What disabilities do you have and how does it affect your gaming?

What disabilities do you have and how does it affect your gaming?

I'm blind and deaf. I don't have fingers, hands, arms or legs.
I can't play video games.

you've come to the right place friend

Is being butthurt a disability?

stupid nigger how are you even typing then?

I have echolalia.

whatever learning disability I have just makes me want to escape into video games so I don't have to deal with real life being so shit


>2 titanium plates fused to spinal cord with 22 titanium bolts
>Back is really started to tighten and lose flexibility despite the fact I exercise semi-regularly
>My face imagining what I'll be like in mid to old age
I don't know how to help fix it. Also my eye sight sucks and I don't know how to fix that.

im horny and cant play wrpg without modding the shit out of them with sex mods

>tfw clean genes

Video games are my disability. I'd probably be a rich Chad if I wasn't such a nerdy faggot.

I don't have a gallbladder and I have to shit bile out a lot. Sometimes I don't start dungeons/parties because I know I'll have to shit momentarily...and a couple times usually.

Really disruptive. Hate being at college and HAVE to shit mid-class.

i have only 9 fingers

Lost my right arm in Afghanistan.

I have shitpostingitis. It makes me shitpost rather than play video games.


>lick at analog stick attached to face
>click that final storefront on reCAPTCHA
>mum walks in with steaming plate of tendies and my napkin
>starts feeding me as a writhe but her grasp is too strong
>five tendies deep captcha resets

>minor brain damage after hitting head at 50 MPH on concrete
>sense of direction almost completely gone and i have to check the map every 5 seconds
>if walk forward for 30 seconds, and turn around 180 degrees
>i have to idea where I am

My left eye is half blind.

The only negative affect in has on vidya is that can see 3D effect in neither the 3DS or in movies and I THINK I also couldnĀ“t get into VR.

I have OCD. Actual, clinical OCD, I'm not one of those faggots who has to label their cutesy little personality quirks as mental illnesses. Being anal-retentive does not make you have OCD fuck off.

Anyway... I've put more than 300 hours into Endless Legend and have only actually ever finished one or two campaigns. If something about the map is "wrong" I have to create a new one, because there's no map editor.

And even when there is a map editor, like with Terraria, I end up spending all of my time making sure everything is perfect and never actually get around to playing the map. Ever.

And in games with random loot generation I can't tolerate having amazing items if any of the stat bonuses or damage types or whatever is useless. Because then it isn't perfect.

And I need all of my stats in souls games to be divisible by five.