ITT post your #1 final fantasy character

ITT post your #1 final fantasy character.


No furfag


I'd post someone from that shitty movie but square even fails at failing completely. God I wish that movie completely killed that shitty franchise.


inb4 jealousy, denial


Is that oldman Galuf? Ff old people all look the same

Celes all the way


>tfw we will never have actual paladins again

Also the purest waifu of all.

you all know it to be the truth, or else you have a case of ye ol' tism

>old grandpa is the best character
Like clockwork.

Hard to choose between Celes or Zidane but I'll go with Celes.

favorite wild arms character? alright



Best girl. Or Auron, or Vivi.

My first FF was the old fan-translated version of V, with used the 'c' spelling. Personal preference.

>Best written
>Top badass


shit taste

My nigga.



you have a good taste, sir

my spirit animal


Not ironically, the only character i liked from movie was comic relief guy with smal gun.

Literally did nothing wrong




Realistic character with actual development and able to lead when needed to step up.

>trusting Ascians
>not wrong
Dumb imperialposter.


I don't see Exdeath. You all must truly suck.

Except you. Good work.

>Sucks Ascian dick.
He did.

He's not Asian.

