Explain without resorting to memes why you think this game is bad

Explain without resorting to memes why you think this game is bad.
why do janitors delete literal video game threads?

the playerbase

This is a valid complaint but I usually play with a 5 stack and that takes care of the problem
I understand that's not something you can always do though

A huge time commitment

Its stops being fun at a high enough level
Winning becomes relief rather than joy
Losing becomes just miserable

Too much time wasted for that tiny nugget of dopamine from winning 1 good game out of 20 average to shit games

in short, people take it too god damn seriously
Video games aren't serious

>why do janitors delete literal video game threads?
Because /vg/ exists and you should use it


5500 hours later I pretty much feel the same. You've summed it up pretty well.

I just play PUBG with mates now and it's so much more chill.

I might hop back in when the two new heroes get released but atm I have no interest in it.

because everyone in the gulag would defend this shit game to death

No ranking system.
No matchmaking system.
Poor complexity budgeting.

Are you posting in the correct thread, friend?

It's bad because they nerfed Visage's familiars in 7.0

>hey lets kill the less played hero in the game!

I still find it baffling.

It's definitely the best MOBA/ARTs or whatever you want to call it on the market. There really is no other game to match it. HOTS too casual and League is for children.

Recently raised my behavior score and MMR and now all of my matches have been excellent quality. Just wish that they'd catch on to balance a little faster and listened a little bit less to reddit.

>all of my matches have been excellent quality
As in "even" or as in "stomps in your favor"? Because all my matches are just stomps, but I only have high behavior score and not MMR.

It would be easier for them to balance the game if more than 10% of match data was actually indicative of the state of the game.

As in even, at least in my solo rank games.
When I play with lower mmr friends I usually stomp when I pick what I want, but that's boring so I just random.

They want you to stay in your containment threads

In what universe is this a general

This. Even as a party game it's not much better.

Because LoL is the better game while Dota is just Valve making a cash-grab out of the MOBA craze


Because it's a MOBA, and MOBAs are inherently garbage.

dota isn't a moba

Weak bait

It depends on your mmr really user

Like I have played Dota ( later dota 2) since early 2011 and am around 4.5k , I stopped playing ranked because of talents , I hate not knowing that some of them are utter bullshit and others are really laughable ( Gyrocopter ... case rested).

Also supporting , its just not as fun anymore in my elo as every fucking miracle wannabe will take alll the runes and tomes

It seems like a game where the complexity outweighs the actual depth. I never got into these games so, what do I know, but is that somewhat true?

The depth goes a lot further than the complexity. There's a lot of dumb surface complexity with all the stuff like creep mechanics and stacking and pulling, but most of the game's actual depth just comes from all the different ways basic stuff can interact in clear ways.

this normal skiller comes and criticizes your game. what do you do, Sup Forums?

MMR system needs to be revamped. They need to come up with some metric that calculates how well someone did depending on the role/hero. If you tried your hardest to win and still lost because of some feeder shitter, you shouldn't lose the same amount of MMR as them.

because it ended my fucking life


Because of the randomness of matchmaking in most circumstances, you never know if you'll actually have a fun time or if people will treat you like shit or you'll treat people like shit, even your friends. I put 3000 hours into Dota 2 and finally quit last year because I realized I was being a massive cocksucker to people and having a shit time whenever I played.

Dota 2 is like a drug in that you can get heavily addicted to it so that it eats away at all of your time and, despite constant exposure and desire for a good time, the high you receive isn't worth the bullshit and suffering you have to go through to get there.

Sup Forums feels its too easy and casual and yet they're not becoming professional players of this easy and casual game so they can win 10 million dollars

Valve refuses to add some kind of soft region lock to the US region.

This means Peruvians completely ruin the quality of matches in USE and USW. Why? They hate each other, so they attempt to queue away from their own country. Unlike normal players Peruvians often play from internet cafes where generic accounts may be set up, so Peruvians never get punished for griefing. After all, they can just take a different seat at the cafe. Also, Peru has too many kids with easy access to internet cafes. They have no interest in learning the game, no interest in doing anything but getting the most value out of their parents' money. If that means they have to grief to force a game end or grief their own team so they can keep fountain camping, so be it.

Basically, the problem is Valve for being so incompetent at managing their own cash cow. They seem like a company that is growing old, fat and obsolete.