Never played quake, where should I start?

never played quake, where should I start?

Okay listen carefully because if you don't play it in this exact order you will fuck up the entire experience for yourself and be unable to enjoy the game.

Start with Quake 3 Arena, then play Quake: Dissolution of Eternity, then Quake Wars, then Quake 2: The Reckoning then Quake 1, then Quake 4 then Quake 2 then Quake: Scourge of Armagon then Quake 3 then Quake 2: Ground Zero then Quake: Dimensions of the Past.

Never play Arcane Dimensions.

what too much to pay for a quake bundle? i feel like $6 is appropriate

don't listen to the underage here

start with quake 1/2, quake 3 has no singleplayer campaign, and as a multiplayer game its garbage and pales in comparison to quakeworld or quake 2 multiplayer

first game

q3 is multiplayer only and dead
start with qw + extras then q2
q4 is shit




Retards. OP asked a dumbfuck question in the first place so I gave him a dumbfuck answer.

Release order is the only true answer.

1 is the only one worth playing
everything else has shit single-player and dead MP

>I-I was only pretending to be retarded!

every time

you should start by pulling the trigger

Every quake is good, the only one that is particularly different is quake 4, I think it's a good game but it's not a good "quake", it's slower than the others and is more similar to doom 3.

Also in case you don't know quake 3 is multiplayer only, it's the only one with no campaign.

If you play quake 1 and really like it you can downloade quake injector, it's an easy to use tool that will allow you to play over 900 custom singleplayer maps that are very well designed especially if you download the high rated maps

Urban Terror

The first one, it's still the best SP one.

Then Quake II, different setting, less interesting but still solid gameplay and a fun game.

Then Quake IV, it's not shit, it's the Quake equivalent of Doom3 and it's overall a better game, less slow, less clunky.

I don't remember which missions packs are really worth it but there's 2 for Q1 and for Q2 and I think only one of the Q2 ones is bad.

Q3 SP will only be deathmatchs against bots but it can be fun, I suggest you to try it. Those bots are great to play against.

Is Quake 3 the game with the super intelligent AI that can make tactics against you?

quake only good for multiplayer
and the multiplayer is dead already, wait for quake champions

>wait for quake champions

Why would you wait for something that is already out?

That post was creepypasta bullshit, all bots are retarded

Quake Champions for multiplayer
Quake 1 for single player
dont listen to q3 fags its just a dead veterans game they wont let you play with them anyways

I pity you for the fact you believed my post was sincere and not a joke at OP's expense.

Well they were pretty advanced for the time and they all have some kind of "personality" with weapon preferences, accuracy, movements, they say things in the chat but that super-intelligent thing comes from a creepypasta, they are still relatively dumb bots. But I always felt they were way more "alive" than the UT ones for example.