What went wrong?

What went wrong?

This game was fucking godlike

game breaking bugs that would corrupt your save data
cheaters ruined online play

Nothing until Phantasy Star Universe. That game was one of the biggest disappointments of my adolescent years. Also its a shame the Xbox version of PSO is locked behind shitty Xbox Live login, you can never play offline with it unless you have an old profile

Shoddy coding on sega's part, stupider decision not to patch it for NA.
The guy who found the game genie code that allowed you to NOL, TYRELL, ASH people's characters.
The playerbase for being shitty enough to abuse it to the point of locked parties with people you knew wouldn't fuck you over being the only way to play, ruining the "connect with people world wide" concept

Game was perfect, RAcaseal master race.

The game was literally perfect, the only blemish was that the English servers had no support against hackers ruining your shit.

phantasy star was never good

2 was okay for its time and tried to do golden age sci fi. everything epse fell so far behind its laughable

i still listen to the OST but i remember the combat being dull

was great times though on my dreamcast

This game is the shining example of how to do an MMO right.

Nothing. It's just a 15 year old game and everyone's done everything in it.

PSU and PSO2 aren't really PSO games.

I'll take PSU back anyday. It had it's problems but at least we had a english sever. PSO2 also has shit the bed going into the "hahah we're playign a video game" storyline and other bullshit.

PSU was great, it just needed better maps and enemies. And less grinding. You had to raise a PM up specifically to craft certain weapons that you needed. And finding boards and materials.

Just make it like PSO where you find items straight up.

PSU was a unique experience on the 360 that's for sure.

I would fucking love a rerelease of either PSU or PSO on consoles or handhelds.

There's always Phantasy Star Portable 2, It has pretty much all the content if I remember right.

How come we never got PSO2.
I spent forever in PSO and PSU and waited years for PSO2 just to grow old.
Guess I'll never get to experience it again with a new game.

Too many knife ears.

Yeah I have that. I just want another online phantasy star game. It's a real shame the servers for portable 2 got shut down.

Phantasy Star Zero on DS is extremely similar to PSO1. It's not quite as good though


PSO2 never quite captured the addictive quality of PSO1 because the combat is way too fast and less tactical, and the missions are all super short and lose the dungeon crawling charm.

And that was before Episode 4 ruined it by trying to cash in on the "other world" light novel fad



I kinda like the combat, but I spend all my time in the Casino

I wish it wasn't so hard to make your female robot look like a fucking robot

No one is ever gonna use the term MMO properly again. Might as well just give in

Kinda agree

A-Anyone want to play PSU?

is it finished and ready to play?


No thanks.

A few bosses still don't have AI but otherwise it seems to be, they got SUVs and nanoblasts working

My biggest issue with PSO2 is still the itemization. At least back when I played, there was almost no reason to ever use anything other than the weapon with the highest stats.

Special abilities were mostly passive boosts so there was nothing very interesting worth farming for. You just grinded to cap then tried to get your god weapon and that was it.

SEGA sold PSO's soul to the Otaku and weeb audience, instead of sticking with PSO's unique mysterious fantasy sci-fi atmosphere. PSO2's pretty much a generic shonen space opera now.

In the newest one they made it so that a female robot can't have a robotic face.

I don't want to be overly optimistic. I heard the people working on it were having a lot of trouble, and also that their forum has an autist or three who keep trying to convince them to fuck things up.

>PSO2 never quite captured the addictive quality of PSO1 because the combat is way too fast and less tactical, and the missions are all super short and lose the dungeon crawling charm.

What made PSO work so well was that it was pretty much a 3rd person Diablo, with a huge focus on looting and gear being what carries you in combat, rather than flipping around all over the place with gear that ends up being very little more than tiny stat boosts. For an experience as close to PSO in today's age I'd recommend Path Of Exile and the upcoming Monster Hunter.

Every pserver has the "add things that weren't in the original game" forum autists, that's inevitable

You're right though, I just checked and it turns out the server's down due to the owner being homeless again
My mistake, it looked like it was up this time

I just couldn't get into the isometric stuff like Diablo and PoE after playing PSO.

PSO set the bar so fucking high, then shortly after SEGA decided they just didn't feel like trying anymore.

Dark Souls and MH are the only games that even came close to replicating the feeling, but I've still probably dumped 10x the amount of hours into PSO.

>I couldn't get into the isometric stuff

I know exactly how you feel. I have the same problem.

RPGs trying to become too much like action games to appease a wider audience is a much bigger problem than just PSO.

I don't know why building the equipping your character became such a dirty concept

>owner being homeless

Holy fucking shit. Why is the absolute madman even working on a project like this if their life is so unstable? Sounds like there are other priorities at stake.

Putting that aside, I'm not absolutely against adding features not in the original game. There are almost always quality of life adjustments or other things that can just improve a previously released product, but what I was hearing was that they had stupid class change suggestions that were plainly misplaced and not needed.

