What happened to this game? It was a giant sensation and then seemly died out overnight

What happened to this game? It was a giant sensation and then seemly died out overnight.

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It was just another fad.

like every mobile game sensation

It was just a fad

Just a fad, some people still play it, but not as much as the first time it was hyped

was it really a game?
I never played it, I'm a shut in with no friends who doesn't even own a celphone, but it looks to me like it didn't have the elements that consisted in a video game

It was a fad about a shallow game

what happened in Chicago was the last nail in the coffin


gen2 killed it, just like real pokemon

It was always going to be a fad but I'm honestly curious how many people they could've kept around by having more features in it to begin with. It seems like they could've kept a few more million people around longer just by being more prepared.

The tracker was disabled, and walking 10km only to hatch an eevee for the 20th time took it's toll on everyone. The game is shit.

>cant play while riding in a car
>people using pseudo-gps locations to cheat
>piss poor combat with mind-numbingly easy monster catching
>literal mmo-tier end game of constant farming to keep on top

It's still one of the top grossing mobile games, despite the huge decline in uts playerbase. And the developers where incompentant and took ages to release content and fixes.

Niantic is GARBAGE I HATE THEM they made Ingress suck and of course they were going to make Pokemon Go suck why did it have to be them fuck them fuck god fucking DAMNIT FUCK NIANTIC


To be more precise, this is how normies play vidya. They play it for a few days then stop.

Someone post the Pokemon Creatures cartoon

Kinda like Pokemon mainline games after fad was over

Then it found what the dedicated fanbase was. There a still decent userbase

Atleast it don't flop like super Mario run

>don't live in city
>use up all my pokeballs and never play again

I didn't save it when Pokémon Go was relevant and I haven't seen it since

>I'm honestly curious how many people they could've kept around by having more features in it to begin with
I'm pretty sure if they had trading, actual pvp, and a turn based battle system it would have had a lot more staying power. As it is now there's really nothing for a casual player to do besides fill out the pokedex and use it as a pedometer. As it is now if you want to try out the battles there's no other options besides gyms and good fucking luck with that if you haven't been on that autistic level grind.

I still play it, a couple weeks ago i came across a group of 30ish people playing it so its still got a lot of users.


Once everyone realized the game was super shallow and Niantic takes fucking forever to release content most people left but enough people still play it that it makes them money.

It came out summer 2016 and made people discover they can go outside

If they could have the servers not go down for hours every day it would have been fine. That's what killed it.

Gyms are a joke to fight after the gym rework though. Just wait an hour or so for everyone's motivation to drop since that's tied to CP. You only have to fight 6 mons now too if the gym is full. The only actual endgame shit now is raids which are just a matter of waiting for enough people to show up rather than having anything decent to fight with.

Honestly I dont understand how Niantic managed to fuck it up as badly as they did

The concept alone was enough to fuel almost 2 months of pokemon hysteria like it was 1998 again. It was insane.

And that was just the concept. Just purely on everyone hearing about this new mobile app that let you simulate being a pokmeon trainer in real life just like everyone fantasised about as a kid.

And they just straight up phoned it in.

If this is true report the thread and watch it get deleted :^)

Well there was that Pokemon Go convention that was a disaster, that's probably the angriest I've ever seen a crowd over something so ridiculous.

are you a retard? Global rule 15 only applies to ponyshit. It has nothing to do with any other board.

"Seemingly died overnight"
>still highest used app on app store, most grossing, still have people everywhere playing it

Sorry that they're busy playing it and not talking about it on Sup Forums

I mean, you would know if you were social at all. It's a shit game, but it's still widely used. Don't get these stupid threads.

You couldn't battle so there was no point

It was like Pokémon cards for some people: just collecting them was fun enough.

They basically just reskinned their previous game, even turning a fraction of that game's real life checkpoints into PoGo gyms and Pokestops. Trying to make a game from the ground up is hard work. Can't have mobile games actually being good, you know?

All they had to do was have trading and they would have had everybody hooked forever.

>Honestly I dont understand how Niantic managed to fuck it up as badly as they did

Because it's a mobile game and practically every mobile games intention is to limit your progression speed to the point where you want to put money down to advance. That's why staple series things like trading isn't available and the GPS tracking shit kept getting shut down, because they want you to continue buying random shit just so you can get something you actually want.

Watch it be briefly reborn when they release 3rd gen pokemon.

They should have put way more content in for the original release if they wanted to retain users. There's only so many ratattas you can come across before you want to smash your phone.

Gens 1-3 would have been a bare minimum so they could rekindle it with a gen IV/V update (very important to do it this way because gen V wasn't popular enough to draw people in in its own), then a gen VI/VII update would have kept it going until US/UM and the Switch game.

By then it would have a stable enough playerbase. Still, the problem with PokeGo is that its way too simplistic in its gameplay to keep interest. The only thing people cared about was the multiplayer experience, so once the userbase started falling it was curtain call for the game.

They still could revive it or make a followup some day though.

I still see the stickers on cars sometimes , damn those were good times though I remember my girl at the time would be like "lets go to my campus and catch Pokémon Friday" lol I'm geeky as fuck and a shit in so I was like "lets not" we had great sex though.

how does Sup Forums play vidya?

it was a stupid gimmick. you can't even battle with other players, what's the point of running around collecting these things?

Just the flavor of the month, just like PlayerUnborn's FaggotShit

Cool story, bro.

people play it, just no one talks about it anymore because...well...what do you talk about?

Lurk moar please

This shit was so over blown.
I talked with some people who were actually there, everything was fixed within an hour when they extended the event area.

Watch lets players then bitch about it, none stop.