Can we all finally admit that they put alot of good work into this game and it actually is pretty good

Can we all finally admit that they put alot of good work into this game and it actually is pretty good.

The only people who say it's bad are IV contrarians.

yeah i enjoyed it a lot, its due for another playthrough.
this is also true. its funny how when 4 came out people were shitting on it

it's a well made game but the lack of single player dlc and the money grubbing online sucks.

I will never understood the crazy hate Sup Forums has for this game

>the fun as fuck missions full of variety
>the stellar voice acting
>the game still looks amazing several years later
>lots of customization, being able to customize your car is awesome, lots of clothes
>a lot of the mini games are actually fun, hunting is amazing
>being able to put properties and do all those side missions
>the "strangers and freaks" are tons of fun and really add a lot of flavor to the world
>the amazing, atmospheric and catchy score
>the "heist set up" missions that are really neat as they are basically "open" and you just walk to an area and it starts - i almost hope they build an entire game on these "open" missions that don't require a cutscene or anything to start
>driving is fun and fast
>being able to store all your cars and helicopters and buy them online
>doing comfy stuff in the mountains/wilderness like biking

i fucking love how the cutscenes seamlessly transitions to the gameplay

It's become as timeless to me as Every other GTA game before it

I'm still pissed about them shutting down the online for gta4 though, I CANT PLATNUIM THE GAME. FUCK YOU ROCKSTAR

Singleplayer is pretty good, online is a total fuck up but can be really fun dicking around with friends.

GTA Online really blew at first but they have really stepped it up since moving to next gen. Yeah the shark cards suck but considering all the updates are free, not to mention piss easy events making double money/xp by rubber banding your controller and walking away. I actually have fun with it without ever having to buy a shark card. That rocket bike makes getting across the map so much quicker.

I played through it's story once and that was it. Despite the fun and well designed setpieces, none of it stuck to me and I really can't tell why. Los Santos was diverse and well crafted, but it had so little ways to interact with other than killing people that managed to turn into the background of a game rather that it's own breathing world like GTAIV did. Maybe it was tech limitations given I played it on PS3, but a rerun on PC with most stuff maxed didn't motivate me more and uninstalled a third onto it.

It's kinda like Avatar (movie), such a blockbuster yet one can barely recall the details, just a haze of eyecandy and setpieces.

>they put alot of good work into this game and it actually is pretty good
I myself never said otherwise, since they DID put in a lot of work on the map and little features and I enjoyed the game overall.

My main problems with it are that the last third of the game plus the final mission seem rushed as fuck and could have been handled better, and that Rockstar just gave up on single player after seeing how successful fucking Online was.
I have other things I could complain about, like how they removed the emergency vehicle missions and the lack of purchasable properties, but now I'm just disappointed instead of mad about what could have been had they continued to work on single player.

This is the only complaint I really can get behind. The fact that they haven't touched the singleplayer is lame, cause I found it really enjoyable. And they do kind of push shark cards by the pricing of stuff, but honestly it isn't too hard to make money by playing the game. Hell with the addition of gun running now, you can technically make money passively (kind of)

Worth 30 bucks?

Saints row 3 has more gameplay though, and the shooting is better.

Probably. Definitely if you have friends that play it. Starting online right now can be kind of overwhelming though.

It's an awesome game and full of things that blow your fucking mind. But story and character-wise they really dropped the ball. They should've stuck with one character and a standard "rags to riches" story instead of trying to be super innovative.

It's good, I just don't see the replayability in single player once you're done with storymode since there really isn't much you can do after.

GTA V is prominently a multiplayer focused game at this point, which is fine but it's not something that personally interests me.

Idk. I felt like there were plenty of ways to "interact with Los Santos" at least as many ways as GTA4

why didn't they include las venturas damn it

You can't blame them for trying though. And honestly Franklin/And or Trevor still kind of follow that trope.

I felt that same way about 4 though. Maybe I am remembering incorrectly, but what was there to do after the main story in 4?

>Release game 3 times
>People buy it 3 times
>Best selling Day-1 game
>Gameplay and story are trash

You guys really like a good hard fucking. The sad thing is OP isn't even a shill, he's just a cuck.

>MFW I pirated the game and uninstalled it as soon as that "Ye ye wabby nibba" character showed up/

The story kind of dropped the ball. For a GTA game you rarely work for actual criminals. Half the fun is working my way through the food chain, but in V they send you right up the ladder to working for government agencies.

Name a better game series please.

>hurr durr the story sucks
the story in these games were never that good

>it actually is pretty good.
no, and I finally started playing SA after skipping it when it came out, and it is a much better game. makes me wish I had just taken a bit of a dive and gotten SA when it came out, even though I was already a bit burnt out on the GTA games.

it's objectively shit. soulless city, soulless characters. combat/shooting is garbage and the missions are increasingly boring as you go along.
it was just bland and didnt feel like a gta game to me at all.
>no cool gangs or criminal organizations
>Michael and the franklin were just boring and annoying
>dont get me started on Michael's family
>trevor was a bit more interesting but just because he was so over the top and memey.
>no interesting memorable villains
>ditto with the missions.
it looked decent and had the template of what could have been a great game but the vibe just wasnt there

it was just trash man

and yet V is the first and only one that made me want to stop playing.

