Guys... I'm worried

Guys... I'm worried

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I believe in IGA and so does my 6

yeah, but looking at the track record for kickstarted games... It doesn't look good. At least the MC is cute.

At this point I will take a mediocre game. Just release something playable in the next 6 to 9 months.


MN9, Yooka and Unsung Story are down, can Miriam save the night?

>made by some literally who chink developer

go play the system shock demo
bloodstained still gon' b shit tho

Yooka was decent but not a masterpiece. Unsung Story still has a smidgen of hope since the new guys are starting from scratch and seem to be doing it as a legitimate passion project. There's nothing redeeming about MN9.

considering I've played the Demo from E3, I can say with confidence that Bloodstained won't be a repeat of past failures.

It controls great for what it's worth.

Isn't this taking so long because IGA realized how shit inti create's is and he had to bring in people who actually know what they're doing?

Pretty much.

I got to play the demo because backer

It's better than MN9 already, at least.

I have hope

While we're on the topic, how is this game

I haven't been keeping up with this. Does it look less floaty than it did a year or two ago?

I remember seeing how a lot of the jumps and attacks didn't really look like they had much oomph to them.

mite b gud

>looking at the track record for kickstarted games
Christ, we've been through this before.
The only kickstarter games Sup Forums ever talks about are the bad ones.
There are plenty of crowd funded games that have delivered their product in an acceptable form but you don't hear about them because they were good and hardly anyone refers to them as crowdfunded when talking about them.

Yooka-layle was good, fuck off.

Procedurally generated metroidovania with random enemy spawn, do you need more?

Don't even try to explain it to them, man
Shitposters will always ALWAYS search for new stuff to shitpost about
It doesn't matter if it's a console release, a remake, a remaster, a new ip. Shitposters will try to use it at their fullest

Wasn't divinity original sin kickstarted?

worried about what?
oh shit I'm sorrow

>procedurally generated
That's all you need to know.

What is there to worry about, it will be great successor to Mighty N9

>this much denial

Yooka-Laylee is absolute dog shit. Buggy, poor level design and just an overall boring game.

It's taking too long to not be worried.


I checked out a long time ago when they weren’t going to use sprites.

dat egoraptor outdoor lmao

They fucken ANNOUNCED that the game was gonna be 3D in the kickstarter page and people still felt tricked.

They said it will be 2d sprites on 3d. Now it's all 3d.

they always said it was going to be 2.5d
Are you one of those retards that thought that it was going to look like the concept art?

Or maybe do you want a kotaku link?

What the fuck
I was wrong
I hate IGA now

Name ten.

>Notice how the graphics look sprite-based in that old video. While they aren't actually sprite-based, they use the same cel-shading technique that games like BlazBlu and Guilty Gear have been using to make 3D graphics look like sprites.

He can't, he was talking out of his ass.

post a screenshot showing you own it

Bloodstained looks best near the rest.

I know the graphics are better in trine 3 but that was the only improvement on a game that dropped every aspect of game design. When me and my roommate beat the first boss and realised the game was over we were still within our return timeframe. skills that trine 2 had were removed and the characters made jokes about how shitty it was.

>googles a top ten list instead of actually naming games
You haven't played ten kickstarter games, have you?
