Why does the Demon of Song look so sad? :(

Why does the Demon of Song look so sad? :(

Let's cheer him up!

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because he knows hes about to croak



Hey guys, here's me at Whale Island.

It's one of my favorite fights in all of the souls games.
Hearing the sirens song from afar, going into the fight and just seeing this giant ass frog, OH FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT HANDS
It just happen to be one of the easiest fights as well which sucked

>It just happen to be one of the easiest fights as well which sucked
I was fighting him at 99% weight and died a few times until i learn his move set and how to b8 him for an opening.

Retard alert.

Well let's not jump to conclusions

The easiest boss fight in DS2 but oddly the most memorable.

>The easiest boss fight in DS2
>what is Covetous Demon

Meant as a reply to

The SJWs are in full swing tonight.

Please do not misgender the Demon of Song. She's already sad enough. :(

You're right. I forgot about it because it isn't as memorable.

Try paying attention to the games you play, sweetie.

if he got high he'd be the demon of bong haha

That comma doesn't work there, faggot.

>easiest boss fight in DS2
it seems you forgot about Prowling Magus and Congregation

You seem lost. >>/tumblr/

feel like they used the good animator for this one but just this one boss

Lets list some ways that they could have made this area good, while keeping the same style, being the largest area in all of soulsborne and relating to Ivory King.

the battletoad was definitely my favorite boss fight. It had a somewhat difficult trek, so it was basically the only place I used my soapstone. Also, it's sliding charge attack and giant body slam just made me laugh.

Reminder that this is female in Dark Souls 2

>calling out grammar on Sup Forums
The newfags are in full swing tonight.

Because you're getting xer gender wrong

"sweetie" is ~4 month old shitposting language now. Lurk more.

That boss had me wondering about the most.

Who was this lady? What were her sins? Was the entire fortress, or Bastille, built just to contain her? Why does the mask have a beard?

I will never forget you, Sinner lady. ;-;

>Not xis gender


Was that supposed to be Witch of Izalith?

lol at being so paranoid you think these people are being unironic and serious.

You were supposed to meme me back, then I meme you again and we continue this for maybe 6 more replies then we go our seperate ways, please learn 4chains culture user. Take the "Moot?" class for beginners and come back next week.

Fun fact: The sword they gave her was cursed, even she was like "What the fuck?" at it.

the general theme around her containment seems to be "what the fuck?"

-A reincarnation of the Witch of Izalith
-She tried to recreate, fuel the first flame (her sins would have been described by Lord Aldia)
-It's likely that she was later implemented into the fortress as there are hints it was once used regularly, though it could have been built for the undead.
>Her mask doesn't have a beard, either her hair is forming well around the mask or its in her face, which wouldn't matter because the spikes in the mast would have blinded her anyways.

Hopefully this help.s.

>farmed sunlight medals with this boss
>summon times started to become longer and longer
>mfw I found out about soul memory the hard way because of that

that... that's not grammar, though.

Back-the; fuck...off¡

protip: the boss is the bug that crawls inside the body's eye, not the body itself

>Milfanito and Fanito in 2
>3 has DS1 so far up it's ass it's coughing up Anor Londo
>no Nito anything in 3 except a shitty jpeg in the catacombs

Is DS2 actually the better game?



literally the only area/boss in the game I did not give enough of a shit to complete in the Company of Champions

>no Nito anything in 3 except a shitty jpeg in the catacombs
What shitty jpeg?

I thought Aldritch inherited Nito's soul, or ate him and got it.

Nito was killed by the protagonist of Dark Souls 1 though, and his soul was already used for the lordvessel

It knew that it was a shit boss.

Aldrich has Nito's soul, just like he's got Priscilla's and moonboy's. Smough and Ornstein both survived long past the events of 1 too
"Time is convoluted" basically means that only very general events happened (ie someone linked the fire but we don't know exact details)

Yeah but Lord souls and other powerful souls reincarnate somehow. The Rotten I think it was called had Nito's soul in 2, the Lost Prisoner had the Witch of Izalith's, that duke's spider had Seath's etc,

In 3 the Abyss Watchers have Artorias' soul, I figured Yhorm had Izalith's with the whole Profaned Flame thing, Aldritch had Nito's, Ludleth maybe had Seath and Lothric had Gwyn?