
It's not that much, considering a game sold in store the developer gets even less money.

Just people crying on Twitter like usual, but they won't do anything about it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Competing services need to stop beimg inferior.

30% is what gamestop takes from video games and is what most stores take
Steam doesn't have any obligation to subsidize your fucking internet costs, you don't drive to walmart and expect them to pay your gas, or for nintendo to pay your electricity bill.

It's their choice to use steam or not. Nobody is forcing them. Also, you can negotiate the cut that steam takes, it's not always 30%.

like the app store, the windows store, google play, origin, and uplay then

Valve are jews, no denying this. But they're bitching that they're only getting 70% versus the what, 20% they'd be getting if they went through retailers or consoles?

Why are developers such crybaby bitches?

How dare visa and mastercard use their services and charge you to have easy access to your bank

How dare your internet service provider charge for their services and provide you with internet

How dare steam take a profit for hosting your game and giving you pc publicity and guaranteed money from steam game collectors

they aren't inferior

steam mouthbreathers just refuse to use anything else

It scales with the size of your company so of course Epic will be paying 30% as opposed to indies giving 15% of each sale.

Im not giving you welfare you ignorant faggot.

Developers and publishers need to start using anything else. I buy some shit on Humble, it's all steam keys. I can't add it to GOG. What am I supposed to do?

There was an adult version of Steam, but they still pussed out and didn't allow the racier stuff. GOG still doesn't allow adult games either.

Your idea of competing services are fucking garbage. Get over yourself.

t. uplay marketer

These people are would-be Bernie voters, guaranteed.

Origin's download speeds took a huge hit recently, I can barely maintain 10 MB/s on a 230 Mb/s connection.
Meanwhile, on Steam, I can easily hit and maintain 28+ MB/s.

Implying anyone would buy it at all if they didn't see it on Steam. I don't care about Steam but let's be honest, 99% of these games wouldn't sell a single copy if not for Steam and you sure as fuck wouldn't trust them with your credit card details. This is just another reason why I avoid Indy shit like the plague, I wish Steam wouldn't even allow it on their site.

GoG, Origin and uPlay suck. kys

You do expect to pay sony and ms to use your internet though.

Because they think they have to pay taxes.

Name a better service

well maybe tim should put his games on visanet if it's that much cheaper, huh

Why are people in the game industry so much whinier than people in other entertainment industries?

Not even indie filmmakers whine this much.

And soon you will pay nintendo

Only one crying here is you babby

People that work FOR FREE as interns for movies don't bitch this much

This is it right here.
Do you wanna sell 100 copies of your game for $20 or 200 for $14?

All entertainment industries are shit. Don't kid yourself. If you actually pay attention you'll find musicians/bands bitching and moaning, film makers/directors bitching and moaning. You name it.

>Is there anyway to stop Steam and lower the rate?
Drop PC as a platform.
Publish on consoles and earn actual money.

>GoG et al

what ever you say tardo.

whatsaid. steam is honestly kinda shit.

>can't play a game unless you let it update.
>have to be online to use offline mode completely invalidating ''but you can play offline herpaderp''
>patches and updates have crap bandwidth and server allocations so d/l-ing from steam can take for fucking ever
>you don't own SHITALL , you're 'renting'

nah man, steam has always been shit, it has only gotten slightly less shit, competing services outclass valve's dictatorship by miles


Didn't know MasterCard and Visa had their own digital storeS where they sell PC games along with a whole fucking platform that some may claim it as DRM but is in fact a something that adds value to the games you've bought instead of just playing a pirated game from GOG.

If other services were better then people wouldn't refuse to use them

>shit developers whining that they don't make enough
i'm sure it's steam's fault, yeah

>they aren't inferior

They are. Name a single service with comparable features or the market as Steam.

There's literally nothing stopping devs from setting up their own online store and running their own download service. Or going brick and mortar. Or selling keys on Amazon and just hosting the download on their end. Or just putting up a torrent and taking donations.

They're just giant pussies, that's all.

GoG is terrible. May as well pirate the games at that point.

Why the fuck should I use anything else, if I'm happy with Steam, you fucking shitter? If you want me to quit using Steam, your service has to be head and shoulders above in every single aspect imaginable. If it it's not that good, there's no point in even bothering, since I already have an extensive Steam library. Go fuck yourself.

So why don't they just get a publisher?

nigga what the fuck else am I supposed to use. I don't even know what negative stuff Steam does that would make me WANT another service. On only one exception was there a game I wanted that it didn't have and while the early access shit is pretty stupid its not like I can't ignore the fuck out of it or anything.

>It's Steam's fault for being so successful and having such a huge reach!

Indie filmmakers do it for the love of the craft.

Indie game devs are told by their indie game dev college profressors to upload their first shitty indie game (no doubt a clone of something else) onto The App Store for 'early exposure and maybe a little bit of cash.' It's built from the ground up to be a group of entitled scheming twats teaching other scheming twats how to scheme younger and dumber twats out of their parent's money.


