Final level is where you first started

>Final level is where you first started

Other urls found in this thread:

>first boss reappears as a regular enemy on a later stage

>First boss is the final boss

>Dragon's Dogma


>stronger version of an early enemy appears

>revisit a level from the first game in a sequel

>Tutorial boss is becomes 100x harder optional boss and is a requirement to get the best ending

>final boss is you from the past
>you are the first villain

>grunts in child

>Final boss of the third game is fought where you started in the first game.

Dark Souls 3 kinda

>boss kills a main character

>level from previous game is now in ruins and taken over by nature

Infamous was a good game.

>Final song that beats the final boss has been sprinkled in throughout the entire ost without you realizing it.

>Minor area from previous game is now the central hub city

>boss kills a main character
>takes all the items with them to their grave

>Final Boss with threatening theme song
>As you progress trough the fight, the song slowly trainsitions into a triumphant rendition of the game's main theme
>Then lyrics kick in

>boss rush with bosses reskinned as ghosts/zombies because you already killed them once

replace past with future and you got yourself Awakening's shitty plot.

>the fourth boss in the game is the only boss in the game

>Boss fight is now a normal enemy

>Final Boss theme is a huge orchestral version of the piano-only main theme

I hate this shit I wish it would just stay with the badass music instead of the gay ass main theme.

>Last boss is fought and killed halfway through the game

>one boss keep fighting you over the course of the game(s)

>party member leaves the party
>Takes away all the good gear you made him equip

>Final Boss is the credits
>Killing it destroys the entire universe of the game

>Protagonist from the first game is a boss in the sequel
>He's impossible to beat

>classic enemy from first game reappears in new game

>Penultimate boss is the hardest boss in the game
>You literally cannot lose to the final boss

>last stage scrolls from right to left

I demand you tell me what game this is. Tell me or be destroyed.

>you can get their stuff from their room


Hi Randy!

Demon's Souls is a thematic masterpiece.

For a recent example, Hellblade does it. It's a shorter game though so there's only like 3 but it's an awesome fight

>First boss is either a tutorial boss or a scripted loss
>Boss comes back later towards the end of gamr powered up and you get to have a proper fight with endgame gear and abilities


>Final boss theme is a remix of the final boss from the first game
>Final boss also then gains that same bosses moveset

Fuck off Paul

>You are the final boss but stronger
>At some point the music completely shifts into a violin-heavy piece until the whole screen fades to black

>last level of the game plays main theme from first game


>character the games named after doesn't appear into the few final hours of the game

>miniboss becomes a regular enemy in the same level where you fight him

>Beat final boss
>He still beats your ass down in a cutscene after
>Have to wait until the sequel to actually beat him

>Its just copy pasted textures despite having 2 full games between the releases

Halo series did this, and I fucking loved the shit out of it

>one of the areas is ruins from the past
>said ruins are contemporary to our world so it implies that the game happens millenia after the apocalypse
EO is pretty good.

Okami does this too iirc

It happens at the end of Fire Emblem on the GBA, but they aren't reskinned. They're also not zombies, but the effect is the same.

>level/boss has a gambling mechanic

>game coincides with another game from same series
>get to witness event of other game from different character's perspective
>get to continue event after you leave it in the other game and see what happened while you were gone

>one of the areas is ruins from the past
>time travel mechanic lets you explore it in its prime

>the protagonist and the boss have insane magic abilities that could wipe each other out in a second
>you and the boss go back to basics to see who truly has the most skill

>return to area from previous game
>its evolved into a much bigger busier place than before


Squidward sword?

>final boss steals all your powers
>you have to beat them back out, one by one

>finding springs of courage and power in botw

>Final boss uses all of your abilities and moveset.

Yeah. Also Chrono Trigger iirc

Fucking Blue Shift.
It was dope to see the army men dragging Gordon.

fucking ninja gaiden


>final boss is weak to one particular character
>the shitty one for the entire game you neglected to level up much

Okami is fucking good.

Okamiden not so much, it's decent.

>Final boss powers up
>So do you

Opposing Force too

>visiting locations seen in the intro from Half-Life
>seeing Gordon jump into the Xen teleport
>witnessing the final hours of Black Mesa while Gordon was gone

>the song slowly transitions into a triumphant rendition of the game's main theme
>Then lyrics kick in

>boss is only vulnerable to one attack you barely used the whole game

> Main villain is built up as the the final boss the whole game
> actual final boss is some evil god they worship

Dishonoured 2 was nice but Titanfall 2 did it better

Aria of Sorrow

Mega Man X

>Weapon is in the room but doesn't work on anything else in the game despite saying it should
Fuck you yhorm

>by killing the villain you become the villain of the next game


>puzzle boss

> Final boss is cool and relevant to the plot, unlocks standard ending.
> "Secret" final boss is some random powerful thing, unlocks true ending.

>Final boss has multiple phases
>Second to last phase requires you to know the solution to a puzzle earlier in the game, otherwise you cannot win
>Puzzle phase is changed in later versions of the game so you can just hit it until it dies

>Ending is implied that you were the bad guy

>NPCs talk about a great evil that was defeated in the past
>time travel mechanic lets you be the one to beat him

Bayonetta comes to mind

>Defeat big bad boss all the NPCs have been talking about
>Game continues
>Progress: 20%

Who the fuck thought Egg Dealer was a good idea?

>go back to an earlier level to grind
>accidently encounter the secret boss

>Beat the final boss
>walk through a party and meet all the game designers
>attacking any of them creates an epic 50+ enemy boss fight

The only moment in Sonic Colors that I genuinely enjoyed

>the "evil god" isn't evil nor an actual god
>he nonchalantly kills the other villain and tells you to fight him instead

Fuck I'm gonna go replay Okami again

>Boss tosses aside their weapon
>Becomes even more dangerous

I would destroy Shadow Sae's right ass in her own Casino.

>final boss is the loli girl you save in the first mission

God, I miss Phantasy Star IV.

>save loli
>Loli is actually Lucifer
>Lucifer is actually an ayy lmao with an arm tumor

>Rival has your moveset

>Boss fights are commonly giant monsters
>Encounter a boss that's the same size as you
>he's more difficult than any giant monster

Probably the only good part of borderlands 2