Happy birthdate Vivian chan


yeah whatever

tumblrina reddit whore

I want to hurt Vivian a LOT. That is my fetish.

ha, gaygate, amirite?

Reminder that GamerGate literally did nothing wrong.

Obligatory shitpost

I don't even care for gamergate
I just want to lewd her


She's a ripoff of Hex

So, now that the dust has settled. Did we "win" gamergate? What has come out of this event?

She's a rip-off of my wife before hex.

GG was unironically the best things to happen in gaming in years.

I disagree.

How can she be a ripoff of her mommy?


aside from pushing back the left and creating the greatest weapon for the Right since Reagan which resulted in Sup Forums taking advantage of their new Manpower and influence to push Donald trump to the White house?

>win gamergate
look in all the threads, do you see vidya discussion? i don't, i see console war wojaks, e celeb threads, LOL threads, and newfag moderators straight from r/gaming, just where the rest of the problems stem from.

When the fuck is Japan going to throw together two otherwise unrelated kanji so I have a term to search for these kinds of girls

Some gaming sites updated their disclosure section or whatever it's called. Rustled a lot of feathers in general. I think people are generally more cautious about video game ''journalism'' as well.
Didn't change the industry, but accomplished more or less what it set out to do. Too bad there were so many drama addicts tagging along, who were only interested in making Anita and Wu money.

now Sup Forums culture is widely known and discussed by even the normiest of people and in the process this place lost any sense of originality it once had

Name something better.

>tfw redhead
>simultaneously want to fuck redhead anime girls and also want them to be my daughter
weird feel

I miss Tomoko manga dumps. They were really comfy and the collective reactions when something horrible happened were great.

We created an eternal boogieman.

Hikkimori? Yandere?


Trump is on the White House, isn't he?

You mean fujoshi

Vivian was the only good thing to come out of all that autism.

Post cute pictures.

Why do people think Sup Forums had anything to do with Donald Trump getting the presidency?

>Making money
Didn't his game only sell, like, ten copies

>tfw Sup Forums is an absentee father

I guess yall learned from the best