Do you like Skyrim or not?

Do you like Skyrim or not?

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it is a shining turd
you mod it until you hit modlimit and then you never play it again
only good for waifus

I can have fun with it despite it's problems, but as to your question, kinda?

No, it's complete shit and bores me to tears.

I recognize it has a bunch of glaring flaws and more often than not I'm thinking about how much better it could've been when I'm playing it, but I can still have fun playing

Vanilla? No its awful in every regard. With mods? It becomes playable and less retarded

It was all right. I didn't feel it was worth any replayable value because it wasn't as great as people said it would be and also because you can do everything with one character.

well breezehome is one of my comfy places in vidya... so yeah?

I like Skyrim but I don't like what it represents.

Does that make sense?

I like it for the comfy aspect

Played it once for two hours and never played it again. Wasn't my thing.

Yeah, it was alright. Unlike most of Sup Forums I don't really mind that it wasn't designed with infinite replayability in mind, I probably wouldn't have played it again even if it was. I do think they are just talking shit though when they say things like "Even the soundtrack is fucking awful." The soundtrack was good.

yes. I know exactly what you mean user.
>us gaymurs right rflo
>i am the army dovankiin lol

i actually like the fucking game too.

Love it cant wait for the pc vr version i will be gone for half a year.

It attempted to lobotomize me with its "writing". I survived. Stay smart, avoid Bethshit.

oblivion is objectively a better game.

just ignore the story install survival and difficulty mods and you can just play it like a sandbox adventure survival game. and than you throw in porn mods so that you can capture and rape bad guys its good.

Yes, but you play these games so much that every flaw becomes glaringly obvious.

eh i had fun for a while with it but it's in no way a good game

I have more fun modding this game than actually playing it

Bethesda really should just release an open sandbox map with a game editor for like $20 and let people mod a game for themselves to play. Easy money it costs no effort on their end.


Yes, sometimes I just like a chill slow paced game.

I play it to fulfill my scaly girl fantasies.

It's a good yelling stealth archer simulator

It's a game I'm just overall ambivalent to. It just lacks so much polish and refinement and the core gameplay is still absolutely shallow.

At least it's not Oblivion, which I outright despise.

Morrowind is still the best of the three modern TES titles.

It's basically an action game. All the dungeons are chock full of enemies, and are basically big ass corridors where you fight bandit/draugr after bandit/draugr. The biggest problem is that if you mod it too hard to be more like Morrowind, where you don't regenerate things as fast an you need to play smart, it absolutely kills the pacing because the dungeon design remains the same. Morrowind dungeons were usually much smaller, Skyrim gives you half hour long dungeons everywhere which technically means more content but they're really just lazily copypasting the same 5 enemies fucking everywhere in endless ruins.

The quests and the combat are pretty garbage which should mean that the whole game is garbage. However I kinda enjoyed just roaming around, watching the scenery and... murdering guards.

this, if anything the only thing i like of skyrim it's the open world, its atmosphere and the comfy music it has.

How to obtain Dragonborn mode?
Do I have to go to the gym?

It's a decent porn game.

Not a single Todd posted in this thread good job Sup Forums I am proud

The thing with Morrowind dungeons is that most of them were intended to just be small detours. Journeying to the damn dungeon itself was usually the main feature of the journey. But now and again you'd run across a bigger, sprawling dungeon complex and it'd be a real treat. A surprise even. And if that particular dungeon had a specific powerful enemy encounter or a unique treasure at the end of it it stuck in your memory for future playthroughs.

In Skyrim every single goddamn dungeon drags on forever. You actually feel happy when you find a small one because it means less slogging towards the boss chest so you can gamble on a half decent reward. The looooooong dungeons are just full of the exact same rooms over and over and are deliberately designed to annoy players trying to hoard items (surprise, everyone hoards, so everyone is irritated). You know something is wrong when you play skyrim and you outright ignore forts and such because you just can't be arsed wasting 20 minutes unless you have a quest to go to that specific fort. Or when you're halfway through a barrow and think "Oh look, it's the mandatory frostbite spider section"

>Uninspired combat that feels basic and easy
>Gray and bland world
>Not a single memorable character in the entire game
>Not a single memorable quest in the entire game
>Tiny cities and villages
>Ugly faces and models
No, I don't like this game. Every single aspect of it is mediocre at best.

