Specifically what is it about Splatoon that's managed to garner such an awful fanbase?

Specifically what is it about Splatoon that's managed to garner such an awful fanbase?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nintendo + child characters + animals

Honestly? Nintendo. Whenever you see pics here of a disgusting fat manchild doing something vidya related in public, it is always fucking Nintendo related


>Specifically what is it about Nintendo games that's managed to garner such awful fanbases?

>that fucking Rugrats t-shirt

What the fuck causes someone to go out in public dressed like that? Is it drugs?

I've had bad run-ins with nintendo fanboys. Each one was aggressive and dismissive of anything that wasn't nintendo related. It got weird and uncomfortable for me.

There's a video of him explaining right in this very thread.
Though tl;dw, he does it for attention and it works.


There's your answer. Whatever the game, they're one of the wort fanbases in vidya. The quality of this board would improve dramatically if you banned any posts and threads discussing Nintendo.

It's not just Splatoon. It's all Nintendo fans in general.

t. sonybro

>liking loli hentai is bad
Was this image made by a redditor?



I had to quit when he busted out the binky.

Is this the thread where I claim v is nintendogaf

Anthropomorphic animals = furfag bait

Why do people today lack so much self awareness?

>go to furry convention
>see people dressed up weird
>"why are these people so self-unaware?"
It's actually you who is not aware that you're in the vicinity of a fur con.

squid lolis

What furry con is that in OP's pic, then?

I am a nintendo fan and I am a 6'1 200lb shredded white alpha male with 9/10 facial aesthetics


I agree. Sup Forums is supposed to be a board for videogames enthusiasts and hardcore gamers, and yet at any given time it is possible to see multiple threads about Nintendo, a company infamous in the sector for being the one that most widely caters to the taste of casual and occasional gamers.

Now, I don't see any threads on Sup Forums about series like Modern Family or Grey's Anatomy, despite both being some of the most popular TV series airing, and that's because the userbase is mature enough to either not watch those programs clearly aimed at a completely different audience than the film enthusiasts who browse it, or to realize that discussing them is out of place in a site dedicated to enthusiasts of particular interests like Sup Forums is.

On the other hand, Nintendo threads plague Sup Forums constantly, and are some of the worst threads on the board in the matter of quality of posts. This, of course reflects the immature and non-internet-savy nature of the average Nintendo fan, which is not and could ever not be a videogames enthusiasts, so these threads pose an actual nuisance to the actual hardcore gamers that wished to discuss their hobby with likeminded individuals on Sup Forums. They are also known falseflagggers, shitposters and general console warriors, further decreasing the quality of content on the board.

My proposal to solve this issue, which is arguably one of the root causes for the current state of Sup Forums, is to ban any user that mentions anything related to Nintendo, be it games, consoles or IPs. I'm sure that the quality of the board would increase tremendously, as the moderation makes clear that Nintendo fans are not welcome on Sup Forums, driving them away from the userbase in a permanent manner, thus removing the main source of bad content on the board.

Feel free to discuss how long the ban should be, I advocate a 3 days ban for first offenders and then a permanent ban for repeat offenders.

No idea, but he says in his FAQ video that he was coming back from a rave the night that photo was taken.

I don't play faggoty splatoon but I beat my man meat like a wild chimp to some squidkid porn.