This is the Monster Hunter World handler

This is the Monster Hunter World handler.

Say something nice to her.


Looks like Mass Effect Andromeda

it looks like the lady MC from Andromeda

>Going from Sophia's delicious ZR to this


Turns out man were the true monsters all along.


I fucking love vegetables.

Don't you fucking cook my food bitch only cats can do that

>some octogenary capcom big-fish think this is what western fans want
Not as bad as SJW models, but still. Fugly.

>Please be patient I have autism

And some people still think they aren't trying to pander to the western audience with this game


what do you mean, there's plenty of vegetables right there! Of course they're not just for plating!

>it's not the godawful mhx food system anymore
thank god

>try getting your combat multiplier even higher!

The gameplay looks fine but this is the one thing that's literally what-the-fuck tier. Westerners can't handle anything cute or attractive apparently.

nobody asked for this...

This bitch literally won't shut up in all the demos they've shown us.

Reminds me of every single monster hunter release ever, only this time they don't actually pause time to chat at you for a while.

I'm just glad FemRyder got a job after ME:A got its DLC canceled.

Kys and cats back!

Because its in the tutorial hunt.
She won't be present in the actual game.