I've never actually played it so I don't feel like I can judge it properly.

I love it and absolutely despise it. I can sit here and shit on every single aspect of the game and how Bethesda can barely string together a working product, but at the end of the day I enjoyed my time with it and would like to play it again with titty mods and waifus at some point desu


The game is like fucking crack, you know it's complete shit and not good for you but there's some inane aspect that keeps bringing you back. I've put so many hours into Skyrim treating it like a survival/living sim where I hunt shit, sell the meats, survive the cold, buy up a property and repeat over and over.

I like what Skyrim represents but I don't like the game.

Does that make sense?

No; huge dissapointment. First 20 hours were heaven; after that it fall flat. Empty world, copy-pasted, weak lore, weaker quests than before, combat and difficulty completely broken.

Dungeons were bad, cities were bad, NPCs were bad, mods never could cover up it's bleakness.

They lost the feeling of ES: instead of very open design (letting player's hand free), quests became rail-roads.

Also, 0 incentive for exploration.

Too bad as the setting and map design was great - even some art was good. Never got to playing Dragonborn - just couldn't pull through it.


I like it just because it gives me something to play for awhile, i also platinumed it on ps3 and ps4, and the longer you play on the same game save, the more buggy the game gets. Was watching my friend play skyrim remaster and he fast travelled on a horse and was floating way above the map and was basically able to noclip and move at light speed

Why yes, it's quite frankly THE best RPG ever made! If I were you, I'd pre-order the Switch version and PS VR version, it's that good!


and 75% of the people here who claim to hate it, like it too


I like modding it.

But I don't hate it on it's own either.

But random internet user that is in no way involved with Bethesda, I already have Skyrim on PS3, 360, PC, PS4 and Xbox One. That's enough, right? I don't think I need to buy Skyrim again...

Good anonymous internet user. Those are all very nice versions but haven't you always wanted to play Skyrim on the go? Think about it, you can play Skyrim ANYWHERE you want to. In a bus? No problem. In a train? No problem. While taking a shit? No problem! Only your imagination is the limit. I highly recommend the Nintendoâ„¢ Switch version of skyrim!

Speaking of imagination, imagine playing Skyrim in a VR enviroment. You quite literally can't get more immersed than that! You absolutely need that version too! Just think about it, climbing THAT mountain while strapped in a state of the art VR headset technology. Skyrim has never been quite as immersive as that. A must buy, if you ask me.

I had the most fun playing it with a shield, a few over leveled enemies are fun to fight against, it becomes bland past level 30, still have hundreds of hours in the ps3 version

It's a great game. It has plenty of flaws, most of which can be resolved by modding.

The only other Open World RPGs that can compare to Skyrim are Oblivion and Morrowind.

I've tried many times but I can't get invested.

why would the Aldmeri Dominion have Septim on their coins?
also are these from ESO or something?

I loved it when it came out.
Then after 300 hours, I started to notice I was desperatly truing to find something worthwhile in the game, and kept addind more and more mods. It then just hit me... the game is shallow as fuck, and always was.

I had fun but the music is better than the game by far

nah, just farming, manual or industrial labour

>install skyirm
>remember it's shit without mods
>install all the mods you want
>more than 100 mods
>start the game
>it crashes

I love to play skyrim but fuck this shit

I like the soundtrack for the most part but man, most of the combat music is the blandest most repetitive shit there is.

Pretty fun to play but the gameplay is shallow.
The world is more interesting than oblivion but doesn't have much more beneath the surface.
Music is fantastic and the game is immersive.
Some great mods, but nothing fixes the lack of mechanics.
Cutest lizard bois and grossest lizard grils

>tfw no sex or big titty futa mods on console

>can't remember which mods I used to have installed, so I can't go back to my current save file

Fucking hell this sucks, I had like 20 normal mods and 20 sex mods and I can't remember any of them

I enjoy playing it, but it had the potential to be a great game.

