Ouya: What happened?

Is anyone here willing to tell me what happened to the Ouya? I heard about it once or twice and then nothing.

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that's pretty much what happened

It had literally no worthwhile games.

They promised you could play android games on the television.

It failed because you could play android games on the television.

They made an intentionally deceptive kickstarter

1. promoting FREE Games loudly while the fine print explained those were demos and F2P

2. Running a survey about what games people wanted on it, and not explaining that requests for full console /pc games were unrealistic based on the smartphone tier hardware and Android OS

3. The console was poorly designed with shitty controllers

4. No worthwhile games, at all.

5. They ran a kickstarter goal matching scheme if games promised Puyallup exclusivity, which was poorly run and abused at least to some degree

6. Pulled a stupid stunt at E3 parking a truck out front and taking up how against the system they were

God I hate these thieves.

For some reason people got really hyped up about the prospect of playing phone games on a TV, and when the thing got launched, they all remembered that phone games are all shit.

People expect console games to be quality
People expect mobile(android) games to be free

Add those two together and that's basically what they expected from this console - $60 quality games to be release for free.

Don't blame the consumers on this one.

Maybe people's expectations were too high, but the OUYA underdelivered in every fucking aspect.


What happened to the OTON X?


Also people donated to it thinking it could run Skyrim or Call of Duty

People unironically thought a home console to play cellphone games made any fucking sense.

Same reason people thought VR was going to take off and produce worthwhile content.

It really didn't, though the Eve Valkyrie looked pretty neat apparently that died on release too.

Ouya was intentionally deceptive, but they also never straight up lied as far as I'm aware. They never cleared up the obvious misconceptions people had, which is just as bad.

That being said, everyone who donated had access to the truth, which was available on the kickstarter: Android hardware, free games were F2P/demos.

Anyone who fell for this deserves what they got.

Yeah, that was my point with number 2. People were requesting shit like Skyrim and Nass Effect, and the team didn't even have the decent to say "our hardware can't run anything even close to that"

The dumbest idea ever

>mfw people bought this thing thinking they could play modded skyrim on it

I wonder if it's hackable into an emulation machine.

I think Ashen's video summed it up best.

He got a Kickstarter Backer early edition from a second hand shop before it even officially released and they even left the name brand, fresh batteries in the controller.


>the team didn't even have the decent to say "our hardware can't run anything even close to that"
I remember that list and it was misleading. Quite hilarious to think that people thought it meant recently released or upcoming games. It just had the series name
>Call of Duty
>Need for Speed
>Grand Theft Auto
>Dungeon Defenders
and so on which all have mobile versions of some version of their game. Except Skyrim. It literally said Skyrim. I still can't believe anyone thought this thing would be good or could even possibly play Skyrim.

It gave me towerfall some time later for free on PS4 and that's all I care about. Towerfall is great