Butthurt burger detected.

Not one place is the state of America even mentioned.

The jabs at video games are no different than "THIS AIINT NO GAME WOAH R U SURE" and other reddit tier humor. I don't like them, but it hardly ruins the game, and since the loading screens are random, you might not even see them.

>Not one place is the state of America even mentioned.

Obsessed eurocuck detected

>It's a Sup Forums bait thread in disguise of video games.
Sweet. 300+ posts and no moderation incoming!

No it's not? It's me trashing this trash game. Fuck off.

I just think the Jews did this and we need to know this. It's the sjwing of our Vidya and it makes me fucking dick to my core

america and videogames are both bad so i don't see the problem here

Never does it imply that you suck for playing a videogame. America sucking is common sense

It does suck to live in America though. School is failing the kids, the family unit is dead, you have to work like a slave to support yourself since everyone is competing for mediocre jobs and you're paying so many taxes, it's rare to find a safe and close community thanks to how divided and diverse everyone is, and it's become much more reasonable to stay alone than to get married and have a family, it's just not feasible anymore (unless you both work like slaves, stunt the kids by dumping them in a daycare, and both get handouts from big brother). It's not the 50's anymore, I want to kill myself.

the entire game is a commentary on why escapism is "stupid" and "dangerous"

(it's not btw gen X faggots)

It's really not.

I promise you, it is

Europoor detected.


more like americans think they can control sand niggers with military interventions. 16 years in Afghan and still increasing numbers or troops. Fucking brits could not do it, no one can. Its called the graveyard of empires for a reason.

yeah that shit didn't happen in the 50's and everyone was happy

I don't think you understood what happened

>people are so self-absorbed they think the game is criticizing the player and not Walker for his actions

we did that show in high school, shit was great. You're cultured user, congrats. we almost did Buried Child the next year, oh well. RIP Sam

The problem has been present and growing since WWI ended.

Don't forget rhe outdated crumbling infrastructure, greedy bank and corporation contol of the whole country, idiotic leaders, grade inflation, creating terrorists and unstability around the world. USA is also the only "first world" country where the expected age of living has turned downwards becouse of all the alcoholics, drug addicts and suicides.

All this while spending ludicrous and increasing amounts of money in military.

Is it even possible to turn back in the beginning of the game?

Where do people get this shit from? I can only assume its from being autistic and identifying too close with the main character. i.e. "the game" berates "me" for using white phosphorus, despite repeatedly addressing Walker by name.

I played this game only because it was mentioned alongside Undertale

Good for you.

Way to prove him right.


I also played Brandish and SMT and fell in love

I need more good games

Yeah okay, sorry to say but you might not find every game out there enjoyable.

Some games just aren't for some people.


Tell me user, do you live in Europe perchance?

literally telling you to not take it serious, its a fucking video game. its poking fun at autists like you who get all butthurt you '''''have to''''' kill civies

but it's true, all americucks do is invade week defenceless counties

>its poking fun at autists like you who get all butthurt you '''''have to''''' kill civies
you don't get the meaning of it at all. they're giving you shit for not caring whether or not you kill civilians just because it's not real. the whole game is filled with stuff like that like calling you a retard for following orders even if they don't make sense.

back to tumblr

>calling you a retard for following orders even if they don't make sense.

The game is literally about some dude thinking he knew better than his superiors and ruining everybody's life.

Back to Sup Forums with you.

War is bad this is what MGS shouldve taught you by now

>some people in this thread
The game criticises individualism heroism in general, and how media feed it to the masses. If you've got a problem with the message, then you might just be a demographic.
I'm not saying that the games does this flawlessy, there are certainly reasons why A LOT of people too the words personally and felt insulted. I'm saying that you should stop being too sensible over things and see them for what they actually are.

Still great game though, even if you consider it a walking simulator. Stays in my 3*3 till this day.

Do people not know what heart of darkness is anymore?

WTF, I hate America now.

that's what happens when you create bland, completely generic character combined with pretending to give you a sense of agency about their actions. it's not about being self-absorbed, it was just clearly designed in a way to make it feel like the finger is being pointed at you.

>lol you're a bad person for killing all those people we forced you to kill
>lol you could have stopped playing at any time

The main problem with the game is the identity crisis of player agency. The game is simultaneously telling the player to feel bad while forcing them along a linear path, so it can be assumed you are supposed to look at the story from an outside perspective. But without the connection between the player and the main character, all that is left is a mediocre war drama retelling Apocalypse Now with bland cover shooting.

*throws forced drama made so that normalfags with 70 IQ who have never read a book before feel bad*

It's a meta-textual thing.
It plays itself as a typical linear shooter while subverting and drawing attention to the forced linear nature of the experience by incorporating the lack of agency and freedom into the main character's arc. Just as you the player may shrug off unsavory moments as being forced gameplay sections, so to does the MC, who convinces himself that he has no other choice.

I was happy I could be the villain and murder innocents. I love killing innocents, I torture rats and cats whenever they get on my yard.

walker was crazy person obviously

I love killing burgers, so this game is my jam.

Why did you play it in the first place

come over to /leftypol/, we hate classcucks and want to smash the oppressive capitalistic system too

I had an enjoyable time with it, the music was god tier.

But diversity and feminism caused this.

It's the same stupid bullshit as Modern Warfare, but really pretentious. The only clever trick in its book is that instead of ripping off We Three Kings and news footage as Modern Warfare does it rips off movies like Funny Games, Fight Club, and Jacob's Ladder. Superficial cleverness is all it has. Anyone who is actually familiar with the game's supposed subject matter knows it screws it up in all kinds of ways.

Numerous interviews with the lead writer and other staff. It's pretty damn clear that Walt Williams was hoping he'd be the next Ken Levine...right before Levine's career went tits up. The amount of self-lionizing bullshit in those interviews is incredible in light of how much nothing the people who worked on the game have done since.

The state of America user. Not America. The STATE of it.
>What is reading comprehension

Refute these statements, you can't.

i unironically enjoyed the combat even though it was supposed to be generic.

user, you are not Walker.

It's not like it's any different anywhere else


Capitalism did

Top bait user. Really love how you managed to cram so many buzzwords that those youtube game "critics" and "analysts" seem to adore in that one sentence.

you can always tell the people who never played the game. i'm not saying the game is great, in fact, its awful. but the plot to this game has to be the most memed thing repeated by the same people who never played it and dont even know what really happens in the game (spoilers: it worse than a 00s disaster move) and when you break it all down the plot is actually funny.

>remember when Ground Zero's came out
>MGS has always had baddies from all nations
>suddenly, GZ has U.S Marines
>Big Boss has no national identitiy anymore
>kills them
>see a lot of anons posts
>"marines? Nah, fuck you Kojima"

I know its not everyone but Why are you all so sensitive? Why can't you handle even the FEW times it happens after said devs suck your dick off for more than 20 years?

This game is nothing but a more on the nose MGS2 and that allows people who aren't too clever to just barely pick up on the fact that the game might be a commentary on video games and they don't like that.