater sections are torture, the plane riding level's controls are awful, oil ocean and lava reef were slogs to get through. I'm constantly jumping or rolling when i try to spin dash because I haven't come to a complete stop because the controls are so momentum based. I get hurt a lot because I try to land on enemies when I'm launched up, but I have to be in a ball to hurt them. I either go fast like the levels are built for me to do and go crazy because I know I'm missing secrets, or try to find secrets and run out of time because of it. Do I just not understand sonic?

>Do I just not understand sonic?
Sounds like it.

How can I, then? I want to enjoy this game more than I am.

The game plays exactly like the classic Sonic titles. You never played those before then?

No, this is my introduction to classic sonic. I loved the adventure games and heroes as a kid but I now recognize they're pretty shit.

>can randomly die if you're on the right edge of the screen when the platform falls.
Once I moved to the center platform I had no problems with it.

just keep playing and try to learn from your mistakes

If you get to the point where you've beaten the game as Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles and are still getting hung up on the same shit as when you started I really don't know what to tell you

I don't know man. IMO Sonic Mania is the easiest classic styled game. It's probably because there are rings every where and there's a lot of Mario design choices where they leave rings as hints of where to go or possible secrets. That's how I found half the emeralds.

Also Sonic is very replay dependent. You should be finding levels easier and faster each time you replay the level. I'm blazing through Studiopolis in 2 minutes time only because I love the level and I keep replaying it. This is on you man. Are you having fun? If you're not, don't force it because it may not be for you.

>Underwater sections are torture
Not as bad as they used to be since Tails can't steal your air bubble anymore, but yes they suck. There's usually alternate routes that avoid the water though

>I'm constantly jumping or rolling when i try to spin dash because I haven't come to a complete stop
That's what the drop dash was made for

>I try to land on enemies when I'm launched up, but I have to be in a ball to hurt them
If you press down on a slope you go go faster, and get launched by ramps already in a ball. If you're talking about springs they're meant to be avoided when flying enemies are present

This. I did die to him twice, but I never had any issues with him otherwise. He was pretty much like a souped up version of the Sonic 2 version.

>Get hit
>Rings spit over to the other side of the boss
>Can't jump over the boss to collect them
Pissed me the fuck off, other than that this boss wasn't too bad. If you sat on the platform and charged up your spindash you could zoom into the squid and bounce straight back onto the platform no harm. Took me 3 tries.

You'll get the hang of the momentum eventually. I used to play the Genesis Sonic games religiously when I was a kid, and it took some getting used to. Sonic feels heavier than Mario and a much higher top speed so you're going to run into shit if you aren't super alert.

Try to avoid using the spin dash unless you are at a complete stop. Running gives you a lower stop speed but you don't start slowing down as you roll. If an enemy comes up, quickly crouch and you can keep going. The spin dash is better for if you have come to a complete stop and need to go uphill and shit like that.

You'll get the hang of it. Just like Mario games place hazards to punish a player who is trying to rush the level, Sonic games feature hazards that punish impatience as well. You will keep your momentum and end up having higher speed overall if you face hazards calmly and don't twitch jump into spikes or something.

you must be retarded. you can just kill all tentacles one by one and bruteforce the head

If you are having trouble play as tails he's the game easy mode you can swim and fly across the level

It's even easier than Sonic 2 Oil Ocean boss. His hitbox is huge, and he stays ages out of the oil.

>Underwater sections are torture
They didn't make them any harder. You don't even have to deal with them in chem plant 2.

>the plane riding level's controls are awful
They're not really, you just need to get the hang of them, it's the same as Sonic 2. You just have to remember that you control Sonic and the plane at the same time. It's not very complicated.

>beat it on my first try

>tfw you get to the boss with a shield and are completely immune to his projectiles

>Being this bad at Sonic Mania

Nigger I only died twice to this faglord.
git gid.

Does Sup Forums only have so much hate for games because we are terrible at them? This game is not difficult

I love Oil Ocean for the simple fact that it makes everyone rage so much. It's amusing and I'm glad Christian Whitehead included it.

Some of you clowns got 6+ game overs. How did you even manage to pass the first zone?