Why is he so smug?

Why is he so smug?

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Because he created Doom while you spend your time posting "dank meems" on a Cambodian knitting forum.

Do you mean Stephen King?

Even his son is smug

Watch your mouth

Why does he look like a japanese boyband singer?

didnt get that pic


are you saying he couldn't be one? you better not nigga

>I'm pretty intelligent! I can do a lot of stuff
>read some Carmack
>I'm a huge retard, fuck my face.

Carmack the Hack! Thats right! He'll never be as good as cliffy b aka grandmaster b

Jace needs to quit fucking around and get the Blood source code

Nah I was just wondering why he looks so asian but then
>wife: Katherine Anna Kang
Ahh I see our man Carmak has some yellow fever too.

John "how to wipe a hard drive" Carmack

How did that sotry end anyway? Did Zuckerburger bail him out?

>basically laid the groundwork for first-person shooters
>invented new programming techniques just to make shit faster
>managed to buy multiple Ferraris from Doom profits alone
>got a hot asian bitch all over his dick
>can pretty much write his own checks wherever he goes

I'd be just as smug if I had half of that.

It really doesn't matter whether he's talking about programming or judo, you can always tell he's a huge nerd. Love him.

napoleon dynamite

Don't forget the part where he gets bored of vidya and builds some rockets for the fuck of it.

I would love to play a D&D game with him.

Carmack is the most alpha nerd in the world