>When Diablo 3 for consoles came out all journalists wrote thinkpieces about how "directly controlling your character instead of clicking changes the whole game!"
>When PSO was doing the same thing over 10 years earlier

PSU had a bunch of really stupid shit in it, but I never felt like it was beyond saving like PSO2.

PSO was certainly much more of a timesink for me as well and a HUGE part of my childhood, because the setting was so much more interesting and unique. How many sci-fi fantasy Dungeon crawling games are there? PSO was pretty much the only one. What's more 3rd person works so much more than overview imo, it just brings you into the world much more. That said the dungeon crawling and looting aspect really does it for me in Path of Exile, but can totally understand why you wouldn't like it. Like I said, I adore the looting.

*Also I REALLY enjoyed Gauntlet Legends as a kid on the N64, and Path Of Exile is pretty much Gauntlet Legends on steroids. PSO had that same type of Gauntlet feel to it as well.

I didn't mind isometric click to kill stuff for MMOs like Ragnarok.

It just always felt off in Diablo for some reason I couldn't quite explain. PoE wasn't as bad, I just don't think I was very into the art or setting.

I think the closest thing we have to a PSO experience is destiny, sadly.

Exploring with friends and getting loot reminds me of PSO at times. I really think if PSO was to come out now it would do ok. Not great, but well enough to stay alive for a bit.

Destiny has the sci-fi fantasy setting down pat, but the FPS aspect completely kills the potential for a PSO like game. What needs to come out is an ARPG that's 3rd person. If Destiny were a 3rd person ARPG then it would more or less be just like PSO.

>3rd person destiny

I wanted this so much with destiny 2. I mean what's the point of getting cool gear if you can't see what you're wearing?

Though to be fair, almost everything BUT the shooting is done in 3rd person.

I put a few months into PSO2, and while I appreciated that I could have a nice red scarf of justice on my space-faring robot hero, everything else fucking sucked. Nothing you found mattered, the only advice I ever got from my friend who was a long time player was, "That's an Ex Cube, that's an Ex Cube, it's all Ex Cubes. Get a 13 star. Don't grind that. Everything but the very best item sucks."
Not exactly great advice for playing through the game organically, but there it was. I liked PSU a lot better when it came to playstyle, since PSO2 basically demands you play a certain way if you want to proceed smoothly through its content. I wanted to just punch everything to death, but the Photon Arts for Knuckles in PSO2 are pretty damn janky and have little to no ability to handle crowds of enemies, unlike PSU where their Arts were varied enough for just about any situation. Plus, Arts in PSU level and have stages of advancement so you can go for the full string or hold off as needed.

I dont know. I only played a little of you on schthack, but thought it was to boring and clunky with not enough things to do. PSU was way better but its dead...maybe I need to try PSO again, although nothing will come close to the satisfaction of pulling out a 42%+ melee weapon or getting my love inferno to 10/10 or farming a stack of morbinia/catilium and getting loaded off the sales

The one thing PSU did right was that you actually had a reason to use multiple weapons for different situations, the same way you would in PSO.

It was a bit more restricted in PSU because some arts were blatantly stronger than others in most situations, but there was still at least some of it there.

PSO2 kind of locks you into a single weapon type and a handful of arts if you want to do a decent amount of damage. I don't know if that changed recently, but it's what made me quit.

You probably didn't get far enough. You need to get into at least very hard before things start to get interesting. It's not hard to get there if you party, but soloing to that point can be time consuming.

Yeah, the skill tree encourages over-specializing and min-maxing in a game where that really should not be the focus.

Another thing I hate about PSO2 is that it is so built around dodging enemy attacks that support classes are useless, the only role in a party is to pump out as much damage as possible. Hell, back when I last played the Hunter had a tanking skill tree that was pretty much just a joke because there are no need for tanks

>Playing a Fighgunner in PSU
>Seemlessly switching from ranged to melee into a photon art

Why do games not let us play hybrids anymore?

PSU was the only game where support was actually decent and worth playing.

It was ok in PSO, but if I remember correctly it was made much less useful by some bug that caused damage to not get detected correctly after a Jellen+Zalure.

I got to 102 or 3 with a ramar. Only did ttf with some of the episode 2 ttf and a few max attacks. I remember it all. Game just wasnt as fun as PSU

Who /chairraces/ here?

It was great to have at least one FO in PSO. Just for the Resta and Shifta/Deband. And as long as you knew the Elemental weaknesses you could deal damage too.

Or go full balls to the wall and be another HU with a melee weapon. My FOmar was great for that since I got a 45% hit Excalibur.

TTF is good for grinding but is not how the game played during its prime at all. That's always been my issue with a lot of private servers.

You can do the same thing with Resta in PSO to evade various attacks, such as Form 3 Falz's Grants attack, so he can't just wear you down by attrition. Part of the reason CASTs had it rough was not being able to basically invulnerability frame through a number of harsh moves due to just ace-timing a spell.

Don't worry, PSO2 episode 5 has a new hybrid "Hero" class that makes every other class worthless! After you grind all the other roles to level 70 of course!

Fighgunner was my main, too. I loved being able to swap to Twinguns whenever I wanted and just strafe-blasting things. Felt pretty good. That, and dagger arts were pretty nice.

