Aside from the lack of games

Aside from the lack of games

Name ONE actual criticism against the Switch

You cant

Expect 5 hardware revisions.

Battery life is annoying. I love my switch. But the battery is really fucking pathetic and I already play with the backlight hella dimmed.

In your delusional dreams. There will be 1 single hardware revision solely for the next generation called the "Switch 2".

1, 2 Switch was sold separately.
Oh and Nintendo's beloved gimmicks.
Its just another fucking G I M M I C K.

It'll never sell more than 20m.

>no games
>few worthwhile ones coming within the rest of this year and next year
>forced scarcity shit tier abusive marketing
>doesn't come with a real controller
>joycons are shit
>real controller is price gauged and still not very good
>more outdated, underpowered hardware
>yet sold at a premium price
>too big to be a true handheld for anyone not autistic
>shit battery life

>you can't
>system menu

Looks like 2 dildos

Lack of headphone jack in controller, this is an important feature for me.
Wouldn't be an issue if it recognised usb headsets but it doesn't do that either, or at least only a small selection. I have a ps4 gold headset that works on literally every device I own but the switch.

>more games than the competition put together had after 3 years
>lack of games

Meanwhile your system (be it ps4 or bone) hasn't seen a fresh game in 6 month.

Switch is the least gimmicky console Nintendo has made since 2002.

Post games that will never be on Switch

>toddlers are THIS delusional

lmao, can't make this shit up

It's portable.

feels bad, man. I'm thinking of buying a PS4 just for this and The Evil Within 2

What's even more frustrating is that this is a game that I'm certain can run on the Switch since it was originally developed for the PS3.

meh, maybe different versions like a pikacho coloured one or a metroid one but unless actual hardware revisions i'd expect one ala 3ds-n3ds and that only if the switch ends up being very successful



Just because you don't waggle the joycons like the Wii doesnt mean its not a gimmick console.

The switch is ouya levels of retarded.

nigga the charging port scratches the screen without any form of protection applied.

>Battery life
I had a friend who brought his switch to classes and we played MK8
The battery drained after a solid hour and a half on half brightness

ouya was a towerfall machine

Its made by nintendo

You cant back up your saves in any way, be it online or off.

Its a baby console made for children. We don't have serious discussions about Fisher Price toys or Vtech tablets, why dont the mods delete these threads? I thought you had to be 18+ to post here?


The absolutely pants on head retarded online "capability".

Nintendo is old blood that refuses to adapt to modern online gaming conventions. I was actually kind of happy with my switch until I realized they were still in the same old rut when it came to this.

So what? That's like saying SMT IV should've been on Vita since it could run it.

You need a fucking smartphone to utilize online voice chat. How fucking retarded is Nintendo?


I dunno. I mean I doubt it'll turn up, especially not any time soon but Persona 3 and 4 ended up on a handheld system so unless Sony releases a new handheld then I wouldn't be surprised if P5 made its way on to Switch in a few years time.


I actually think that would be fine if it was completey wireless, but instead you need a pile of cables and a weird connector

It's much harder for me to pick one than to mention 10+.
But sure, one of the easiest is the mandatory use of a phone app for voice chat, advanced options (like parenting controls), and even some forms of game invites / lobbies which are exclusive to the app.
Some other problems will be with the system forever, so I won't ever buy it, but even if I didn't mind those core flaws there's still this - no reason whatsoever NOT to wait for one or two revisions to solve most of the surface level problems.

Right now everyone who owns a Switch is a beta tester, and paid top dollar for early access.

I can name twenty. But I'm not because you already know how horrendous model 1 already is. I'm waiting a few years for mode 2, hopefully then Nintendo fixes the Switch for I can buy one already.

so is the battery life really bad?

You asked for it.

>relying on a gimmick in 2017

It doesn't matter how well it works,how accurate it is, how well the developers use it. Gimmicks had their time in the sun and its passed. If they still cared, the WiiU woulda sold and the demand for switch would have made Nintendo find a solution by now. But the fact is it didnt' and they aren't cuz its not.

>It's weak

You're not going to get multiplats that matter. This isn't like the gap between Wii and 360/PS3, something that can be fixed by a downgrade, and I'm not talking about fucking cartoonish stuff like dragonquest I mean games with actual large scale worlds with lots of detail. The PS4/Xbone base models are havin trouble loading their assets and maintaining above 20fps, this is why they're pushing new hardware already, practically mid generation.

