What are they queuing for, Sup Forums?

What are they queuing for, Sup Forums?

Nigga's wearing a skirt like it's no big deal.

Judging by how hideous and repulsive they are, probably something to do with a 3DS.

That's ACTUALLY a girl bro.

That's a fucking woman. You must have no idea how freakish hambeasts look now.

wii u demo

SNES Classic?

They are all fat.

Is it a girl or a "girl"?

americans are disgusting creatures

or "our" girl?

With that guy with the nasty fucking ponytail, it has to be the Switch. People who look like they lost control always go for Nintendo.

Every single one of them obese/overweight.

Gotta be America

Roaches lines up for a PS4 grill

By the audience I would say either an amiibo or the switch

Vitas are in the cage, so this image has to be pretty old, so I would go for amiibo.


It is. Looks like a best buy


Close. It was for an exclusive Amiibo.



Why do fat people always gravitate towards Nintendo products?

That fucking posture, goddamn.


judging by their collective appearances

The bathroom

Those people don't use bathrooms

>DS games
>X360 on shelf

Why are people so disgusting?

what is THAT THING in a skirt?



How do you know it's not a "grrrl"

why are they so autistic

A mistake

Seems like this photo is a little old. To many 360s on the shelf

>american nintendo fans

Thank you for your keen observation skills.

>Blue jeans
>Jean shorts
>Cargo shorts
>Random Walmart t-shirt
>Video game branded anything
>Rimless glasses
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

a blowjob from your mom

sorry, i only spent a good second glancing at the image
>autism, not even once

Nigger let me get some of that candy

Because they don't know how to feed themselves. That's okay, most people have no fucking clue either; even the majority of the medical community thinks bread and pasta can be part of a healthy diet.

what's wrong with rimless glasses? i don't like black frames

missing an operatunity of a lifetime by not picking up those club penguin copies

They've always been awful, they're indefensible unless you're gonna take me back to the past to play some shitty games that suck ass.

Girlfriend or mom?

I'm sorry I'm not american this isn't a common sight for me.

What are acceptable glasses frames?

Digital ham. But they can't get any because all the ham has been pirated.