Try to talk about a game on /vg/

>try to talk about a game on /vg/
>everyone is too busy posting fanfics and erping to talk about the game

vg was a mistake

I generally avoid /vg/ unless I have a question in regards to a specific game that can't be googled with ease, and there isn't a thread about that game on Sup Forums. In my infrequent experience with /vg/ as long as you make a point in your post that lets them know that you're still new to the game even if you aren't you will generally get answers to your questions. You'll likely get insulted as well, but that's true on most boards.

It's only worth going to /vg/ if the general has a new game out, or the general itself is newly created. Otherwise, after the first couple months, there's nothing to discuss and it's just faggots going there to blog

>no overwatch threads on Sup Forums
>go on /vg/ to check out the overwatch general
>nobody talks about the game on there, all they do is waifupost

Boards like that are necessary for containment though. We wouldn't want those fags over here on Sup Forums

>going to /vg/ to talk about games that have nothing worth talking about

VG is a league of legends and Dota containment board

I am a pillar of the community at /lolg/ since January 2012. the creation of /vg/.
After a year or two there just isn't much to talk about the game, even though lol is always changing.
I have seen many people come and go over the years. Avatarfags, waifu posting fags, furry fags, faggot fags, larpers, erpers, team owners, pro players, casters, genuine bronze players, forever silvers, 11 year olds, 50+ year olds, redditfags, tumblerinas, sjw cancer, other game shills, dotards, fallen dotards, oldfags, trolls, esports drama queens, drawfags, etc ...
it is more interesting to talk about everything but the game, sometimes.
In the beginning people were theory crafting, inventing new troll builds, playstyles, having fun, watching streams together, watching esports when tournaments were interesting.
But after 2015. it all died and faggotry propaganda, sjw agenda, waifufaggotry took over.
One waifufaggot that is shilling hard a failure tumblerina champion was attacking me for posting gameplay webm and analyzing mistakes with a few other people.

/gsg/ is pretty chill most of the time
Used to have a link in the OP for a Mega of all their games until some white knight kept reporting it every thread.

>make video game thread here
>you should try /vg/ OP, there is a general there
>go to /vg/
>namedropping all the time
>off topic garbage

>I am a pillar of the community at /lolg/

kys you namefaggots and thread personalities are what ruined the board

Don't want to mess with the high quality posting that goes on in this board

this is the cringiest post I've read in a good while, minor pasta material

>try to talk about a game on Sup Forums
>everyone's too busy talking about SJW's, waifus and console wars

Sup Forums was a mistake
Sup Forums posters are the worst cancer to ever curse this website with their presence.


I know you're too much of a newfag to know otherwise, but this board was a lot worse before boards like /vg/ and /vp/

>try to talk about games in /ps4g/
>everyone complains about you until the general dies
I don't know why they can't be like the guys in vitagen and post cute girls while talking about games sometimes.

You can only suck my balls faggots.

>t. cancerfag tumblercuck

I was here when there was constant starcraft generals, I'm not even disagreeing that /vg/ shouldn't exist. It's just that the difference in quality it made to the board was minimal.

How hard is it for mods to delete generals? They're deleting generals on Sup Forums now.

Remember when tumblertale had ten threads on Sup Forums at all times. Mods are cancer.

>general probably existed for a long time
>typical Sup Forumsermin comes in with some generic post
>gets mad because people don't care about something that's been said a million times

>go on Sup Forums
>nothing but waifu "i love maki" shit
>go on Sup Forums
>nothing but hurr durr thinkpads
>go on Sup Forums
>nothing but DEFEND THIS and APOLOGIZE

>go on /h/ or /d/
>serious business conversations about porn


> difference in quality it made to the board was minimal
duh, moving korea time general and lol general just means 2 more spots for the feels threads

>how dare someone try to discuss videogames on a videogame board
kys senpai desu

>go on /h/ or /d/
>serious business conversations about porn

Through dick, unity, my friend.

It really wasn't

It's because the slower a board is the better conversation it can have.

Sup Forums can occasionally have very in-depth conversations about anime and would probably have more if they weren't such a fast board. They're also so incredibly elitist they can just barely keep in the threshold required for "occasionally we'll have a nice conversation".

/d/ and Sup Forums are sort of like the opposite sides of the spectrum: one is slow enough for actual conversation and one is too fast m

People shit on Sup Forums all the time, but /r9k/ has been at least as detrimental.

It is more like
> Is top bruiser Varus good? Can I rush black cleaver on him?
>I want Varus on top of me
>game discussion posting is worst shitposting
>Lulu is cute CUTE with iamgeofluluandvarus00126.jpg
>varus is not viable in tank meta, he was last played in utility ad carry meta last split

And you will usually get one of these responses or none.


>general is actually high quality and not shit
>the only general ever given the exterminatus treatment tries to shit it up