Is this the dark souls of red-pilled video game journalism?

Is this the dark souls of red-pilled video game journalism?

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"nerd" culture has the shittiest community that needs to reference things constantly to sound cool and intelligent

If saying a game is reminiscent of Dark Souls is the most succinct way to convey important gameplay elements to people, then saying a game is souls-like is perfectly fine. You'll probably have to go into detail WHY it's similar to Dark Souls afterwards, but you'll have to offer an explanation after any sort of summarizing or generalizing statement about a game's impression on you.

Might as well throw a fit that games aren't rogue-like unless they look and play almost identically to Rogue.

Has there been a mod released yet that changes the "YOU DIED" or dying screams in Dark Souls to woah

wew lad I'm having a hard time reading this post out loud

Death text has been moddable for ages in all of the souls games. I don't know about the sounds though.

Its not even about sounding cool, it's about being so insular your whole vocabulary revolves around vidya -- that's the only way get can describe things


There are plenty of games that are genuinely similar to the Souls series, but the label has been abused to the point where anything that gave even the simplest illusion of challenge is "Souls-like." I remember one review for BotW saying it was Souls-like based only on the fact that it had stamina.

is Dark Souls the Dark Souls of influential media?


>3 different authors

Not only are they different authors, but they're quoting what someone else said.

influential as fuck

so? the term is overused anyways

Same reason people joke that Halo is the grandfather of console FPS.

Is Sup Forums the souls-like of video game forums?

>Metroidvania is good
>Souls-like is bad

Souls-likes nowadays aren't dumb because of the term. The problem is idiotic reviewers and developers labeling their games as such. True Souls-likes should be similar to Souls but branch off to their own different core experience and mechanics rather than just ripping off Dark Souls mechanics

Souls-like is a legitimate label, just like Rogue-like.

>Lose currency (souls, etc) on death
>Lacks a lot of conveniences of modern games to make you feel out of your element

They just need to reserve it for games that are actually clearly paying homage or heavily influenced and inspired by Dark Souls. Hollow Knight, for example. But shoot anybody that wants to tell you WOOOOOOAH THIS GAME IS SO HARD IT EXPECTS YOU TO HAVE ANY COMPETENCY AT ALL ABOVE A CHILD'S FIRST VIDYA



Metroid-vania isn't any better. Two rights don't make a wrong!

I like how the image throws shade at roguelikes and metroidvanias

>thread with an image that uses "it's the souls of X"
>it's filled with people who hate the term souls-like
>thread complaining about saying "it's the souls of X"
>it's filled with people defending the term

is Sup Forums tsundere?

What website? I wouldn't be surprised if they've used the term "the Dark Souls of..." before.

How many levels of irony are we on now? I feel this is some next level ironic post-ironic shit posting.


What's the dark souls of anime?

Do you guys think "souls-like" is going to become like "rogue-like" in that some people will know of the subgenre but not the original game(s)?

>This game has swords and you fight monsters so it's a soul-like.

>3 different authors
Yeah? What about the editor? Does that position even fucking exist anymore? I remember when the title "editor-in-chief" actually meant something.

Code Vein



>video game journalism
>real journalism
pick one

PC Gamer

Paranoia Agent.

The issue is that "souls-like" has become a crutch for lazy writers who can't think of a better description for a game. It makes little sense as a genre as well, as Souls games didn't really invent anything, just simply reinvigorated certain concepts, such as the corpse run. It's like calling all console fps "Halo-likes".

Halo did a lot to bring the genre to the forefront of the public conscious, though. It certainly didn't invent anything, but like Souls it gave a boost to a genre that wasn't all that popular on home consoles.

My favorite souls-like is Super Mario Bros 2 (Japanese).

>im real dumb or im b8ing

>shit soul

No, Sup Forums is just contrarian.

no we're not

So, sonic mania is a soul clone?
>lose currency on damage/death
>normies can't finish it
>plays like a 90's game instead of a 2017 one

yes we are

>normalfags always ask me if Dark Souls is "that really hard game"

>Dark Souls is an excellent game
Stopped reading here.

Diablo is my favourite roguesoulslike.

I just hate how games like hollow knight and Nier Automata are shoehorning in the "drop all your currency on death and have to collect it" gimmick.

The thing that made Dark Souls good was not having to backtrack or having to run from the bonfire to the boss door. It also wasn't having tacked on multiplayer elements like leaving clues for other people.

Dark Souls certainly did not invent corpse runs.

there isnt really such thing as "souls-like" though. if anything they should all be refered to as "kingsfeild-like"

Nah but it has made it an extremely popular modern trend.

king whomst?

