I like fake messageboards in games

The darknet boards in Battle Network games were always great

Make me.

Battle Network missed the opportunity to have Navis use chip combos. 4 and 5 came close with dark navis, but they only use whatever chips you have randomly

If it bothers you that much you should just move to Secret Area.

Everyone knows UnderBBS is a honeypot by the Officials anyway.

>Disco Inferno is automatically deployed
Full Synchro achieved!
S Rank

>there will never be a MMBN MMO where we get to customize our own Navis and interact with other people's Navis
>there will never be more MMBN games
>there will never be properly ported versions of the existing games with all the cut Japanese-only content re-instated and available to all regions

What's the best way make a navi into my waifu?

Asking for a friend.

Someone in another thread yesterday mentioned something about a game he wished existed. It was Pokemon GO but you make your own navi and go out and fight viruses and find chips. i fucking wish

God Id kill for a Battle Network Collection

What are some other games with message boards?
I need to know.


Valhalla has one

I actually learned about internet message boards from MMBN. My early posts were all weird as shit because I was trying to imitate the style in the game

Learn to code. They're literally computer programs

WWW? Isn't that the organization from the life virus incident? I thought they disbanded... this is worrying me

.hack my man

Front Mission 3 not only has message boards, but websites you can hack into.

elecman.exe is pretty cute and i would fuck him

no homo though

I heard about a so called "undernet" but i'm not going to say a thing about it hehehehe

>tfw last year I wrote some scripts of a Sup Forums user and his female netnavi I was gonna make into comics
>Can't find the files anywhere

They need to make BN7 for the 3DS.

Without voice acting.

>not having two navis

I own a physical copy of this game but I could never find the toy Battlechips for it

I want roll.exe to sit on my face

>be BBS admin
>perfect job if you want to get a HP bug
>noobis spamming the board asking where to find darkchips
>dumb posts about how to use static
>retards posting old-ass PA finds
>hundreds of faggots asking for quickgauge*
>kotetsu's attention whoring again

Tell your damn proggies to stop deleting all the good threads.

Shut up, you goddamned trap.

Are they still around?

Hands off my waifu.

For all the attempts at a Pokemon MMO, it's odd that no one has tried making a Battle Network MMO.


hey can anyone trade me quickgauge* for minibomb ?

what did you say to me?

sharing is caring user, please

I shouldn't have laughed so hard

guys how do I life sword?

Jack in to her

jack onto her

Hey guys, Joe here
Isn't the NaviCust amazing? It can power up your Navi so much!
But after I used it, my Navi started leaving poison panels wherever it walked. I don't get what's wrong...

Undernet is very scary 13 and up content!

install gentoo

>placing plus parts on the command line

>navis are .exe windows executables PETs run windows mobile?


>choose Navi instead of Team
>bust viruses for chips
>find Bug Frags/zenny at stops
>gyms are Battle Points, can battle other operator's Navis
>randomly gain style change (e.g. MMBN 3)
>Raid Battle against Life Virus, Gregor/Falzer, Omega, Duo, Zero Virus, Stone Man, other large Navis or viruses
>gain data for Navis through battle, enough data gives you playable NetNavi

>missed opportunity
like peanut butter and chocolate

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