What's your favorite fighting game?

What's your favorite fighting game?

Who's your favorite female fighting character?

MBAACC. Roastbeef.

Mortal Kombat 2

Sumireko Usami from Urban Legend in Limbo

Dragon Ball FighterZ
Android 18

Either Soul Calibur 4 or Samurai Shodown 5


Hard to say since I love so many. Most hours probably 3S so I'll go with that.

Akira from Rival Schools.

I think the closest I've had to favorites is Soul Calibur 2 and Naruto UNS3. Maybe Street Fighter 2, but I was young and one of those defensive blanka spammer types.

Don't really have a favorite since I've barely played, much less recently, but I guess my favorites from the above three were Sophia or however it was spelt, Hanabi, and none respectively.

Super turbo or vampire savior

Chun or Athena


I too like blue mary

Good taste


My favourite fighter is DEEEEEEAD

KOF 98
Angel of course, she's the sexiest


what ever game is the most fappable


SF alpha 3
Karin Kanzuki

My wife

Who "waifu technically counts despite not being a primarily fighting game character"?

Guess you're in for Vanguard Princess then.

I was going to say something but then I remembered that Kouhime Musou has a fighting game. How was it? I only remember seeing a few screenshots before it came out but it looked kinda fun.

As good as a budget fighter for a vn can get