You think switch's mobile hardware is going to be able to push any game they can? Fuck no, it's going to be another first party only generation. I don't know about you but I'm sick of that shit. I don't like havin to buy multiple pieces of hardware because Nintendo wants to play special snowflake faggot and not produce a means by which developers can actually put a fucking game on their platform.

>paywalled online
>controller prices are outrageous
>Pro controller has gyros that no one asked for in it
>Prime 4 will probably be on it and have motion controls forced on it with no or poorly supported REAL controller support.

Of course to the modern cancerous fanbase of drones, these aren't problems. I'll be over here in my old faggot corner waiting for the next gamecube. I don't know what Nintendo is waiting for anyway you cant use the sales excuse, or not competing excuse anymore because gamecube sold MORE THAN WIIU.

It won't have a Gran Turismo/Forza equivalent and will be lucky to get a single decent car racing game.


Controller is expensive and gimmicky.

The dock doesn’t do extra shit, glorified usb c to hdmi.

Most games on Switch are just casualized 5-minute dumb fun shit with no gameplay depth, which turn off a lot of hardcore gamers who want something meatier, requires more skills, and challenging.

casualized Ubishit open world with braindead enemy AI and muh physics gimmicks.

Fun to play with buddies, but boring to play alone or online due to being the most shallow racing game on the market

Already dead due to shallow FG mechanics, no contents, and gimmicky waggle waggle controls. FGC doesn't even consider it as a FG.

>Splatoon 2
The casualized gateway to team based multiplayer shooter even 6 years old can play. Most people would abandon it for shooters with more depths and higher skill ceilings once they get good enough and desire something more challenging.

Metroidvania > collectathon platforming trash

>game console
>ignore the lack of games

Its not a ps4

>it only has no games, what's not to like?
Wow I guess it's ok when Nintendo does it. You don't see idiots preordering the XBoneX because "hey at least it's a powerful console." Need games. No games = no buy. No voice chat/Netflix/cloud saves = why. No Monster Hunter = you cry.

It's a third tier console at best. Not primary or secondary. Deal with it.

Objectively the most legitimate issue the Switch has. Absolutely no one should be ok with how they're handling voice chat.

>Aside lack of games
>It's the most important thing for a console

Needing a fucking phone app for voice chat, for one thing.

>>Pro controller has gyros that no one asked for in it

Xbone is the only controller without gyro now even including the Steam controller, 3ds, and Vita. Do you simply not like being able to aim? You can say that you would never play a shooting game on console, but you still have adventure games with ranged weapons that benefit from it. There are also console exclusive shooting games that could take advantage of it. I have to assume the people who don't want more gyro implementation are simply the console only people who built up a useless skill that they don't want to have to throw away to be able to remain competitive. Perhaps you are actually a PC exclusive player that gets upset by the idea of console players getting something nice?

>He thinks the switch is capable to emulate ps3 games

I don't play shooters on consoles, whether its a controller or a gimmick. Console shooters are ass. I keep a PC for that.

Eh? Who said anything about emulation? Persona 5 is hardly outside the scope of the Switch's hardware, man. It all depends on whether Atlus makes a port.

A PS3 is far more powerful than a switch user, it would have to get downgraded to run on the switch.

I kinda hate how it doesn't have a d-pad on the joycons to make up for the fact that the joycon is meant for two people, but that's it. The switch is pure

That is why I mentioned other genres. Shooters are not the only games where aiming is useful. Gravity Rush makes good use of it as an example of one of the few Sony games that takes advantage of the feature. Things like Dark Souls or Monster Hunter would also benefit in the same way Zelda did.

>no games
>few worthwhile ones coming within the rest of this year and next year
>forced scarcity shit tier abusive marketing
>shit battery life
Only ones I agree with which is enough to turn me away from it


You retarded or somethin?

It's only with friends so you might aswell just use Discord or Skype

Why can't sonybros still come to terms with the Switch's success?

>A PS3 is far more powerful than a switch user
I'm pretty sure that's bullshit.

Do not be ridiculous. They're at least the same in terms of power -- the Switch is probably more powerful to some degree.

Then I will accept that you typed out that long paragraph just for bait. I'm sorry we both wasted our time.

>Being this much of a contrarian

Splatoon 2 is great and MK8D is actually fun if you like arcade racers
t. someone who doesn't even own a switch

PS3 has 500mb ram
Switch gas 4gb

500 is far more than 4, fucking autist.

