Can we please discuss Doom or any other Dota 2 Heroes?

Can we please discuss Doom or any other Dota 2 Heroes?

I personally feel like doom is the most nerfed hero in the game, he has no definitive roll in the game, hes a slow jungler, slow pusher and not so useful in ganks

his spells have very long cool downs except for devour, i think devour is his only balanced spell,

His E is his second best but the spells that need to be smurfed are his most crucial to core team play, Scorching earth helps tank, chase and initiate during ganks but with such a long cool down

Doom? easily countered, takes too long to cast and can easily be evaded, Youre lucky if u get to pull off 3-4 ulties through out an entire match

But Valve continues to nerf doom untill hes basically a non hero,

Linkens buff fucked up doom a bit

hes still p good with octarine core added as well as radiance miss%

>he has no definitive roll in the game
turn one enemy hero into stronger version of a creep for 16 seconds
that's about it

he's pickable as offlane if you're out of better options

+3 starting armor
+10 movespeed
Switch +25 movespeed talent for +7 Armor

There fixed

Does he not just delete people anymore?

Renders an enemy useless for 16 seconds while rendering yourself useless for 2 minutes.

>But Valve continues to nerf doom untill hes basically a non hero,
so hes been doomed?

Infernal Blade is actually a really strong DoT and gives Doom a lot of staying power but he can't manfight with it and his lack of armor means he melts in a sustained fight.

worth disabling one core
offlaners are usually aurabots anyway
im not saying doom is good but he's not like worst hero ever

He's a fun pub stomper because no one checks jungle and you can farm a radiance, octa, BoTs and 2 hearts in 25 minutes then proceed to just fuck with people all game because of how much health and regen you have. Other than that he's such a shit hero I would never play him in a competitive game. Like what is he suppose to do against and AM or a dusa? Literally nothing.

He's good at shutting down Cores.
I think the issue is he's a Core that can't control an enemy carry. One of the most important roles for an Offlaner is to be able to control the enemy carry. Doom really doesn't deter right clickers, and even with Aghs they can still lifesteal through Doom since Break doesn't stop the passive effects of items.

Doom is a 10th pick hero and that is completely okay.

The thing I hate about playing doom is that sometimes I feel like he's kind of balanced around a couple of the best devourable abilities and you might go a long ass time before you get them

>hitting the part of the game where I really need alpha wolf and pack leader aura
>telling my team to let me know if they see a wolf camp
>team mate finds one and just farms it for himself
>never see one for the rest of the game


Doom is also not survivable for ganks early game like a lot of offlaners because he has -1 base armor and low movespeed

Doom's best bet is a long drawn game where you can farm Blink, Radiance and Shiva. Other than that its easy for Lycan, Furion and Chaos Knight core to roll over you.

Also I hate that you can deny Doomed heroes at 25% with no penalties.

Dota 2 would be the best MOBA out there were it not for one thing.
Icefrog's myopic, fetishistic favoritism with certain heroes. Why is Slark so absurdly durable? Why does Pudge's hook do pure damage? Why can't you slow Ursa's roll? Why can Sniper outrange towers? Why can his snipe curve so outrageously? Why is invoker such a nigger? Why omnislash? Why isn't Axe removed from the game?
Then you've got the community. I'm normally fairly egalitarian, but fuck, these niggers from south america need to have an EMP bomb dropped on them to stop them from shitting up other servers.
Why doesn't behavior score work properly?
Why do I only get 1-2 reports a week when I encounter a nigger every other game?
It really comes down to the game's unwillingless/inability to deal with human filth.

>no penalties
Except, uh, the hero in question dying?

>doom is dogshit terrible
>49,5% wr in 5k+ pubs this week
>57% wr in TI7 group stages + main event
seems pretty okay to me tbqh
just hoping my nigga kaolin wont get nerfed further

>Switch +25 movespeed talent for +7 Armor
Confirmned shitter.

your complaints of mechanics make you look like a 2k shitter
the community is a cesspool, tho, atleast ingame

Doom biggest problem is that he has no role. He is like Elder Titan, where the fuck do you lane these bastard heroes?
Many pros play him as a 4th role support, roaming mid with a good creep. I think he is suitable for a roamer position and for aggro lanes with somebody else. I feel like Doom is fucked if you have bad luck with the first jungle camps. But then again if you get a satyr camp, you can pretty much dominate their safelane if you have a good partner down there. That hp regen is insane at level 1.

doom, et, pudge, etc
put them in the "heroes that can only dual off" category

Doom's ult used to be scary, now it's pretty much just an annoyance.

