What's the purpose of consoles?

What's the purpose of consoles?

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What the fuck is that thing? Some old TV?

Consoles: Play games

PC: Try to play games by emulating consoles

>What's the purpose of consoles?

to play games without having to wait years for a game to get ported

That game you're so proud of being able to play on PC? It wouldnt exist without consoles.

Not be bothered by squeaky east europeans and have exclusives that aren't random streamer bait fps shovelware

Cheaper, easier to use, tv, couchan, coop, exclusives, making pc fedoras reeee

ya let me know when something other than linear, play it safe games come out.

Showing support buy not buying their games

no wonder they avoid pc

>you can only emulate pirated copies

>more social
>split screen / co-op couch play
>more comfortable sitting on couch
>more comfortable using controller
>exclusives (name one fucking great exclusive on pc in the last decade, MOBO / RTS aren't computer games btw, glorified chess)
>multiplats have no game breaking problems and are actually playable at launch guaranteed see any of the dozens of fucked pc launches (no need to check specs or upgrade either)
>actual physical copies of games that you own (enjoy when steam finally decides "nope you're banned from playing our games that you bought for a year" or forever if they want)
>take up much less space
>don't need a desk full of weeb toys as part of your set up
>you aren't spending over the odds to try and show superiority because you probably have some form of a social life so you aren't a spiteful faggot

pc has the worst, saddest and strangest fan base of all time, bragging about getting bayonetta and vanquish almost a decade later and that red dead redemption emulation has gotten to the point that they can maybe get parts of the engine running a year or two from now, fucking laughable.

>split screen / co-op couch play
You haven't touched a console in a decade have you?

>multiplats have no game breaking problems and are actually playable at launch guaranteed
This whole thing is very solid bait, 8/10

user come the fuck on, you know goddamn well emulators and piracy go hand in hand.

>Batman: Arkham Knight
>Dead Island
>No Man's Sky
>gta 4
>Assassin's Creed: Unity
>fallout 4
>Battlefield 4

all had huge issues on pc, keep crying faggot

So did Sega ever respond to that? A contributing writer announcing videogame piracy is not cool.

Nice reading comprehension.

here is ur reply

So you can emulate it

So PC users can suckle on their games duh

>suddenly the hi/v/emind loves Persona 5
what the fuck happened?

Keeps all the plebs in one place. Makes them easier to advertise to.

>>more social
What the fuck does this mean and how does it weigh on the games?

Who /idort/ here?

>more social
While this could have been a point in the past consoles nowadays are really pushing the "one console per player" since a lot of new console games now have no splitscreen but LAN play.

To make money

>LAN play
>not social

Too bad PC games no longer have that.


Something I can easily fit in my backpack to take to hotels to play games I haven't already played before. My PC is for old emulation, and even then it is stuck in my storage unit because it would be too much of a hassle to carry around until I get a new place.

>you probably have some form of a social life so you aren't a spiteful faggot

your shitpost suggests otherwise

To not have to wait ten years to play games loaded with visual and sound glitches that weren't originally present I'm gay.

Persona 5 came out less than a year ago

Why do pcbros always want to play console games?

only upfront, PC gaming is cheaper in the long run
>easier to use
you can plug a PC into a TV
you can connect a controller to a PC too
how many games even have that these days?
consoles have far less and most of them are shit

>and most of them are shit
and almost all of them are shit*

>build your PC
Cool as heck.
>buy a PC
Lazy little baby.



And you still had to wait ten years for PS3 emulation to even be some what playable dumbass learn to fucking read and use your freaking brain before responding to me again. Actually you know What? Just don't. You're too fucking stupid for that just..... don't. Leave. Now. Do it. Fuck off back to whatever hole you came from you inhuman piece of animal jizz. I will destroy you don't mess with me I can dead lift 70 pounds you don't wanna get on my bad side fuckwad.

The purpose of consoles is for one company to make money.

The same of any company. Just like Microsoft makes money off of their massive platform in both the PC world and in the console market.

At the end of the day though consoles are far more anti-consumer. You know, with the re-releasing of old titles that have been "remastered" at full price. Over and over again. At least with PC you get that game and aside from some really older ones they tend to work down the line.

>only upfront
I've had times where I played 10 AAA games and made $14 doing so. I didn't even have to do anything illegal. Console gaming being expensive is a meme. Both console gaming and PC gaming is as expensive as you make it. One annoying thing I'm having a problem with right now though is trying to get DaS for $10 on PC. I keep missing the sales. Mainwhile, I can pick up a console version for $5 any day of the week. Sales are a pain in the ass when you have a shitty schedule.

You mean the mmo shit pc has? sure

Blatantly false.

PS4 Pro (Only way you'll get 1080p60fps in SOME games on console) - $400
PS+ 4 years - $280
10games / yr x4 @ avg $60 - $2400

Your console will cost 3,080 in 4 years with pretty minimal game purchases. This does not count additional controllers/peripherals.


