It's not even a bad game

It's not even a bad game.

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You're right, it's a weird game

AVGN and Game Grumps say otherwise

Name 3 good things about it.

t. has never played it

It's rough but not unplayable.

It is that bad stop being a heckin memelord OP.

It'd be terrible even if it didn't have bugs and the load times were acceptable. The game itself is at least 10 times worse than that game with the genie as final boss.

-Level design

-General aesthetic of the game and levels was cool even if the level design and graphics weren't

I'll be honest. Since Sega's entire gimmick is porting ancient games no one asked for many years later on PC, I'm surprised they didn't port it to PC on it's tenth anniversary and gave it a tongue in cheek "game of the decade" subtitle.

It really is the ultimate pleb filter

Graphics are fucking atrocious
Level design is also awful and the levels are all reused between characters

Agreed. It is The Pest of video games. It is too avant garde for the masses.

great tier speedrun game if you know all the ins and outs, but completely shits on people if they are unlucky enough to just walk blindly into it.
also the story is complete and utter donkeyshit.
The music1 is fucking great though.

>name 3
>names 2

actually a retard

So basically utter crap that contrarian faggots on Sup Forums wank over to try and feel like special snowflakes for going against majority opinion?

By mid-2000s standards the graphics look damn good.

>Level design is also awful
Confirmed for never doing Tropical Jungle.

t. plebs
t. patricians

This game really is a work of art. Anyone who dares talk shit about it is defying it's reign.

It's a Sup Forums is contrarian like usual episode.

Shadow's levels >>> Sonic's levels >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Silver's levels

>There are people who defend Sonic 06 and they are absolutely serious about it

I get it if you're shitposting on Sup Forums and you're baiting for (You)s, but how can someone legitimately defend this piece of shit?

Yeah it's just REALLY FUCKING glitchy

It's a great game. Sonic Team had the right idea when they were making it.

Bugs aside, it wasn't that bad. It was an interesting departure from the usual Sonic formula that believe it or not was very enjoyable for many people.

>Mephiles convinces Silver to go back in time to kill Sonic
>Silver doesn't do it
>Start the true ending route
>Mephiles effortlessly kills Sonic to make Elise cry and activate the Iblis Trigger

Why the fuck did he trick Silver in the first place if he could so easily kill Sonic?

Played the demo when it released. It's one of the worst thing that I've ever played.

Mephiles simply didn't give a fuck and was simply screwing with people the entire game.
his only big problem as a badguy was getting stuck tied to that god awful princess elise storyline bullshit.
Seriously though, he was legitimately 10/10.


>when it'd glitch out and you're stuck against the invisible barrier


>the opinion that sonic 06 is bad is so popular that some people on Sup Forums will now try to claim it's good just to be contrarian

Its a bad game, but its not that hard as its made out to me.

I find it weird how retro gamers are the one complaining about restarting when you die, when most old video games had that.

Sonic Boom looks worse too me. Looks too bland.

people are just simply on a bandwagon and parroting other's opinions. 95% of people who talk shit about 06 haven't played and/or just have shit taste and are apart of the problem

I just love how serious the story is. It's so fucking ridiculous and the in-engine cutscenes are gmod tier.

>find it weird how retro gamers are the one complaining about restarting when you die, when most old video games had that.

Replaying Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts isn't so bad. It's a good game, and fun to play.

Replaying Sonic 2006 is horribly tedious and annoying, because the game itself is shit to begin with.

Where were you guys all these years if it wasn't a bad game?

It's the buggiest fucking game I've ever seen get sold commerically, not even Ubisoft and Bethesda hold a candle to Sonic 06. The story is disgusting, even for a Sonic game, by trying to hook up Sonic with a human girl. The bosses are horseshit, most noticeably Silver's constant psychic attacks that were clearly not playtested at all, levels are reused for characters and the level design isn't even as good as Sonic Heroes.

>It's not even a bad game.

>The bosses are horseshoe
What's it like being wrong? This is a top 10 video game boss fight.

>Sup Forums has become so contrarian they're now people defending Sonic 06
I knew the day would come.

>Top 10 video game boss fight

Now this is bait.

>That guy who made 5 reviews and lets plays over a decade just to show people how much he hates and the game
>Still plays it to this day.

