I liked Captain Kidd better then what it evolved into.

I have a gift card to Captain Kidd's, what should I eat?

This I was really disappointed when I got rank 10 and Ryuji stopped yelling CAPTAIN KIDD


I swear every party members persona in every game gets lamer when it evolves.

all of the evolved persona were lame as hell. Pic related was the coolest persona in the franchise, but after evolution we never see it again.

Why is Haru so underrated?


That's unfortunately how it is every game. You'd think it would be the opposite, but with how much the starter Persona are used in promotional material and how late in the game you get the evolved ones, I guess it only makes sense they wouldn't be as cool. Still, it's like they're almost always straight up downgrades.



To be fair, the average person wouldn't believe him even if proclaimed it with all of his heart. And with how popular the PT were, there would probably be plenty of people claiming that they were for attention and shit.

Her forehead doesn't really bother me. She's still the most sweetest girl out of the group so maybe that's why I like her so much. Ann was my waifu in my 1st playthrough but I'm going with Haru on my 2nd

Morgana's kind of useless, you know?

It was worth playing it with japanese voices just for CAPTAIN KIDDO

And, ya know, the fact that the dub was garbage.

yeah well that too

>Spend almost every damn day blatantly discussing phantom thief business in public, talking to your cat, and entering the metaverse
>Only three people notice or are affected by this at all

is the mc the only one that his persona evolved is the only good one?

I love Fuuka, that is all.
Good night

Thank Yabadabadoo for the terminal bystander's syndrome everyone is suffering from then.

If we're counting MC I think Satanael is better than Arsene but yeah everyone else except maybe Yusuke is a serious downgrade.

Lmao this image is too fucking accurate

I actually really liked the evolutions in P4 and Golden, but P3's were kind of eh, and I hated pretty much all the evolutions of the ones in P5. Haru's evolution was also one of the weirdest and biggest downgrades I have seen in the series.

I would have preferred Seiten Taisei have it's original style. Old school megaten Sun Wukong is great.

That and the game establishes that lots of other people are claiming to be the phantom thieves too. Chuunis must be thick on the ground in Atlus Tokyo.
Seiten Taisei is a good upgrade for Ryuji that brings his persona closer to his regular behavior, but yeah, a smart monkey wizard isn't as cool as a skeleton pirate who also brought his ship.