1080p/60FPS machine - $400-$450
No annual fee
10 games / yr x4 @ avg $45 - $1800
kb/mouse combo - $50-$100

Total cost over 4 years on the high end would be $2350.

So not only is your shit box not cheaper, that extra dosh could buy a GTX 1080 Ti and run 4k 60fps for a few years and 1080p 60fps for likely more than the entire lifespan of your console.

If you are after a cool factor, you're fucking retarded. It's a piece of plastic with electrical components, there is nothing 'cool' about your console.

>more social
Objectively false - Most big console titles are single player. Persona 5, FFXV, Uncharted, God of War, ETCETCETC. Most popular PC releases are multi-player, PUBG, WoW, Dota, CS:Go, LoL, literally every big PC game is MP.

>Split screen / co-op
There is actually more of this on PC than consoles this, and last gen. It is a growing trend as PCs move to the living room.

>More comfort
Wrong, you can use your PC anywhere you can use your console. Same applies to controllers.

Name one that isn't on PC that anyone cares about? Single player games need not apply, since you yourself claim social aspects are important enough to list.

>Multiplats have no game breaking problems
Hahahahahaha holy shit, you realize the list of PS4 games that are flat out BROKEN at launch is only growing right? Come on, try harder. At least on PC you can fix the shit yourself.

>Physical copies
Are you from the year 2004? Who fucking cares.

>Less space
Micro-ATX builds are smaller than this gens consoles.

> you aren't a spiteful faggot
No, I'm not. But you clearly are.

Also - Vive > PSVR has to offer.

Considering a lot of the console kids on Sup Forums go full blown autistic if someone talks about emulating a game a year later - Waiting for sales isn't an acceptable topic in this thread really.

Where as almost every AAA title in the past two years you can get on PC day 1 or even pre-order for $40-45.

>1080p/60FPS machine - $400-$450
What fucking setup are you running that is gonna get 1880p and 60fps that cheap without going full potato mode in the visual settings?

it is sad that you were so upset by his post that you had to type all of this out. just proves you really are a spiteful faggot who looks for superiority

any shitbox can get 1080p 60 medium nowadays.

>Where as almost every AAA title in the past two years you can get on PC day 1 or even pre-order for $40-45
That is the thing though. I can get EVERY AAA game on consoles for $42, beat it, then turn around and sell most for $50. There is no need to wait when I don't have to worry about spending money on games I don't plan on keeping.

Had issues on console as well - week 1 patch mostly fixed it.
>No Man's Sky
What issues did this have on PC other than the game is complete shit? I played it launch day, the problems have zero to do with platform.

Works flawlessly on PC always has, what the fuck are you on about?

Broken on every platform at launch, PC actually got fixed first. Did you even play this?

Neither of these had issues at launch aside from the usual bethesda track record which applied to consoles to. Their games are dog shit, stop buying them you fucking faggot..

Ran like a dream since day 1 for me and everyone else I played with. Again, you're full of shit.

Now if you want to name a shitty port - Nier Automata. That one I'd give you. The rest of this is either BS or not exclusive to any one platform.


We got the Kerbal Space Program. PC only.

Really? Where? The best thing I've seen is the sub to best buy, which requires you pay them like $75 per year to get 15% off select new titles / pre-orders. Amazon had a 15% off thing but it was discontinued for most regions already.

No, I typed it out as I am bored and that poster was factual incorrect about almost everything they said. I'd know, I own a PS4 Pro, PS4, Xbone S, Ps3, PSvita, DS Lite, etcetcetc. I think the only consoles going back to calico vision and old atari I've missed picking up were a couple of the sega ones and an original Xbox.

The fact you think there is some form of loyalty, or superiority in what platform you play on makes me question if you're just actually autistic. Now, is one platform respectively superior to the others? Yes, PC-> PS4 Pro -> therest.

I'm sorry that you have a hard time seeing things objectively. It really isn't that hard.

>All those bullshit "its more social" points
>Most of the things you describe can and are doable on PC
>Shitting on something because of the fanbase.

How is someone this poorly opinionated? Did you finished high school?

Stop being contrarian.

>The best thing I've seen is the sub to best buy, which requires you pay them like $75 per year to get 15% off select new titles
Best Buy's Gamers Club Unlocked currently costs $30 for 2 years and gets you 20% off all new games, including special editions. On top of that you get points, and I think they still have a bonus $10 on select preorders.

You probably last checked their prices a few years ago. Also, I think Amazon is trying to catch up with them with the 20%, but requires the expensive membership and might not cover every new game.

You know, I like weeb shit, a lot. I play a lot of it. But this series has always just looked like hot garbage to me. Generic JRPG combat, shounen shit art style, ONE BATTLE TRACK? Please tell me that's some meme and not true. JRPG battle music has always been one of the high lights...