What is the Dark Souls of Sup Forums boards?


gaming press did the exact same stuff with Zelda in the 90s. it's just the hotness

Dark Souls is basically a third person Kingsfield/Shadow Tower, which were Dungeon Crawlers made by FromSoft

I think that Sonic and Crash exposed the skewed perception of difficulty within the gaming industry an community.

Everyone has taken for granted that only the soulsbounre games have ever been the ones who's games are difficult due to having to deal with trial and error. Having to learn enemy move sets and being aware of dangerous parts of the locations you're going through.

But surprise, surprise, the old school classics are exactly the same, except they're not all like souls/bounre. People need to be reminded that there ARE other games out there that offer their own unique sort of challenge thats unlike the soulsbounre series. Using souls/Bourne as a reference point is just an incorrect way of thinking.

Anyone got the dark souls of persona/darksouls of their genre image?

>In a Dark Souls article


>only game journalist uses "souls-like" label for clickbait articles
>make an article about how the label is misused
Wonderful! How meta!
Who is this article even for?

Honestly I'm pretty sure most of the people who make these kinds of comments got carried through the game by phantoms

>Playing Souls after playing MonHun

Is Demon's Souls the Dark Souls of Souls games?

>playing a good game after playing a shitty game
I see nothing wrong with this.

Actually Dark Souls 2 is the dark souls of the Souls series.

just because souls is easy as shit compared to MH doesn't make it worse

/out/ probably.

At the very least, it motivates you to really not die or be cautious the further you venture out from savepoints.

Actually I would say Diablo 2 gets that reward.

ITT we post games that are the "souls" of their genre

Dirt Rally is the dark souls of racing games

chu say?

>pc master race
>rogue like
what other memes need to die?

what is the dark souls of movies?

Angel's Egg


What is the dark souls of pornography?


Dark Souls is just Rick and Morty for video games.

this but unironically

>Rick and Morty of video games
So it's shitty meme infested and pretentious as fuck?
btw I never played any Souls game, didn't have the chance

"Souls-like" is a perfectly valid shorthand for games that have a certain combination of traits (respawn at a checkpoint upon death, some sort of currency that you lose when you die, RPG elements that use said currency, high difficulty level). The problems arise when people use the label incorrectly to describe things that have only some of those elements.

Nothing is wrong with using "Souls-like" it's genuinely a thing now
Did people bitch like this when "roguelike" became a term?

Why would you bother to give a lengthy description for something when "It's like X" suffices?

>Any game that has higher difficulty in general is Souls-like

Was Dark Souls a mistake?

By this label fucking Runescape could be considered a Souls-like game.

And who's fucking editing them?

This is the dark souls of Sup Forums posts?

Nothing is more effective than when a nu-male cuck faggot game journo tells people to stop doing things, it always works.

Cucko should stick to dreaming about being in Antifa, watching bad comedians "roast" Trump for the millionth time and fapping to Blacked so we don't have to see his faggot articles. Apparently one GG wasn't enough to tell these braindead cocksuckers off....we could use a few more until they get the point.

>respawn at a checkpoint upon death, some sort of currency that you lose when you die, RPG elements that use said currency, high difficulty level

You literally just described Gradius

>When SBH compared fucking Slime Rancher to Dark Souls
yes the comparisons need to FUCKING DIE

Gradius has no RPG elements because the upgrades aren't persistent. "RPG elements" requires persistent upgrades. You illustrated very well though, what the problem is: when you remove even one element from the formula, the result becomes so broad that it applies to almost anything.

The term "Souls-like" doesn't need to die
It's that people need to stop being retards and non-ironically comparing any game with some slight difficulty to Souls games

Because in the case of games, X can have a massive number of qualities to it that every player latches onto differently, and if you tell me monster hunter is like dark souls because its slow and there's a bunch of big bosses or some other superficial bullshit, it's going to be completely misleading to someone who associates dark souls with its stage design and atmosphere.

If you say "it's like X" and leave it at that, I have no idea what you actually mean by that and if I haven't played X, it means even less. Even if I have played X it just makes you sound like an inarticulate retard. If you say "it's like X, because..." and explain what about it is like that in a reasonable amount of detail, you may as well leave out the 'It's like X' prefix altogether and just explain how the new thing is.

What's next
>do we really need this many token characters?

What the fuck are you on about retard

Shut the fuck up Tumblr, nobody fucking cares.

>if I haven't played X, it means even less

Pfft. As if I would lower myself to speak to a plebeian who has not played X.

Jokes aside, it's fair to assume familiarity with the medium when discussing said medium. If I'm going to talk about videogames on a videogame board, I'm going to assume that you have played almost all important games that exist or at least know enough about them to understand comparisons to them. If you don't, you're not really worth talking to. Not about videogames at least. The same applies to movies, music, etc.

Magazines, newspapers, and journals often publish authors with differing points of view, user.