TTF is the main reason I don't play on ephinea anymore.

It's all anyone wants to do. I just wanna chill and go through the episodes with some people.

The hybrids were really well designed later in PSU's life.

It's a shame how hilariously bad they were for most of it.

>that Anthem lead guy died

I guses thats how it would go when the game is this old huh? I also tried the newman female force. I missed my 41+ buffs as acrotecher along with wands and t-mags :(

I understand why people do it, they just want to reach the point where they can actively farm for items.

The problem is they party for TTF and then run off into locked solo rooms to do all of their item farming.

CASTs were best in parties. Since they naturally had much higher stats in everything.

I think if you were REALLY wanting to Min-max a party you'd have 2 HUcasts, a RAcast and a FO-something. Probably didn't matter. Maybe FOmarl.

PSU started very bad and got better as it got older.

PSO2 started with potential and got worse with every update

I always farmed in open rooms. Unless it was something specific that would require a lot of resets.


That game looks really good to me. It looks like it might capture the PSO feel. It's just a shame that it's so far away.

Is PSO set up so that I can learn as I go along if I start it off on a private server? I've been playing Portable 2 on my downtime, but I'd like to give the original a shot. The episodic structure sounds odd though, and I figure everyone online would already know what they're doing.

PSU was actually pretty fucking decent after AotI dropped, but it was too shit on launch to ever redeem itself in most people's eyes.

My favorite memories from PSO were just dicking around with friends. Like this all FOmarl party.

>Consolecunts have however many fucking re-releases they relentlessly purchase because they have fuck all to play this gen
>But there is virtually fuck all demand for a PSO or PSU re-release
I would literally buy a console for that. I swear to fuck.

Only cinematic experiences get re-releases

>a fucking destiny clone
>capture the PSO feel

The Switch would be PERFECT for something like a PSO or PSU re-release. Or even a port of something like Portable.

>Kingdom Hearts is a cinematic experience
u fukin wot

I am absolutely not defending consolecucks, but fucking hell.

You're not wrong, that is the meta party composition essentially. It just requires some coordinating, because when you're playing with other people, a lot of the time they're all building themselves for solo play, as was my experience on Ephinea. It's why my housemates and I made our party comp HUcaseal, RAcast, Fomarl.

>microsoft will never buy the rights to host a psu server and make psu 360 backwards compatible, translate all the leftover japanese content, and release one major patch for it while doing ocassional maintenance

would buy an xbox one on the spot, shit i would buy 3 of them

My bad, didn't consider KH because I've never played it

I never understood people who cared about minmaxing PSO outside of Cmode anyway




When everything has been done to death, it's the only thing left to do. You see the same stuff in the private servers for any game.

>cheaters ruined online play
Allow me to fix your mistake.
>AMERICANS ruined online play for everyone else
This is why Japs don't want to play with you lot anymore.

Maybe you should.
Maybe the collection is ultra cheap on PS3 and worth a go.
Maybe its one of my fondest memories of vidya on the PS2.
Maybe you should try it.

The NA/JP crossover actually worked pretty fucking well in FFXI. It's a shame it will never happen again.

PSO version 1 had globally shared servers too iirc.

I'm not sure why no one cares about that any more. It was always one of the draws of online play to me. My theory is that as online RPGs become way too action focused, latency becomes too much of an issue to connect different countries.

duping hamburger mags was funny tho

I mean I understand wanting to max your character, what I never understood was people complaining "you're not doing enough damage" in casual farming runs

>You just grinded to cap then tried to get your god weapon and that was it.
That's still how it is, but now with even LESS content.

How is the game doing nowadays?

Last I heard they tried opening a server besides the JP one and just left it to get assfucked by hackers like they always do.

>tfw during the early Mespocalypse that fucked the economy for good before it even got started
It was like the hacker chaos in pso didn't teach sega a single thing.

Weapon grinding is only slightly less awful. Now you grab a file and kill stuff to fill some gauges to get required drops to get the weapon you're actually after, but you need to do it 6 times to maximize the weapon. The actual grinding isn't based on RNG now, you feed it other weapons to level it up. Of course, if you're insane and want to go after a 14* you're still at the mercy of the RNG, but they had the decency to make those drop at max element.

Episode 5 dropped a month ago and added the "Hero" class which is so broken it makes every other class in the game worthless, class variety is just dead now. Any challenge you wanted to have in the game is gone because of that single class.

The series just lost its restraint. It happens. Maybe someone out there will develop a similar game to capture the niche audience that still remembers PSO1 fondly.

>remember PSO and having a blast
>played PSOBB and had a blast
>play PSO2
>get fucking bored really fast

what happened?

It didn't really. When it was announced that Americans could play on Japanese FF14 servers if they wanted to Japanese FF11 vets pleaded 'please don't let them'.


>Summer of my sophmore year of highschool
>Spent my nights in PSO lobbyratting, participating in chair races and group dance offs

I'll never experience the feelings that I had then ever again.

Photon Drop x1