Just beacause you like the music doesn't make the boss a "top 10 videogame boss fight".

It's not a game at all. It's an Alpha build they sold for full price.


It's weird how a series that puts out such regularly awful games generally has really good music. Even if a lot of it is cheesy as fuck.

Actually speaking of atrocious level design, one reason why the load times are so fucking long in the first place is because it loads THE ENTIRE LEVEL, even the bits you arn't using.

So for example: Wave Ocean? It actualy loads Shadow's little section - which you never go to as Sonic - instead of having checks to say "Oh, your playing as Sonic, we'll only load THIS part of the level". Which should be basic game design since "you selected x character, so you play X variation of wave ocean" is done FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES

You're a piece of shit idiot with shitty logic. Kill yourself
It's buggy yeah, I won't deny that.
>trying to hook up Sonic with a human girl
I love this meme. If you dumb pieces of shit really think there was any sort of romance between the two you need to have your eyes gouged out. Lacey Chabert, the voice actor for Elise was even asked about that and she just laughed and confirmed it was nothing more than a friendly relationship between the two. If you try bringing up the kiss you're fucking braindead and this conversation shouldn't go on any longer
>levels are reused for characters
SA1 and Heroes do this too idiot.

You're right it was a terrible game.

Come on, there was a little bit of romantic tension between the two. Any could've seen that.

Also, just because SA or Heroes did something, doesn't mean it is excusable. Especially if heroes did it.

>t. Shit taste

Sadly there's no point in trying to get through to drones, they've been conditioned to perpetuate the 'Sonic 06 is bad' meme their entire lives.

While it is a bit rough around the edges it rewards those who actually look past the annoyances like loading screens and lackluster hub.

Sonic music is pure kino. It isn't cheesy. It's real, it's life.

What are some other games that weren't bad?
Starting with pic related.

If it controlled worse the Adventurefags would've loved it.

I physically played it and the physics feel so wrong. The "speed" you get up to is slow but slippery like you are still going fast, making it unbearable to do the non-railroaded sections (I.E.: Any time there is a spring pad or grind rail)

While I think its a bad made game, it does get exaggerated. In fact, there have been plenty of people who hate it, but beat it no problem. The controls, while slippery, can be manageable. Then you have shitty games like Superman 64, the CDi games, Bubsy, Drake and the 99 Dragons or half the shit AVGN reviews where no one can even progress because of the controls in those games are even worse. Sonic 06 isn't nearly as bad as those said games, not by a mile.
Is this the best final boss theme of all time?

I blame that Clement faggot. Things weren't so bad until that 30+ year old pathetic classic fag made a three hour video on the game. It's not like the game really is that bad, he was forcing you to think that way. Fucking pathetic. I'd gut that dumb fuck alive if I could

ahhhhh im cumming why is this so fucking goooooooodddddddd why sonic team did you make such a great kino game that directly confronts the evils of todays world why why why are you so smart aaahhhhhhhhh

Shut up you shitty contrarian

Saying it right now, I enjoyed this game.

Shadow the Hedgehog is kino

>adventurefags finally accepting their turd
is your shit taste finally melted your brain off? this is gold, keep guzzling on cum furfags

>Oh look! A shitty, rushed, piece of shit excuse of a game!
>But I still like it because my taste is equilvilant to jizz mixed with shit and dead rotting fish and eggs.
>Better call this a pleb filter to make myself feel better.

It's just barely better than those 2D Zelda CDI games

not him but here's a third
blaze is fun

>when it glitches out, you get outside the invisible barrier
>and then silver chases you through the barrier

The difference between 06 and Shadow is that Shadow actually plays like someone bug tested it. It's tedious, stupid, and boring, but it functions.

classic cucks are delusional retards who are parasites on this franchise. they don't want it to ever progress forward and they want to lie and roll over in their own feces and vomit over and over till the end of time. You faggots are cancerous and deserve a painful, painful torturing and death.

It's kind of good, especially Team Shadow.

Sonic 06 is literally one of the easier Sonic games. With the exception for that god awful ball part and the test of courage shit, its a breeze if you actually pay attention.

Its a messy game, but its still playable.

