2 hour long episode

>2 hour long episode
>relationship mechanics
>heavyhanded choices one after another, not lightweight decisions you know will have no impact
>combat is more enjoyable than previous games (choices to roundhouse kick or bodyslam)
>characters actually feel unique and not bland
Is this the return of Telltale?

>Telltale """games"""

no thanks

visual novels

>heavyhanded choices one after another, not lightweight decisions you know will have no impact
Nigger it's a telltale game, your decisions don't matter even if they try to make them seem important

Occasionally TT hits it out of the fucking park. Tales from the Borderlands is still one of my favourite games from last gen.

It is just crazy how big the disparity between games can be. GoT was absolute dogshit.

>your decisions don't matter
this meme is spouted constantly but with no evidence to back it up, at least name games where the decisions are meaningless

still looks like a low budget indie game with unpolished animations even tho telltale prints money
their "style" and visual presentation is not style at all, is cheap production value

People like to shit on Telltale for their visual novels but then proceed to play a Japanese visual novel or go praise one themselves in the next thread

Why is this?

Not him but I believe the "decisions don't matter" meme really is more of a "decisions aren't as impactful as I would have hoped" meme. People who bitch about it was every single decision to basically be a life or death scenario that dramatically changes the course of the game so every single person plays a different videogame. But that's fucking retarded.

Literally every telltale game ever has the same story play out with the only difference being who is standing next to you in whatever scenes because they always have a bloated cast of undeveloped characters with no personality. And even then you dont get a choice in who lives/dies most of the time.

>Sup Forums is a hivemind

In the new episode they implemented a relationship system, which determines whether they'll help you or not in future episodes based on your friendliness with them

isn't this solving the problem?

Sup Forums's nonstop dicksucking of Telltale's "games" is a pretty good proof of why you shouldn't take this place's opinion seriously.

Its aight

they have tits in them

no matter what you do in telltalle's game of thrones the kid dies, one of the two elder sons dies. in guardians of the galaxy no matter if you destroy the forge or no, kree bitch will have power to resurrect her people. she either takes forge from you or becomes forge herself.

wait what, this is still going?
didn't episode one of this shit come out like 3 years ago?

I actually don't have a problem with the story telling so much. My issue is their outdated engine and garbage animations.
I was just explaining why a lot of people take issue.

I'm okay with my decisions not mattering past the differences in character interactions and just want to experience the story

Sue me

>tfw trying to be as best of a bro to Joker as possible
I'm scared to see how they'll make him turn on you

Im gonna stay by his side til the bitter end, don't fuck up too hard john

The selling point in these games is the story, the whole 'interactive decisions' is just to liven it up

Best version of Batman i see from a long time.
Who knew playing as Bruce Wayne is actually more interesting than playing the whole batman all serious all the time boring fest

> press a different button to get stabbed on the neck

GoT was pretty awful. The main issue was the obvious plot armor all the show cast had

Death, Mori. I am death