>Better story
>Better RPG
>Better Gameplay
>Wasn't released 3 times
>Better soundtrack
>Actually did new shit for the series.



>Wasn't released 3 times

PlayStation 2
Microsoft Windows
Xbox 360
PlayStation 3
Windows Phone
Fire OS
>Better story
the story isnt good at all

lol no one cares that you didnt finish the story. plenty of people did.

Sup Forums hates GTA V? That's some fuckin bullshit. V is by far the best in the series.

Slit your wrists

Im talking about the initial release you fucktard. Not the 50 ports that happened 10 years later.

PC and Console got released on the same day.

this. also all the gta games before hand borrowed heavily from classic crime thrillers or gangster movies and iconic popular culture. not only were they great games but also good satirical depictions of america.

gta 5 lacked all of those things. it was a poor copy of itself instead of a witty reflection of reality

im playing san andreas on ps2 right now and good god does it run like shit. the framerate goes to a crawl if you go too fast and the texture pop ins are really bad. it makes me realize that people didnt give a shit about this back then because the game still got 10/10 across the map


no u

>wasn't released three times

Get a load of this dumbass.

>Better story
>Better RPG
I really play GTA for the RPG elements
>Better gameplay
LMAO, no
>Better soundtrack
Yeah, no

LOl calling me a retard when you cant even properly reply to other peoples post GET FUCKED

I actually think they went overboard with the satire. It felt incredibly forced. The story itself should've been more serious. Having zero likeable characters was also a major detriment.

Exactly. You hit the nail on the head

stay in school. learn to read and write.

the PC version is working perfectly fine for me as long as I keep the frame limiter off.

Oh look Sup Forums being a pedantic faggots to win arguments on the internet.

You people can't even get the facts right so why bother talking about anything subjective.

>not capitalizing the first letter of a sentence
practice what you preach dipshit

>I actually think they went overboard with the satire
yeah thats what i mean when i say it was a poor copy of itself. they tried to emulate the witty parodies and satire of their previous games and just got it completely wrong

better than typing like a teenage girl, and at least I have reading comprehension.


you did good.

what was this argument even about again?

>V faggots are this autistic
Not a big surprise

>wowitsfuckingnothing: the map
>no new content besides shark card simulator

It's decent I guess. It's just almost impossible for me to enjoy a GTA game if the soundtrack is terrible. Like, how am I supposed to enjoy the act of driving around?

Also the comedy in GTA V is fucking horribly written and really unfunny, GTA IV was way funnier. Even the main campaign and characters I felt were worse than IV's aside from Franklin.
also no single player expansions or DLCs, and the multiplayer is the biggest jewfest the world has ever seen


That's because 4 is fucking bad

I don't think I've ever seen someone this autistic. How many vaccines do you take a day bud?


it gets repetitive after 10 hours of gameplay. still a work of art.

Main story-wise, maybe, but that's because it was in the design. It's big event after big event, and it's up to you to explore the world and find those smaller moments in characterization. In GTA V, all the content, not just the main story, serve to flesh out the characters, down to the most mundane of side activities like going to the movies, smoking weed, drinking, sniffing gas, and just driving around with your friends. Once you do absolutely everything you'll find that all three protags are easily more complex and fleshed out than any of the 3D protags. They really didn't drop the ball at all, the storytelling method is just different, and in my opinion far more suited to GTA.

the attempt at comedy was fucking atrocious. the writing in general was just bad

just because the series never had great stories or plot, doesn't mean that an entry with a complete garbage plot gets a free pass.

The character interactions are pretty good, but the satire was way too over-the-top and in-your-face, which might have been fine in some cases, but the satirical style never really deviated from that.

It's exactly the same shit as GTA 3 and 4. >dumb edgy story and dialogue.
>floaty simplistic physics
>weak gun play

GTA is for kids.

best gta

IV was better in certain aspects, police, NPCs, physics

The satire also just outright wasn't funny. The comedic highlights of GTA V are LOLRANDUMB shit like Trevor, or Franklin talking to a dog that doesn't exist about existential problems.

Nothing's even remotely close to how funny GTA IV was with shit like the ads, the actually funny Republican Space Rangers, the knife commercial, hell even just browsing the internet itself and reading the shit is fun.

>a lot of shit from SA is missing
>but hey at least you have a bunch of empty desert and mountain

At least buying properties actually felt worth it

I didn't like the radio satire but I did like Steve Haines' TV show and some of the websites, like the DMV one. Lifeinvader and Bleeter were interesting too because they changed after every mission and sometimes gave additional characterization as well.

seriously. the city of Los Santos alone in V feels smaller than it did in San Andreas.

i agree, i can only remember a handful of missions, when i replayed it I was surprised to see how much stuff i forgot about

>"It's on sale"
and without the sale they are still selling it at $50
what the fuck

>vaccines causing autism
okay cletus, pretty sure little timmy having autism wasnt because your mom decided to get him vaccinated but because your brother is also your uncle

Oh, please don't you rock my boat

That game really has an underrated soundtrack. Not as good as VC/SA but it's still one of the best in vidya