New AC:O trailer

New AC:O trailer

Any history "buffs" hyped just because of the time period? It's so cool seeing Cleopatra and Caesar in an assassins creed game.








Back to redit, nigger faggot.

And Cleopatra doesn't look how she should either.

watch who your talking to bitch

I've read she was mediocre looking, what enabled her to seduce important figures was that she was intelligent and a great conversationalist


>a Roman born in Egypt
You expect him to be pale?


We were royalty and the like.

>cleopatra was killed by a female assassin
I bet they will retcon it

>a Macedonian born in Egypt
>tanning was looked down on until modern times

By neither blood nor habit would a Ptolemy be brown

I drew this specifically for this game.

>Greek and Persian mixed bloods are white
Nigger this wasn't medieval Europe, no one had a problem with being tan/tanning in that time period

>history buffs excited about this
why it's same unhistorical looking shit as a hollywood movie.
Egypt was under greek control during this period.

>not making Cleopatra a horrifically ugly she-beast with a gr8 personality that woo'd motherfucking Caesar

fake and gay will not buy

They're far too dark. I can accepted that they wre very tanned but eygptians clearly aren't black

>forgetting that the name "Iran" comes from "Aryan" and brown Persians only became a thing after the Arab conquests

The trailer didn't have them that dark, just silly unhistorical armours and what not

I refuse to look at this or any other trailer. I've already spoiled myself a bit because that's how Sup Forums lurking is but god damn it it looks fun and I wanna be able to love the game they way I did with the ezio trilogy. I want good gameplay and a heart wrenching story with the conspiracies and cloak and dagger and get chummy with historic figures like I did with Fucking Leonardo "gay as fuck" da Vinci and Black beard from black flag (greatest pirate simulator ever, Ubisoft how do you make a. Enter game then the game you're actually making.

Gah. I'm hyping myself up. But really, I just don't wanna get let down like AC3 did. I

lmao all you're getting is a beautiful environment,enjoy