>In July 2012, Chinese company Tencent Holdings acquired approximately 48.4% of Epic then issued share capital, equating to 40 percent of total Epic — inclusive of both stock and employee stock options, for $330 million.


>1. Ma Huateng - $16.3 B - #56 - Tencent - China

Someone should give that crybaby a pacifier, and some damn books.

I don't use anything else because everything else fucking sucks and don't have anywhere near the same level of features or convenience as Steam.

There's a reason people use it despite there being multiple alternatives.

Hmm... maybe because 30% is industry standard?

*Charges $12 for an old game poorly emulated with DOSBox*
*Faggots claim your service is superior*

GOG has worse fanboys than Steam ever will

The end all be all is steam is publicity and the best advertisement you could possibly get.

One of my favorite games I play to date is "Kenshi" now kenshi wasn't even up for sale on steam when I bought it but it was on the steam greenlight as one of the first game to be greenlit. So even though I bought it off of steam, steam showed me the game.

Most games I discover are through steam, atlas reactor, depth, shellshock live.

I almost never discover new nontriple aaa games outside of steam cause unfortunately no one covers them.
Game I'm playing now Reedemer I discovered through steam and its been a blast despite the fact I've seen exactly 0 people talk about it even on here.

I do think valve are some of the scummiest shitty people out there but you can't beat them. It's like trying to compete with twitch, amazon, google, or any other internet monopoly. Many will try but every single one of them will fail.

Take note which devs choose to release their games off steam.
These are your friends. Simply put support them. There is no actual monopoly by steam. Its a mental trap valve fanboys and the gullible have fallen for.
What steam actually does is hold your entire game collection hostage and it gets worse the more games you buy. This creates the fanatical fanboy as their collection and all its worth is now increasingly locked on steam. Its extremely devious strategy.

>>have to be online to use offline mode completely invalidating ''but you can play offline herpaderp''
>>patches and updates have crap bandwidth and server allocations so d/l-ing from steam can take for fucking ever
uh no, cite your claim

yeah well maybe take a peek at the cost of producing physical media and distributing it before you knock steam you goofy twats
you're spending just as much as devs used to, but with way less footwork

30% is still less than Consoles manufacturers take
I also heard Valve take less from smaller devs, dunno if that is true anymore, Gabe has gotten really jewish recently

>you don't own SHITALL , you're 'renting'
This always makes me laugh.

Origin is always down, and GOG have a TERRIBLE download program that needs to download it all at once because it reboot the download when paused or closed, because they give a giant "exe" instead of the game files. Also, trading steam for Windows Store is like trading goldberg for shekelberg.

It's weird to say this, but Uplay is the best of the "others" if you only count the system, altought it is the weakest in terms of games.

Also, why the fuck should I care? I'm not a indie dev, I'm just a gamer. Those hair colored SJW pricks should just fuck off, I will stay with steam until a better service arrives, and I will not move a finger to help some Hillary Clinton voters.

>steam is a monopoly
No, it holds the majority marketshare. It has competitors and has committed no regulatory capture. Nothing is stopping a superior service from overtaking Steam except the lack if such a service

nah, it's the steam standard, but retail stores charged way more than that so I dont know what people are bitching about

At a substantially lower price at the very least, to play good exclusives too

Something Sony and xbox will never have as they struggle to ultimately lose to pc

they thought they would be able to make one game and coast off that "success" forever
>hurr i wanna work for videogames so ez

Must suck to see physical profits get slashed from both retail stores and platform licensing fees.

>steam releases of games GoG also has are almost always ONLY the original release version with 0 patches or updates, and no compatibility fixes etc to make them work on 90 % on machines OR are straight up crbon copies of the GoG release because steam are too lazy and retarded to even bother to make sure the products they sell even work

>meanwhile even if it's ganking fan fixes and unofficial patches and bundling them into one unified installer at least GoG sell things that actually work on 90% of systems
>GoG client entirely optional and never has to run.
>doesn't need to go online to go offline mode
>doesn't force updates just to play a game updates are optional

And somehow you think STEAM is better?

YEAH, NO, you're a fucking LOONY

I like the "logic" of these shitstain "developers". If you don't like Valve practices and prices - don't use Steam for the distribution of your shit games, nobody is forcing you to do that as there are alternatives to Steam available, it's that simple. But they won't do that, because Steam is superior to every single alternative they have from an economical POV. These mongoloids are the equivalent of niggers crying for free shit. Here's a fucking hint: Valve is a business, it doesn't owe you shit and if you don't like Valve and Steam, fuck off somewhere else.

>It's weird to say this, but Uplay is the best of the "others" if you only count the system, altought it is the weakest in terms of games.

Then why do uPlay games cost $60 with no distribution or publisher fee?

this person gets it

GOG and Origin also take 30%

Yeah, make a better platform.

Until then, stop complaining that the free market works, commie dicksucker.

I mean, to be fair: They *do* have a strangle-hold on the market. Partially because they were the first to be there.

>literally "it's okay when nintendo does it!"

So intellectuals?