It's fucking garbage you tryhard contrarian

No bitch. If being wrong is right then I don't wanna be right. You evil piece of shit

Shadow the Hedgehog was literally Sonic Heroes, minus the team mechanic, plus a better method of handling enemies than repeated homing attacks in the form of weapons, and with really stupid overall game design with functioning gameplay design. The tone and ten endings thing were absolutely awful, but at least the stupid dialogue and cutscenes are laughable.

Sonic '06 makes me absolutely scorn and overthink every single goddamn thing in its cutscenes and plot, besides Shadow basically being the only person that isn't a dipshit ontop of the rest of the game's faults.

If it weren't for the atrocious loading screens I would have enjoyed playing the game, I mostly played through the 3 campaigns but never ended up finishing.

>this is a top 10 video game boss fight theme

It was a shitty game but at the same time I actually finished all 3 stories + the true ending, and that's rare for me in games these days.

I think I'd just rather play a shitty game from that era than a mechanically sound game from this era.

Kind of? Fuck off. It's great. Excellent soundtrack as well


alright cocksucker ill tell you. whether i have a mental handicap is up for debate

>game is anniversary game
>has a huge role to fill
>theres 3 new consoles to target (of which only 2 survived)
>of the 1 that didnt make it, got remade into a different style of sonic (secret rings and black knight)
>died 2 times in development
>still managed to make it out the door
>had cinema level cutscenes
>used a technique to save as much time as possible for development where it unloads all then loads what it needs (cost of quick loadtimes as a result but allowed it to be finished at all)
>fantastic music
>plot may have time travel but its actually coherent
>no time for optimization, have to make due, and as such only a few places actually have slowdowns (usually ps3 exclusive)
>cant fine tune, have to make due (and for what they have its pretty fucking good, even if buggy)
>the sheer amount of maps to make and details within them even if enemies are worthless
>all the different playstyles
>all 3 different stories
>the voice acting not being total shit
>even then despite its time in development and dying it managed to not be as broken of a mess as your average activision or bethesda release
>paved way for MACH SEGMENTS and BOOST SONIC shit like in generations and Unleashed
>pushed the line for what can be released as a complete game (hell this even had dlc)
>added interspecies relationships; one hell of a move
>even with all of this it still has better quality than sonic boom even with the loadtimes and bugs
>game can even be completed without bugs
>game has a solid core of an "okay" game in there still
>had it had more time and not died twice it would have been just under sonic generations in terms of quality
>actually a popular release despite this without using "its so bad its good"
graphics werent total shit for the time of release
>actually succeeded at what it intended even if it did just barely the minimum

overall it came out way better than it could have

t. Fucking pleb


This moment was 10/10
Is this game fun ?
I recently finished 06 and shadow and liked both

Loading my response . . .

. . .

. . .

Fucking lovely. I love Jun Senoue so much

>There a bar at the bottom right of Sonic's story
>It does literally nothing

>powerup not in the game is still in the manual

>TFW get feels listening to this
Heroes OST is on point.

>Is this game fun ?
It's more traditional, straightforward stages with no gimmicks besides the Special Stages (which involve getting a key and then not getting hit or dying for the rest of the level). The team mechanic may not be for everyone, but it varies things up a bit without detracting too much from the action-platformer gameplay.

What you might dread is the fact that to see the true ending, you have to essentially play the same game four times, once per team. Team Sonic, Team Rose, and Team Dark are the Normal, Easy and Hard difficulties respectively (which usually means less or more to the stages and certain boss fights), while Team Chaotix are objective/puzzle-based, like a prelude to Shadow's objective gameplay. But it may get repetitive as all fuck if you try to play the game with all four teams in shorthand.

Also, excessive dialogue and characters never shutting the fuck up. But if you can handle all that and liked Shadow, then its worth a shot since it's the same engine and core physics/gameplay.

Oh, addendum: you'll hate rails in Heroes. Never mash the jump button when swapping rails, ever, or you'll die since just about every rail section is over bottomless pit.


Oh god look at how horrendous that uploader looks
Anyway, don't forget best theme:

>whole level is rails

>people actually defending sonic 06

We need to draw a line. The contrarian mindset of this fucking website is going too far.

You don't need to contradict every fucking thing the mainstream media tells you people. You are allowed to look at things objectively and separately from the "popular opinion". Nobody's going to slaughter you for thinking the same as/agreeing with facts or the basic beliefs held within society. Stop brainwashing yourselves.

its autism