Dead Space 1 or 2?

Alright Sup Forums, which one was better and why? Dead space 1 or 2?

Preferred 2 because of more varied locations

2 simply because it was funner and more hype

I liked 1 the best. 2 was good but 1 was more scarier. I literally only played for an hour or two at a time because I was so spooked.

The first one is ten times better than the second one and you can make your first one much better by turning off all music volume entirely then make sure you got headphones on and in the dark.

People will like 1 more because of the atmosphere, but I found it predictable after a while just because enemies kept spawning from the same vents, albeit without you realizing where.

I really really liked 2, armor designs were cool, Isaac talking was actually really well done, and I liked all the little touches in the animations and stuff on your suits.


Certain little things are better in 1 than 2. It's surprising how important they end up being after you turn the games off. It's the little touches that I find myself remembering as time goes by with a game, and 1 definitely did them better.

I liked ds1 more but 2 is decent play both.

If Isaac didn't talk in 2 it would easily be the better game, sadly not the case
Some of those lines completely kill the atmosphere and it feel too much like a generic action game in places.

1 is far scarier but 2 is a more enjoyable gameplay experience

DS2 might've had its gameplay improvements, but losing the perfect atmosphere and becoming more action oriented make me prefer the first

1. And it should have been a standalone. Like Arkham Asylum shluld have been also

2 had better pacing
1 had better everything else

>DS1 is scary meme
Just Fuck off already...half of the game you already realize that 99% of the scares is monster poping out of the vents.

Dead Space 2 is superior to the first one in Every single way.Better weapons,better scares,better enemies full of memorable moments,Isaac having a voice makes hin way more charismatic,a true challenge with inpossible mode....its too much fun

2 is just more of 1 with some minor improvements, so I'd say 2 is better. I don't think 1 was scarier or had better atmosphere, it was great and stood out because of its novelty. If you play 1 immediately after 2, you'll notice how one-dimensional and repetitive are the horror elements in comparison to 2.

Still love both and replay them every now and then, great games.

Dead Space 1 had more big bosses. But 2 had more fun toys. I'm gonna go with 2.

Worse boss encounters.

Both 1+2 together are perfection. 3 should never have happened, or should have focused on a completely new character.

Yeah because a giant anus that poop meteors are really a interesting boss...only the last boss of DS1 is amazing.

>1 was more scarier

none of them are

I've replayed 1 and 2 like 20 times each, and I'm struggling to remember the bosses in 2. There's the first tripod guy right after you get the suit back, there's the solar elevator which is arguably a boss, there's the final fight with nicole, what other bosses are there?

I only remember that there's sections in the game for ideal hardcore saves: right before the solar elevator, the next chunk to right before the mining vehicle event, and the government section to the end.

Food storage is a pretty interesting fight if you run out of ammo, and the one monster on the side of the ship you fight with a cannon is neat too. I liked DS1'S bosses.

DS2 was superior in every aspect
not by THAT much, but quite obviously superior

Precisely. 2 didn't have many bosses at all. Giant necromorphs are too rare. And I think there were overall less moments of scripted cool stuff like the tentacle grabs in DS1.

literally the Alien/Aliens of video games

anyone else sad that EA didn't do anything with this series after the second one?

Damn Isaac has a nice ass in this

1 is more of a horror game, while 2 is more action packed. As someone who prefers horror to action, I'll go with 1.
Also, being trapped in a derelict ship that needs repairs simply to not be destroyed provides better atmosphere than travelling around a space station.

Oh, forgot to add: the final boss in 2 sucked ass, while 1 had a pretty fun final boss.

1 was spooky. Also I prefer my protagonists silent.

I hated the silent protagonist thing. Too overdone. Isaac deserves to be a character. Not another self-insertion wank.