Maybe I'm just too old for this new age of weeb shit. I don't care bout muh waifus.

This. Pc cucks always fume with rage when console gets an exclusive. They yell out "anti consumer!" Every time, just look on youtube about videos prasing exclusives

To play Sonic Mania 2 weeks early

consoles are just an extra PC used for only Facebook, Netflix, YouTube and Console Exclusive Games that can run for more than 20 mins and don't look like a bad emulation.

Originally Microsoft wasn't very good at making Windows plug and play for gaming purposes which left a market niche open for consoles to emerge.

After Microsoft introduced the Xbox though they had incentive to make Windows more difficult to use as a TV connected device for gaming. They actually removed features users hooked up to TVs might want and made it nearly impossible to use a controller as your only input.

All the modern consoles with the exception of the Xbox are basically PCs running UNIX-like OSes that boot to a 10 foot interface designed to be used entirely with a gamepad.
If game developers would start targeting UNIX-like OSes that are available on general purpose commodity hardware then the console style pain free experience could be available on normal PCs.

>sonybros raged when Titanfall was xbone
>sonybros flooded lariat with kick starter charge backs, flooded forums, in general bitched til they got divinity OS port
>PC did it for X game
>Nintendo fans whined about Y game

Stop pretending this isn't every platform, it's clear nobody likes seeing a game they'd like to play on a platform they don't own when there is no technical reason for it not being on both.

Go check out some of the monhun threads if you want to see some salt about no port from nintendo fans

That definitely was not the case when I had looked at it, so that's definitely better and evens out the pricing for games at least. Now if we could ditch this shitty yearly sub... I'm not too big a fan of paying a sub for two PS4s every year.

looks awful

I didn't have to wait 10 years for PS3 emulation because Persona 5 came out less than a year ago.

Base consoles already run full potato mode in visual settings to achieve 30fps with dynamic resolution

As opposed to the user who had to type everything in the original post? How is not a spiteful faggot looking for superiority? Do you not see the irony?

Oh look, it's yet another platform flamewar and dick measuring contest
I can't wait for another 500 replies of the same shitposts and bait over and over

Not him but do you honestly believe that the post you quoted wasn't made by a complete retard? It's obvious he tries to be "ironic" by saying shit like "cooler".

this is THE biggest pile of shit i've ever read on Sup Forums

>The PC port of Arkham Knight is like a warning—a hitching, stuttering bat-symbol burned into the back of our retinas. A caution that should we ever become complacent, the forces of darkness will rise again, and we’ll end up with past-generation half-ports of games we’ve waited years to adore. Running Arkham Knight on Windows 10 with less than 12GB of RAM is like trying to fight the Dark Knight after an evening spent watching street fights on YouTube. It simply won’t work.

>And here we were, getting all excited over Grand Theft Auto IV on PC. Seems that Rockstar's big release - like, sadly, so many other high-profile PC games for the year - has launched broken.

>Following the release of Assassin's Creed Unity on Tuesday, Ubisoft has now spoken out to address the issues some players are experiencing on the PC version of the open-world action game. In a statement posted to the Ubisoft forums (via IGN), the publisher explained that the issue--which it says it not very widespread--stems from a problem with certain AMD CPU and GPU configurations.

key word "common"

>The Strange, Frustrating Mess that is 'Skyrim' (PC)

>Battlefield 4 dogged by major launch issues: connection errors, glitches, dodgy netcode

fucking lying pc fat cunt in denial who can't accept the blatant issues with his platform.

>r3 1200/g4560
>8gb ddr4 ram
>gtx 1050ti
if you dont go full retard with rgb and expensive meme components then pc's are cheap as fuck.

My problem with consoles is they dont have the games I like (crpgs, strategy, fps with a mouse) and the games they do have look better on my PC / have mods. I might buy a switch just for zelda but that's pretty expensive for just one game

just get cemu and emulate it, shouldn't be too hard as long as you have a decent cpu and enough ram.

>w-we can play it too look guys w-were playin it too checkmate consolthiests

COD and FIFA both have couch co-op the two most popular franchises on consoles.

>split screen / co-op couch play
The comfiest thing ever is playing left 4 dead 2 with a friend with a dual monitor set up for coop. Why don't more devs do this?

Beats me.

Phone + PC masterrace here. I can't wait till the purge.

>Having less than 16 gigs of RAM

What the fuck are you people doing?!?!

To insert the disc and play.
It's great!

>Vita emulation
There's a Vita emulator?

Are you illiterate?

No but I can't see well without my glasses

Why do PC fags want to play console games? Why would you build a PC to play console games? Like pre 2005 all PC fags would do is shit all over consoles games and now it's all about gloating over being able to play games that consoles users are playing or in some cases have already played ages ago.