ITT: video games brainlets will never understand

ITT: video games brainlets will never understand


Dark Souls 2




It's for smart folks who understand strategy and game theory and shit

Infinite Warfare did a pretty good job of rooting out the patricians and the brainlets, the complexity and dynamics of space combat is too much for some people to handle. Others, such as myself however, enjoy jumping on Jupiter's moon Europa while quickscoping casuals with our mountain dew dispensing hats.

Alright I'll bite, what's so hard to understand about MGSV?


It still portrays the downfall of Big Boss though it wasn't as dramatic as most people imagined it'd be it seems.

People do understand. MGSV isn't deep.
It is "meta storytelling" for 4th graders. Kojima is the poster-child for pretentious, simple mind try hard trying to write deep stories.

He isn't smart enough to write something deep.
And before you mention mgs2, yeah, mgs2 has a shit ton of layers, but after all this years I started wondering if it was lightning in a bottle or someone else wrote that and kojima took the credit.

MGS2 is literally the only thing interesting kojima did storytelling wise.

People love to have huge boners over shit like snatcher, ignoring the fact that is pretty much a bladerunner copycat.

Kojima isn't smart, kojima isn't good at writing stories. He has a very simple and limited knowledge. Culturally ignorant for the most part. He is incredibly lucky tho. Lucky with the decisions he made and with the people he worked with.

Kojima is like a politician. He talks, talks and talks, but says nothing interesting for the most part


>Sup Forums can't figure out how to use a credit card

TRUTH is a lie. You are actually the real Big Boss.

>the whole story is just "what is my purpose" and "oh wow ther r ppl out there that sacrifice things 4 u!!!!"

Well yeah your game is gonna be hard as fuck to understand if you switch the definitions of words to the complete opposite without notification.


what game did you post?

Bioshock 1

>without notification
>game is not even subtle about doublethink
>mission start with a warning quote too

Then you interpreted your truth wrong. Seriously, how did you get "venom is actually big boss" out of that mission?

Are you Venom Snake?
Seriously, not even him and I knew what he meant.

people who like kojima's shit are brainlets

Why should I believe a cassette labelled TRUTH sent to me by The Man Who Sold the World cointaining some crazy shit about my identity? It's fishy as fuck.

Venom Snake isn't Big Boss though.

Also Bowie's song is about schizophrenia.

Alright, user. i want you to do something. I want you to put on your thinking hat and staple it to your head, and then I want you to reread these two posts until it dawns on you.

Venom Snake isn't Big Boss though.

Are you saying MGSV has the plot of Fight Club?

That scene in the end with big boss and ocelot doesnt exist then. I was seeing things yes. Venom is big boss. All the evidence showing otherwise needs to be ignored

Are YOU Venom?
The TWIST, which is the word you are looking for, of Fight Club was not YOU are Jack, so no, I am not.

The fact that Big Boss is the fucking villain of Metal Gear
Well everyone knew that at some point but they started forgetting after MGS3

I never saw Fight Club, I'm just saying that MGS is a series famous for controll of information or hypnosis and MGSV add to the mix hallucinations and PTSD and the main song talks about schizophrenia too. The game ends and says that the MC is not who he is. And I should believe it without any doubt rising?

You're using loaded questions. Get to the point so I can tell you why you're wrong.


It's real like the scenes with Paz being alive.

The difference is, venom was present during the paz events. He witnessed it.

He wasnt there during the big boss and ocelot conversation. There is no context for that being an hallucination too

I completely and unironically believe that this game is to smart for Sup Forums.

The objectively presented timeline makes the distinction between Big Boss and his phantom when it tells us that Venom died at Outer Heaven.

Furthermore, Venom being the real Big Boss renders the entire story incoherent.

What if his mind is trying to cope with the trauma by developing some dissociative identity disorder.
The song suggest this.

Then it's a hilariously labrynthine coping mechanism.

Or maybe someone is trying to fuck with his memory to control him. Dunno just speculating.

The conclusion with the most evidence is the conventional one explicitly stated by the game itself.

it was shit and contributed nothing to the franchise with its story.
also its an open world meme game which it really didn't need to be because the open world in it is massive shit.

>being a brainlet

I do like the music in this game. HGW might be a more talented composer, but V's score ties more neatly into the storytelling.