Scariest / most fucked up horror game, Sup Forums?

Scariest / most fucked up horror game, Sup Forums?

Rule of Rose is pretty fucked up

forbidden siren 1 & 2/siren bloodcurse

Witches House is a good little horror game

>normal horror movies/games never phase me
>minimalistic stuff like "i am scared" scares me out of my skin
anyone else like this?

Scared of video games, sissy boy?


I'm going to fucking put my hairy, veiny little cock in your asshole and make you humble

that one sherlock holmes game with the watson bug

>tfw I actually fell for this back in the day

I've played a shit ton of horror games and the scariest game I've ever played wasn't even a horror game, it was LSD dream emulator

I love this game but it's more depressing and bleak than it is scary desu. I really like non-linear storytelling as a damaged girl trying to recall her past. It's also one of the few games I don't feel bad about savescumming because the combat is such trash.

I did actually pick up a physical copy before the prices got fucking ridiculous but when I replay it I still just emulate it for this reason.

Mad Father

Never heard of it, but it probably has illegal content, doesn't it?

what happened? did you lost shit in your hard drive?

How is Yume Niki? I've had it in my horror backlog for a while. I really like story driven horror games but from I've read about the game it seems more like pic related where it's just creepy on account of how surreal it is. Did I get the wrong impression?

Sorry to hear that user

you have about the right impression
.flow is a fan spinoff of that game that's further towards the horror scale
yume 2kki is another that's more silly, being a 2chan collab project

you posted one of them.
SH1 still gives me the heebie jeebies after half a dozen or so playthroughs.

I'm the exact same way, user. I still haven't beat all of Imscared. Some fucker gifted it to me on Steam :(

Yup. Had to wipe everything and even changed my CC details too

Thanks I learned at least

If you liked LSD Dream Emulator, you'll love Yume Nikki. The only issue is that towards the 'end' of the game you can stuck and it's hard to find where the last effects are

The ending to the full version got me way worse than the free version.

Silent Hill 1
I still remember the hospital elevator scene.

Yume Nikki isn't really a horror game by any means.
Just really, really weird.

Zero is probably the scariest game I've played.
I hate that broken-neck woman.

I just started playing Siren yesterday.
It's... kind of difficult.
I like the gameplay though, it's a neat concept.

I just finished Imscared and I don't know what to do now, I want more games that scare me the way it did

what was it?

Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm sure it's interesting in it's own right but it doesn't sound like my kind of thing.

On another note has anyone else played this? It's like if American McGee made Alice an adventure game, I really enjoyed it.

I didn't know the paid version was different. how does the steam version even work in regards to files?

Also please do spoil the ending of the full version. I can't be assed to replay it.

Wait, before you get spoiled.
The game has the free version at the start and then has far more beyond it.
Consider playing it.

I just played this last night, while I enjoy the occasional walking sims/VN the way this game presented you with actual gameplay through a stealth system then just dropped it completely 5 minutes later was fucking insulting. You literally have 5 enemy encounters max throughout the entire game. I'm glad I pirated this.

fug, forgot pic

FS1 is bullshit hard, play the PS3 remake if you're having trouble.

Lurk moar

FUCK OFFF newfags, holy shit, what happened to this board.

is there really that much more content?
i might buy it then. i'm just afraid that it won't be so scary, since i know of the whole gimmick now

I'd recommend Dreadout, it's a neat homage to fatal frame based around a bunch of Indonesian folklore. It's kinda jumpscare-heavy but if you want a fucking terrifying game give it a shot

Identical to the free version, but just more of it. The graphics are also marginally better.
Anyway, after the original's ending, it tells you that White Face has other names. The first is Her. Loading the game up presents you with a name input screen like at that one part in the freebie. That chapter takes place in a manor, a hedge maze, a sewer, a subway, and a forest. At the end, you kill Her.
The next part takes place in a grocery store. Cute little bit that builds tension very well.
The final part takes place in a factory. It gets fucking weird.
It requires all the in-game achievements which can be tedious, but not awful.
The true finale takes place in the first room in black and white. White Face confesses many things and doesn't want you to leave. Jumpscare mess, and then he bares his Heart.
Changing this file's name/location/deleting it kills him.
The epilogue consists of the entire map being laid out without the black fog. You can actually see. And you find His and Her graves laying side by side in the garden.

spoonfeeding became acceptable and encouraged.

fuck me, am I retarded? I played this game ~4 years ago and never knew about anything other than the free version. just thought it was sort of an experiment type of thing that was meant to test out an idea.
guess I know what I'm playing next.
that's kind of a shame. I was planning on playing this at some point since it looked interesting.
how is the second half? the first part was extremely short, but I heard it had some really great easter eggs.

a really good horror technique is providing just enough to let the viewer's mind begin racing and filling in the blanks. i get the exact same way about minimalist horror sprite work

It was. Early last year, he released the full version on Steam. It's $4 or you can priate.

Sup Forums was right

pic related was pretty neat.

Detention is still ok in it's own right, I just feel betrayed that the devs would just drop all gameplay elements less than halfway through.

But doesn't the PS3 remake also have some things from Siren 2? I thought it was a bit like an amalgamation of the two.
Also, Siren 2 is a follow-up to Siren, so wouldn't I have to play the original version of Siren for Siren 2 to make sense? I intend to play Siren 2 after I finish Siren.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>this autistic over a harmless question
What a sad bunch you are. I even went to town with those green arrows to further agitate that autism bone you have going full rattle right now.

