Whatt are Sup Forums's thoughts on Quake?

Whatt are Sup Forums's thoughts on Quake?
also H U H

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Multiplayer is GOAT, singleplayer is shit.

The Singleplayer is great. I just wish it had more encounters that were numerous like Doom.

one of the most important games of video game history

I just wanted a single player focused nuQuake like nuDoom, with Lovecraftian abominations like the first game, instead of the Stroggs and shit.
Quake 3 was a perfect multiplayer shooter already.

Quake 1 is reallllllly good
Quake 2 is one of the most boring games I've ever played
Quake 3 was super fun
Quake 4 is doom 3 with more combat
Quake champions has a long way to go before it's good to go

This is the way to go if they want to make another single player quake game

>Arena shooters were only relevant for like 3-5 years
>Don't even exist anymore in any significant capacity
>Attempts to revive them are always dead on arrival
>Wasn't even that popular to begin with
>Largely held back by it's tiny community of autists that wanted to do the same thing over and over unchanged forever without any deviation, making sequels not only pointless, but bad for business anyway.
>Said community made it impossible for the games to ever actually grow in popularity or player count even while autistic bullshit like Counter Strike continues to be played by millions and still has a large competitive scene worth significant money.

>Yet Quake is one of the most important games of video game history

Where does one find Quake 1 with working music?

This download includes all the game files, music and the mission packs

Play it by using Quakespasm. Download Quakespasm from its website and extract its contents into the same folder as the game files. Basically you need to place the quakespasm.exe and all related files in the same directory as (i.e. alongside) the id1 folder.

Most source ports support music. You'll have to get the music yourself, though.

>quake engine
>genre defining
>great level design
>started e-sports in the west
come on now, just because publishers today make shitty casual games doesn't mean i'm not right.

>held back by its community
not an argument

>>Arena shooters were only relevant for like 3-5 years
Underage spotted.

>playing Quake Champions instead of Alternative Dimensions for firts Quake

there's a lot of faggotry in the word


thanks famalamadongbong

>>held back by its community
>not an argument
It's a fucking fact

>muh quack is getting contaminated with novelty
Just fuck off oldfags

The only real problem with Quake is that its probably the most hackable game known to mankind due to how important positioning is in it. Aside from that its a gorgeous experience from what little I've played of it, basically like our equivalent of a fighting game - constant motion and combat, unlike say Halo or CS where you spend way too much time camping or walking. And unlike COD its got a huge variety of weapons as well as verticality, so it ends up being a crazy fast paced intense experience. It's easy to burn out on it since it's basically a goddamn workout everytime you play but on the other hand it's also really easy to get a thrill from it. I would recommend every PC gamer try Quake Live Clan Arena and at least spend enough time to learn how to rocketjump, but unfortunately they made it cost money and as an already ded game that pretty much barred the gates towards continued exposure.

I never play it because there's no music

holy shit boy, i didn't say you were lying. It just is irrelevant to what i am saying. It might even be MORE important to video games if it weren't held back, but it is not a negative you moron.

I can't bunny hop no matter how hard I try to learn

Hi I'm the most useless and unsatisfying melee weapon to ever appear in an FPS game, please rape my face.

Quake 1 still has the best singleplayer maps ever in FPS. I'm sure Romero and Petersen could make even better ones but Q1 was the last time they worked on level design. They are true creative geniuses. And while I'm sure there are more people in the industry with the same talent, such people rarely get to express it because nearly all devs since Q1 design levels by committee, in fact that's what id started doing with Quake 2 (and it shows).

I played the third one and it was so utterly boring and shit



I don't like FPSs

>Quake Champions
>Early access

What kind of games do you like then?

It's been a common thing for a few years now, we happy few is early access and will be charging 60 dollery doos.
>tfw you're not Randy Pitchford

Gee I don't know, I'm pretty boring, I like visual novels and Layton, also open world RPGs and Animal Crossing, I don't know how to put genre labels on games, I play for fun

i tried playing ql but everyone is so good they just kicked me or stomped me, i need a server for bad players but there is nothing like that, new players will be even more screwed

Quake weapons in Serious Sam 3? Not sure if want. Quake monsters in SS3 though, that could be fun...


Q1 is good.
Q2 is boring and repetitive.
Q3 is fun.
I don't remember a lot about Q4 outside of the stroggification scene.
Unreal is better than any of them.

>Unreal is better than any of them.

only homosexuals prefer unreal to quake

Unreal Tournament has a better soundtrack than Quake 3.

UT has better levels, weapons, game modes, and bots and you choose to mention the soundtrack?

Why are Quake threads so boring? Why there isn't an infographic with the best mods to try out there like the one the one for doom?

I mean, that fucking soundtrack is really good.

I also feel Quake 3 has better weapon balance, the altfires in UT make things a bit of a mess.

Quake modding is far more annoying than modding Doom, that said, Arcane Dimension is really fucking cool.

Lmao Halo babby detected. What, playing FPS wihout autoaim and toy controller is out of range for your brainlet self?

You sound like a boring faggot..

gold standard for 3D fps games and online multiplayer games i general

>I also feel Quake 3 has better weapon balance, the altfires in UT make things a bit of a mess.
UT99 maybe, the rest are balanced
Alpha is the best arena shooter right now and criminally underrated

Behead those who insult Klesk

I wanna fuck Klesk.

Quakeworld was perfection. Would still play it if it was active. Quake champions not even once.

Shame it controls like shit.

almost perfect, the weapon balance makes everything but the rocket launcher and lighting gun redundant, Q3 fixed addressed this

>arcane dimensions
>team fortress
>maybe qump if it ever gets released

>choose klesk when playing against friend, and tell them it's because lolrandumb
>it's really because his jump noise is barely audible, and other characters can be heard halfway across the map
Who else devilishly Klesk?

That reminds me, it's time to replay Quake.

>that title screen music

I saw Ranger at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “HUH?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “Huh? Huh? Huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to jump out the doors with like fifteen nailguns in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any teleportation infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each gun and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by HUHing really loudly.