How will ubisoft fuck up Anno 1800?

How will ubisoft fuck up Anno 1800?

Always online DRM.

Well that's a given, I'll be pirating it for sure.

Same ways they fucked up 2205. 1800 is already a lost cause. Best quit while you're ahead.

Last I played was 1404, what am I in for?

A largely unmitigated disaster.

It does away with "pesky" things like "stock management" and "trade management," folding it all into a simple automagic rate of production in each region. And now each region is now upgraded* to only have one island per map! And now you don't even have to worry about defending your progress or using your military advantage to pressure your foes - you can only engage in military conflicts in special instance maps!

And it just gets worse from there. If you want new Anno, pirate 2070 because of the disaster that is UPlay.

Whelp. I guess I'll pirate 1800, but the futuristic eras don't seem interesting to me.

Did the studio admit they're making mistake at least ?
I'm scared they will follow 2205 formula for all of their next game.

What mistakes, user? 2205 was released to critical acclaim*, and everyone loved* it!

But seriously, no, it's not clear that they consider 2205 a mistake.

They changed their decision of selling the Orbit DLC to the people who already buy the season pass.
Granted that was a dirty move in the first place, but at least it shows they still have brain.
Hence I hope they acknowledge what the community wants and discard the 2205 formula.

>tfw the last anno game I played is 1503

If I know I'll hate the new ones, why play them?

Just like the new ghostbuster's film. Why would I watch the new one if I know it'll suck?

2070 gameplay is great.

>Why would I watch the new one if I know it'll suck?
1404 is still worth checking out, familam.

1404 is the best.

>resources are stockpiled when they are created
>game runs out of ram after like 2 hours of play
>no resource net like anno 1404
>ai still cheats
>story mode no-one gives a single fuck about

The last anno game I played was 1701 on the DS.

1602 is still my favourite even though 1404 is probably overall the better game. I never played 2070 or 2205 because I'm not keen on the future setting.

They're going to fuck up 1800 by not setting it in Australia.

is Anno 2250 worth a pirate y/n

DLC for reskins of your cities.
DLC for additional scenarios.
DLC for additional resources/buildings.
etc. etc.

I played it, astronauts are niggers, you get sick of the extra missions.


Check Anno 2205, there is a day one version w/o denuvo, if you manage to find it.
Even without uplay and DRM, it's a pathetic casualfest.

Thank you Anons, I'll play something else

1503 was the best.
Anno 1404 is similar. they didn't fuck it up.
2070 is basically 1404 in future.

The original series creators no longer being involved.

That's basically it, and that's basically enough.

Anno 1404 is the best. Also it still looks really good in 2017, especially with the Postcard mode.

I get urges to play some 1404 every now and then, but every time I do I quickly lose interest after a while because every single game is the same. I guess you can say the same about most city builders since some strategies are just better than others, but Anno 1404 is literally the same production chains in the same order every single time, the layout of the map is irrelevant. In other city/production builders like Caesar 3 the layout and resources on a map can alter the playstyle at least a bit.