>over heating

First I've heard of this

>Forced scarcity


>more outdated, underpowered hardware

It's a powerful handheld. This underpowered meme needs to stop.

>shit battery life

It has comparable battery life to 3DS and Vita

God, are you so eager to listen to 12 year olds ranting?

Not him, but what if I despise multiplayer and just want a good singleplayer game that's challenging?

Don't buy a switch then, you won't find challenging single player titles there.

I'm not gonna be "Nintendo Defense Force" and deny all flaws that the switch has

I have one and even I don't like that. it's shitty and, like you said, the biggest issue of the switch. Though I'm pretty happy for the monster hunter port. I enjoyed the 3ds one so that should be fun (if it ever gets an English release)

Sure thing, le everything sucks, amirite?

more like "every big budgeted normie pandering piece of shovelware" sucks.

My apologies, le everything sucks if I use enough buzzwords, amirite?

The difference is that some of us still have hope in good games, we don't just lap up corporate diarhhea because we're told to.

>No Monster Hunter = you cry
What if I own a PC shitposter-kun?

That's like your opinion.

Owned one since launch. My main complaints:

>No way to backup saves nor cloud saves. Makes me not want to use it in portable mode while on trips.
>Lack of multimedia apps despite the portable mode being perfect for Netflix, Youtube, Plex, etc.
>The UI Design is pretty barebones and needs some major work or custom skins/backgrounds. The layout for the eShop is especially bad.
>The dock is horrendous and I wish Nintendo would offer better alternatives, or allow third parties to make one that isn't a piece of shit.
>The left joycon's directional buttons are ass for 2D games in portable mode. I really wish they would offer a D-Pad version of it.
>Lack of virtual console stuff is pretty bad at the moment, feels like they are purposely holding off on it due to the NES and SNES Classic.
>The voice chat via phone thing is horrendous and one of the most backwards things I have seen a modern tech company do.

With that said, I still put a decent amount of time on the Switch, far more then the first two years when I owned a Wii U.

Seriously? You're going to bring up exclusive games when talking about a Nintendo console? Are you just fucking stupid or what?

can you at least try

Trademark theft.

Shitch can't even run minecraft properly.
The fucking minecraft.

Crowbcat told me it was bad, so I listening to him.
I have to consult others (Sup Forums,e-celebs, etc.) to validate my opinions.

It's attracted some of the absolute worst and most cancerous shitposters to date. Wojaks are a severe form of cancer and the board has literally been plagued with console warring cucks.

Fuck off barneyfag we know its you.

There will be a third party dock released soon. It is still overpriced at $50, but it is at least open to allow better ventilation.

Aside from the lack of games

Name ONE actual criticism about the Jaguar

You cant

I can name several

>weird controller
>need 100000 accesories to get the console you want.
>battery life
>low res
>not backwards compatible
>small hard drive

It looks like a toilet

can't turn it off without pressing the power button

>Its not 64 bit.
>Controller is anal cancer
And yes I did the math.

You know what else looks like a toilet user?
A fucking toilet, You hate toilets do you user?
Where do shit then m8?
On the fucking floor like a filthy animal?

This is why The Jaguar is the best consoles ever, Anyone that disagrees is literally a poo in the loo.

>le Switch is underpowered meme

>can't even BOTW at a """stable""" 30 FPS without patches

Didn't that Nyko one require you to remove the internals of the normal Switch dock and put it in their shell?

Either way, I am not a fan of the design. I am kinda hoping we get something closet to the PS Vita dock and a lot more sturdy.

>>forced scarcity shit tier abusive marketing
They literally can't have more manufactured since apple decided to use some of the same hw components with only a single manufacturer.

>wii u game that was barely optimized for the system

>Can't even run Knack at a stable 30 frames

the worst wireless reception of any device, portable and stationary, probably of all time

>the company that made both the system and the game can't even optimize it properly

Thank you for proving my point. I wouldn't be caught dead defending Knack or Bloodborne when Sony should have the money to ensure better quality control.

I don't get the "doesn't fit in your pocket argument"
When you're only out with your trouser pockets usually you only need to bridge a few mins if anythign and your smartphone suffices
You bring a handheld when you can expect to be unable to do anything for a alogner period of time, and you usually bring a bag with whatever other stuff you were going to do

You apparently since they grasped msot people use alternate programs anyway