Sup Forums the musical thread

What Vidya happenings the past year you'd want to see on the album?

Favorite songs?

Post ideas or drafts.

Real composition starts September 15th

Other urls found in this thread:

'stop making shitty reddit songs'
now that's a good idea for a song

Last year we created some magum opus' like this

Can't wait to see what is coming this year.

What was the "GREATEST BLUNDER" of this year?

MVC Infinite?

You faggots starting early this year?
If no, can we get a shitty Nioh song?

Dear Anons and Dumb Shitposters was great.

Start penning out the ideas user?

>No anons have ideas or lyrics yet


I'm trying to think of what could be used for a song about history's first weeaboo.

Looking for people to help with lyrics on "Talkin' Vidya" from "Talkin' Softball" from the Simpsons for the album outro. Here is what I have so far:


>Well Reddit we have had done it
>Was musical was done yet
>Sony homos Cucking all the while
>T Biscuits tragic illness made us smile
>While that one user fapped to his ceramic tiles!
>We’re talking Vidya!
>Your main is now a function!
>Talking Vidya!
>Scalebound now is junction!
>Makoto’s unusually juicy Ass
>Coldsteel OC as come to pass!
>We’re talking Fesh Pince…..
>Waifu’s and Samus!

Still need lyrics for the subsequent lyrics pertaining to general threads that have been consistent on Sup Forums this year:

We're talkin' softball
From Maine to San Diego
Talkin' softball
Mattingly and Canseco
Ken Griffey's grotesquely swollen jaw
Steve Sax and his run-in with the law
We're talking Homer...
Ozzie and the Straw
yeah yeah yeah yeah

I'll let this one inspre you guys.
I love Junko!

Making one based on the intro song to Reefer Madness: The Musical, called Console Madness. I think it will turn out pretty damn sweet.

>This is the average quality of Sup Forums The Musical "lyricists".
Fucking abysmal.

Does an instrumental version of Talkin Baseball even exist

Oh, I already have one written.

Hint: It's based on this song

Noice. I hope your lyrics don't suck

If they do, I hope someone less shit than makes a better one.

>Outro theme

>High quality and not just a simple comfy ending song

I mean if you want high quality just go listen to No Games Inc

I'm sure there is an instrumental of "talkin' baseball" out there somewhere.

quality in production has little to do with quality writing. It's why 10BUX gets shit on. The last half of that song made no fucking sense.

hence why i said "looking for people to help on it."

I thought it would be a good idea for an outro. If you have suggestions I'm all ears, I just threw together common themes of consistent threads and topics over the last year in every line.

>If you have suggestions I'm all ears
I suggest you ironically kill yourself and then do it again seriously.

Thanks for the constructive criticism and valid points towards the contention you were making friendo. Along with the suggestions. Top shelf.

Inspiration for you writingfags. Morgana, Lawbreaker's failure, Cat Having Your Pipe, Death Standing = Silent Hills, no games at E3, & Mass Effect Andromeda

"Meticulous analysis of history" from Pinky and the Brain hasn't been done

>Mass Effect Andromeda
Has there been a song based on All Star in a previous musical? If not, I think it would be the perfect song to base it on because Peebee.

For future reference all songs are cataloged here

Also post underrated songs:

We gonna have videofags this year? We only had like 4 last year, barely any videos came out from amazing songs we had.

Listening to eSports Wizard right now, fucking banger.

There was a good amount of videos considering we had four cds worth of songs.

>trying to force it early
No, let it rest until it's proper time, then the next round of vidya happenings will be there to inspire some good shit.

I actually had no idea Sylvie had a song

We need a song on the surprising uprising of PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds and how, against all expectations of being a "one month wonder", its now the single most played game on steam.

too bad no word in the english language rhymes with "month"

delete this

Mass Effect Andromeda. Literally killed the developer.

not to mention that 5 months afterwards, they announced that all support for the game was to be cut

We had more videos and videofags last year than any of the other years

Been thinking about writing about Mass Effect with Sonic Heroes

Is a Cemu song or general emulation song better?

Someone needs to remaster Todd's song and sell the idea as a brand new song.

You should really wait with this until it's actually time. Or at least not make one every day until then. What is even the use?

To outpace the autist floods of "shitpost songs" that bloated the album last year with every thread getting archived with 90+ new songs with little collaboration and actual music making getting done.

That was way better than I expected.

There's still a month. No need to make these threads so early.

All the talented people know that we wait until the fifteenth. Posting early just means they're either new or think they're hot shit for no reason.

why are you here then fuck stick

To make that point to people. Without rules it's anarchy.

>Lack of anything Parappa the Rapper
Am I alone on this issue?

Making the Cut Cut music for anything bethesda related sounds good, desu

It would be an inexcusable felony to not have a eurobeat song this year

How bout