Steam Widweek Sale

Which Steam games on sale right now are worth getting? Select all that apply.

Who the fuck doesn't own New Vegas at this point?


If you got a wheel and any resemblance of liking cars then I highly recommend Assetto Corsa with the JDM DLC.

Do any of these games not work on modern systems?

Depends on which ones has the most worthwhile steam workshop mods, you can just pirate the rest

skyrim is worth it for the hundreds of hours you can squeeze out of it and all the modding, new vegas is the same.
Bioshock 1 and 2 are good games but I dont know how the remasters are, skip bioshock infinite its trash.
Bully is better than gta but thats my own nostalgia talking.
LA noir is good if you dig cop dramas and investigative games, but its reallu only good for one playthrough.
Ive heard good things about the Max Payne series but I've never touched them personally

but christ I already own all these, even the ones I havent touched. Steam sales have no meaning to me anymore

Just pirate them all fayme

Ha, the two guys who voted for Bioshock Infinite are so funny. ;)

>6 anons voted for the bioturd remaster


Can someone redpill me on Bully?

im thinking of getting la noire just for the historical tourism of LA of the time period. is it good for that? kinda like why i get asscreed game for the locations

I take it the Bioshock remasters haven't been fixed yet.

rock stars magnum opus


you gotta go into more detail than that dude

How have you gone through life without owning Max Payne 1 and 2?

I didn't have a PC until recently and I heard the console ports were shit. Do they work on current hardware?

You have to convert the audio files in Max Payne 1 (there's a tool online that will do it for you), but other than that they work fine. If you have a widescreen monitor you may want to get the widescreen fix.

There's patches out there, so it should work properly

>Bioshock 1 remastered
>Bioshock 2 remastered

Does New Vegas work fine on Windows 10?