And the publisher's cut
And royalties if you didn't make the engine yourself, if you use havok or speedtree, proprietary audio codecs, etc, then the gorvernment's taxes.

So why didn't anyone else try? Oh because they were TERRIBLE and didn't offer any worthwhile exclusives.

Steam/Valve was told this service would never work, would never be successful. Look where they are now.

>this thread
PC gaming at its finest, good job """"master race""""

to go into offline mode to play games, steam requires you first connect the client you're running to the steam service online. THEN you can tell steam to restart in offline mode to allow you to play games without an internet connection.

except you need the internet to do it.

it's retarded.

as to bandwidth etc. steam are notorious for giving priority only to 'aaa' games they want to push, whereas other games can get shafted with such low priority that dailup speeds would be faster

They only have a strangle hold because thoughtless developers quietly added must use steam into their retail products. The big one was Skyrim. That ensnared many people.

Any amount is too much to charge for the privilege of using your own internet that you already pay for. If I owned a telecom company I would sue the shit out of them for holding my service ransom on their devices

>uPlay offers little, it's 'rewards' system is trash it took from Raptr before it nuked itself, and then it's overlay is buggy as all fuck. Also no real deals to speak of.
>Origin is now up to snuff in some ways, but it's still 90% EA crap and 10% other things. It's also fucking EA who's time and time again been shady as ALL fuck for their own agendas.
>GOG is a laugh and can't even get it's own digital player working half the time.

I really hate the steam client, it either crashes or takes way to long to load pages

GOG's problem is it has none of the games I actually want to play.

Steam has the best selection of games. But it has its own issues. The sales are nice sometimes.

Pirating has potential virus issues unless you run games in a sandbox or VM but that's just running even more shit. Though its free.

Uplay and Origin just need to fuck off. Not worth getting another DRM service for 2 games.

>to go into offline mode to play games, steam requires you first connect the client you're running to the steam service online. THEN you can tell steam to restart in offline mode to allow you to play games without an internet connection.
this is simply not true, or at least it hasn't been true for years, you can pull the plug on your router and try it yourself

PSN/XBL take the same.

Industry standard.

Only good policy Origin has is the 24 hour refund thing.

Meanwhile Steam has trading cards to sell, Steam Cloud, Steam Workshop etc

Works fine for me friend.

Most software app stores charge that much. MasterCard isn't a storefront in the same sense and their services are completely different.

that's because buying from GoG gets you the game full stop. so you get a complete installer, as well as one for patches etc if you want.

>GoG sells you a product.
>steam rents you a service

there's a difference.

Exactly which further enhances my consoles are for retards argument.

doesnt steam also host servers for MP games?

ive had my internet go out for like a week and was able to play steam games offline fine throughout

But that also mean

>Steam gets the patches first
>GOG version patches are delayed for several weeks

>George Broussard

Here's what that 30% gives you

>Ability to push out updates as much and as large as you want instantly
>Community features
>Anyone can buy and download the game
>Built in multiplayer features
>Literally every PC gamer

30% is fine.

some epic cargo cult thinking here

t. trump supporter

how's that white supremacy thing going for you trumptard? isn't voting against your own interests the best thing?


Swore off steam a year or so ago for good. No longer buy a single game from them and never will. This was after years of dodgy occurances happening with the final shady thing being the last straw.
Wont even mention what happen. Know for a fact they use dedicated unpaid shills to spy and attack users around the web.

Adding to the Origin fire:

>It uses 17 (?) analytics firms to collect your data, and you can only opt out of 12. Steam uses zero. Steam also doesn't scan your HDD for 'pirated games' and whatever the hell else it wants. Steam's hardware surveys are voluntary

>Origin is constantly connected to its master server, even when not in use. When idle, Steam only checks in every 5 minutes.

Keep in mind I was here when Origin launched, and all this is what it was when it launched. I don't know if their policies have changed.

Take just a fraction of a moment to consider how many transactions these companies deal with daily. Credit cards are used on almost every financial transaction people make. Steam only sells video games on computers. And I don't know exactly how it's handled, but that 2-5% credit card transaction fee is probably being covered by Steam's 30% cut.

Huh, that second tweet answers the first one.
Really makes you think.

I think he means that you need to go online once to set it up.

GoG sells you a repackaged torrented game with an outdated DOSbox build and some community patches, that's all it does, you fucking cultist. Everything GoG does you can do better, including pirating the game for free , if you're not retarded, of course.

and ur a would-be cuck lol

but ur a virgin lol

>he hasnt seen gpu wars

Broussard? That cuck that destroyed DNF by constantly changing the engine until all devs abandoned ship? Talk about irrelevancy.

>masterrace lords can choose from who they buy, or even if they will buy, while peasants have to suck sony/nintendo/xbox dicks and get over with it

Don't botter yourself with the gift of choice, the sheep can't deal with that kind of freedom anyway.

origin is a fucktard program that doesnt allow you to set a download limit
I hate downloading games on origin because this shit goes WOW ITS TIME TO USE 100% OF YOUR BANDWIDTH I HOPE YOU DONT ACTUALLY NEED IT :^^^)