Which one aged better?

Which one aged better?

i find them both unbearable and can only play skyrim at this point. morrowind aged better in terms of the world, but goddam is the game just so slow and clunky. everything is interesting and better written though. oblivion is just thoroughly ugly and animations are dreadful. i've grown to hate the sound design in that game.

Morrowind is better.

Neither one aged well, but I think Oblivion feels the best

Morrowind has aged terribly in terms of NPC interaction. 99% of the NPCs say the exact same copy-pasted dialogue, which really kills any immersion for me

So does Oblivion.

shittier taste has never been seen

But that's just not true, almost every NPC in Oblivion has unique dialogue

morrowind has OPENMW now, which is a completely redone engine that is optimized for modern hardware and has functioning multiplayer with no de-sync. Look up openmw multiplayer

The character models from both of them already looked aged at the times of their release.

What kills immersion for me is thieves guild quests where the owner looks at the item that you need to steal 24/7/365 without having a daily movement schedule or ever going to sleep.

Morrowind is still a game worth playing for its world.
On the other hand there is no reason to play Oblivion.

You criticize Morrowind for having badly aged NPC interaction but didn't say anything about Oblivion's """radiant""" AI?

>have you heard of the high elves

At least npcs have AI in Oblivion.

In Morrowind they all just walk around in a small area or they stand still permanently.

>none of the fun open ended exploration of skyrim
>none of the deeper rpg systems of morrowind

seriously what was the point of oblivion?

honestly, oblivions awkward retard NPCs are pretty charming.
makes it a better game for me, cause it's hilarious.

not to mention, they walk like they are in a full body cast, which they have shit themselves in.

people are going to call me casual but its true: skyrim's dialogue makes morrowind seem outdated as fuck. almost every character in skyrim has interesting things to say, and you can ask them questions and they will elabotare on their motivations and stuff. for every quest you can get detailed information and cool little flavor text.

I feel like most people dont really remember how much dialogue there was in Skyrim. People say Morrowind has tons, but honestly, most of it is in the copy/paste infodumps. The quests in Morrowind actually have extremely LOW amounts of dialouge, basically just a couple lines "I need this, go fetch it". In Skyrim you get much more detailed reasons for doing the quests.

Almost every quest in Morrowind feels fucking boring

Oblivion has the retarded level scaling but it appeals to normies more since you don't need to account for rpg dice rolls.

I can't think of anything Morrowind does good, let alone better

They both are immensely better than Skyrim so they are pretty much interchangable for me. I've got a boner for forest countryside and I think Oblivion had the best quests but Morrowind still has top tier quests and I prefer its dungeons and magic

>Flying around with absurd spells
>Dwemer dungeons
>Unique items

Well morrowind is an RPG where your stats determine your success and oblivion is an action game where you will win through enough trial and error and abusing shitty mechanics

Being a rpg and not holding your hand and making you a brainlet.

>not abusing shitty mechanics

Oblivion obviously
>morrowind is slow, clunky and without mods the game looks like shit.
Oblivion on the other hand has accessible combat, fast movement and the color pallette they used makes oblivion look comfy even today, but that does not mean it's a better game overall.

With or without mods? If we are talking core games, then Oblivion aged slightly better due to the textures and combat being playable. However Morrowind has a soft spot for me when it comes to the rpg aspect and questing.

>and the color pallette they used makes oblivion look comfy even today
Enough with this meme the game looks fucking bland and ugly.

Morrowind. Oblivion was beautiful when it first came out, besides the faces at leas, but now it doesn't look so great. Morrowind had much better art direction, and the aesthetic holds up to this day.

>slow and clunky
If anything, it makes Skyrim and Oblivion feel slow and clunky.

Is OpenMW the way to go when it comes to playing Morrowind or should I use the vanilla launcher?