I'm a man of logic though. Seriously make a post that justifies this aggressive aversion to spoonfeeding and maybe I'll even do a full 180 and do my part to prevent it.

your post is proof why spoonfeeding should be avoided

Yume Nikki is more about exploring weird dreams and trying to make sense of them than horror itself. You are never really in danger exploring.
Although in some of the fangames you can get chased and sometimes even taken to a place you cant escape or forced out of the dream.

Yume Nikki is worth checking out, and if you want more .flow and Yume 2kki are just as good if not better.

Nothing about my post is cringey at all.

oh, okay. so the full version is relatively new then?
either way, I'm going to buy it. really liked the innovation, and haven't played a game that did something like that.
closest I've seen is stuff like ED:SR, and that shit freaked me out too. picked it up off the shelf to rent and was thoroughly surprised.

no, siren bloodcurse is a (western) remake of FS1, it has nothing to do with FS2. Siren Bloodcurse just has more streamlined mechanics/storyline with better graphics and gameplay at the cost of it being kind of easy and semi cheesy in character acting as a result compared to FS1

what's cringe worthy about your posts is the complete lack of self awareness

-Having to retell it over and over because it's fine to help one, why not help many?
-You could just google it
"lostboy.exe" "horror game" "know your memes"
Stuff like that.
-New people to fortune is seen as bad to many. You should know why.

Yeah that is one of the reasons. Reddit shit.


>sperging out after your newfaggotry is called out
P L E A S E go back to your subreddit newfag, jesus christ.

ye I've played it. They drop the whole spooky vibe about 30% into the game and it turns into a generic point and click adventure game. Play until you get to Narnia, you'll know what I mean

Some user was shilling his game here, giving link for download
Lots of Anons downloaded it
Turns out it was a virus
Took information
Here you go
At least you know the basic

Fuck everyone else by the way.

>reddit spacing

when you have a community of people who do zero due diligence on their own to find out something they "want" to know, then you invite and welcome retards who don't want to contribute, learn, and give back.
you reward laziness and make them feel welcome.
that's not to say no one should ever spoonfeed, but not when something can be so easily looked up. or even when simple lurking before posting would solve the issue.

Oh well, I guess it's an option if the PS2 game is too hard.
I'm in the early game and it's already quite challenging.

imo .flow missed the point of Yume Nikki and focused too much on the horror / gore rather than the surreal horror that made the original such a hit. If anything I'd recommend ib over it if you're looking for something similar to YumeNikkki.

guys please
i just want to talk about scary games.

lostboy.exe was a virus disguised and promoted as a horror game on here. people got fucked heavily.
now please go away. you're all faggots, no matter how long you've been here

Awwww shit son. Loved Irisu Syndrome.

Siren isn't hard, it's just literally bullshit and bad game design which ultimately brings down the entire experience. Also the concept was mishandled severely, but you just started so I won't get into details on that.

To add on to that we have two boards specifically for requesting things, spoonfeeding here would also go against the whole point of those boards.

>go back to rebbit
do you honestly feel good repeating this over and over again? you're no better than i am.

Sup Forums is just full of bitter and jaded retards who find any reason to exclude and attack other people. Ignore it.

Lostboy was basically spread around on Sup Forums and Sup Forums by some guy who was claiming he was developing a game and wanted others to test it. However it basically turned out to be an .exe RAT and fucked up a huge chunk of the users.

Condemned 1 creeps me out

>People who don't know what lostboy was


you reap what you sow, this board is getting shittier by the hour, and it's all your fault

>find ancient blood that heals people
>blood turns people into killing beasts
>instead of stopping, double down on blood, give it to more people and strengthen the church
>an entire town has to be set on fire because the blood got so out of hand
>the more you realize the origin of the cosmic ayy lmao blood, the more insane you go
>convince a whole school to sacrifice themselves to create a dream dimension where we can contemplate the cosmos and keep a halfbreed squid child alive
>lovecraftian ayy lmao locks you in a dream dimension where the loneliness drives you so insane you make a doll and give it life

bloodborne is pretty fucked up if you think about it

welcome to your future.

Almost shit my fucking pants.

Fuck off newfag.
Lurk moar

>I'm a man of logic

I'm sure you're also intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor you fart gargling faggot.

the ending where she walks across your monitor into the game window spooked me hard.
was not expecting it at all.

2nd largest board for a reason, my man.

The hidden people stealing your puzzle pieces in Puzzle Agent

>alt tab to respond to discord
>look at preview window
>open window back up


how long have you been here

be honest, since your responses paint an image of someone truly dedicated to board "quality"


My girlfriend is about to start Song of Saya. What should we expect?

Theres no logic behind aversion to spoonfeeding.
I understand it was started so lazy people will use google instead of asking in the threads, but at the same time I don't understand why the faggots decide to start shitposting instead of just giving out a link or giving the information.

Like your post, that is getting a lot of replies from these retards and derailing a horror thread that is one of the few cool threads we have here.


It's also in the "pay what you want" tier of the current humble bundle


>That ending where it was all revealed to be a friendly joke
>That twist ending after where it was all real

I got spooked.

Porn, a lot of it.

>Hmm, what is lostboy.exe? Instead of searching it which is faster, I'll ask!
The "Man of logic" you say.

What game?



ib. Its fucking fantastic, great story too.

>attacking people for just answering an honest question
If you really represent the ideology of said oldfags, you won't see me complaining when the newfags finally push you out for good.

What game is this?




cry of fear is pretty good and it's free on steam too

fucking faggot, just give a god damn link