I only like it for turning it into a survivalist woodsman simulator, playing for three days, and then dropping it for months.

It's alright if you just want to walk around cutting shit up without thinking or trying too hard.

It's the kind of game that becomes much more enjoyable if you smoke weed.

I want to like it but then it shows its true colors and makes me upset. Wasted potential.

Todd whens my Vita version. I'll buy 50 copies of that

Pretty much this. Its an incredibly flawed game, but I enjoy it because I like TES lore and am a sucker for Bethesda style open worlds.

FO4 was too much for me though.

>climbing that mountain consists of running forward and spamming the jump button repeatedly to catch seams in the terrain

Damn you, Todd.

No and the fact that it was so successful is a cancer on video gaming. Just look at fallout 4.

>that Vaermina quest
>her voice commands you to betray your friend for the Staff Of Corruption
>do it because I'm cumming to the thought of being dommed by Vaermina
>voice never speaks again and she has no shine

Thanks for the blue balls, Bethesda.

Doesn't she have the generic shrill old lady voice

I've owned Skyrim for years and even though I liked it I've never beaten it, I always end up stopping at the part with the former blade and that old dude


Im glad Im not the only one who has a love/hate relationship with this game. I am a bit of a TES fanboy, and honestly the ways this game fell short for me the most was its writing.

The quest and characters are all super bland and boring and the game takes itself way too seriously. Its obvious it was influenced by Game of Thrones the way Oblivion was influenced by Lord of the Rings, but it fails utterly trying to imitate that.

unironically one of my favorite games

>Pick up quest
>Ends up in a generic shitty cave filled with draugr

>Pick up another quest
>Ends up in a another shitty cave filled with draugr

>Pick up a quest that I thought will definitely not be the same
>Ends up in yet another shitty cave, but it's filled with bandits and spiders, so what a nice change of pace

>Play oblivion
>Sends me to clear out a house with skooma dealers and even something as fucking simple as this was a welcome change of pace and got me excited

>>Gray and bland world

>Never got to playing Dragonborn
my problem is i have to start over because my saves are gone, big mistake for this game because everything is so barely passable that it's just dull the second time through

It's ok.

>trying to start shit again when he's just going to say "it looks grey to me"

>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains and water
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains and cottages
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains and magical thing
>trees and mountains
>trees and mountains

Just like real life

it got dull once I'd seen majority of the landscape

would like to go elsewhere

I don't know, I've never played it.

Got some coords for some of those magical things?

Not right now, and probably not in the foreseeable future. The vast majority of the game's gameplay loop is boring shit, but it can be a very fun game to explore. But once you've done all the exploring, there's little reason to come back to the game, much like other open-world RPGs. I don't see myself replaying it at any point, even with mods. They can only do so much.

I had a lot of fun with it, but it is my least favorite of the modern Elder Scrolls games and had the most boring main quest and factions. I also hate how much it casualized the series from Morrowind and Oblivion.

I do need to finally get around to playing the DLC, have not had the chance yet.

Both of them are pretty much just more of the same. Dragonborn has Morrowind nostalgabait, but its still the same old boring Skyrim underneath

never played it, too much time has passed for me to give a fuck

Fuck you todd I pirated the game and its shit

Where does the smoke go?

>got tired of gray and bland region of skyrim
>got hyped for new dlc area
>it's still just as gray and bland

ESO is a better ES game

I'm glad you asked

the house isn't vacuum sealed

i hate western rpgs. they have no charm or heart put into them. they're always so dull to look at. even the ones that do look nice, like witcher 3, are just so fucking boring that i'd rather put a gun in my mouth than play one more minute of it.

playing skyrim is like having someone piss in your eyes and ears and mouth and asshole.

>ITT: todd discovers vpns

Ever played fallout 1 and 2?


>Boring casual shit, so overrated.
>12000 hours on steam.

Fuck off gamers.

yeah. they have a LOT of charm. the dialogue is great in those games. but... they're still ugly. and the fact that the games you mentioned to counter my argument are from twenty years ago kind of reinforces my point.

>want to fast travel
>can't because the player character can hear a dragon jerking off in the distance

I personally think the graphics make the atmosphere in that game even better