That's the biggest problem from a design standpoint that they did.

Also I don't like how Valve has made this game balanced around esports. As in making it fun for people that don't even play Dota to watch a priority.
Things like split pushing has taken a major backseat just to focus on teamfights and shit.

Also the memeback shit can fuck off.

>Except, uh, the hero in question dying?

If the hero would've died anyway and you deny them Doom gets nothing.
A hero simply having Doom cast on them means that in some encounters a hero that would've died could now be denied.

There are many situational heroes and Doom is happened to be one. We'll see the future patch, there are still worse heroes than him.

Ugh there are teams who won TI7 matches by splitpushing.

He has a cool voice and I like when he says "doom" when he dooms someone

I played Dota 2 years ago but I'm thinking about getting into it again

>Increased base attack time from 1.7 to 2.

and that's the last time he was viable as anything but a counterpick

Doom has to include break again. Having aghs a requirement for break is stupid. He also has no lane and is just a feed machine in the offlane versus most line-ups where he is forced to jungle while you could've had any other better offlane heroes like np or a fucking kotl.

don't... it's shit.
It's more team oriented than before, like overwatch, you have shrines so roaming heroes are less useful, yes they are next to towers so u can heal up safely.

It's pretty good. Lots of TI hype, so there are a bunch of people picking up the game. Valve seems to be trying to make every, or almost every hero relevant, and they're actually doing a decent job of it. New balance patch soon maybe.

The items that counter him have been buffed and jungling has been continuously nerfed.

They're not usable until the 5 minute mark. You can roam and cause trouble long before that. Even then, they have very long cooldowns.

He is a pretty good roamer. You take e lv. 1 and try to make things happen around the map with your support.Once you have your
q you just eat creeps in the jungle to not fall too much behind in exp. Late game you are tanky and deal decent damage while making an enemy hero useless for a very long time

He's also complaining that Dota 2 is too "team oriented", and that roaming 4s are useless, even though roamers determined TI7 outcome

>It's more team oriented than before
that's what makes dota better than league of "enemy carry got 2 kills in the first 5 minutes and is now unkillable even by your entire team"

>roaming is less useful
>95% of games in TI7 has a roamer on both teams

Worst thing about dota 2 is party queus who have no intention of buying TPs or wards. It double trouble when the enemy party queu has a dedicated support player. You lost during the matchmaking.

Who -are- the Top 5 worst heroes in the game?

>Renders an enemy useless
*mildly inconvenienced

>Who -are- the Top 5 worst heroes in the game?

Wraith King


Techies is completely irrelevant in competitive (in fact in TI the hero was neither banned or picked).
In Pubs the hero is almost always a detriment to the team (as in other heroes would've been better). This is true even if the techies player was really good.

Only complete shitters defend this hero as being good or even mediocre. People play him because they think he's fun, not good.

Warlock has problems with his ult, needing levels and being a shit roamer. Other supports are simply better picks, always.

Meepo, meepo, ur favorite hero, meepo, meepo.

Winter Wyvern

Here's the ones that was never picked in this TI
Techies isn't available in CM, but he's pretty shit now though

Why is wk bad?

Lack of active abilities.
Needs farm to work
Literally "Kill me" the hero.

Niche pick and too easily countered. He's also pretty easy to kite and is a poor farmer (while also neading a lot of farm).

Putting him as your pos 1 is generally asking for trouble and you can't really put him anywhere else. AS a support you'd honestly be better off with Sven or something, but that isn't ideal either.

So how about giving him passive cleave, bash, damage return, damage reduction and slow for maximum memery?
Would that fix him?

You fix him by making him less easy to counter or make him harder to kite. Too many heroes can fuck his manapool or kite him. If he doesn't have his ult he's shit and can't make the risky plays that is one of the hero's strengths.

I had a game yesterday as doom where i stacked AOE damage on doom to counter PL and guess what? Their core Wraith King was absolutely useless with his deso, Heart and Satanic build. Even his Armlet and Blink became useless. He needs his vampiric drain or crit damage to be replaced with a phantom assasin type blink spell or to be more unique a phase boot like ability that could walk through trees, heroes and creeps since he is a wraith.

Devour a centaur, buy blink and co-ordinate with your team. He's quite a good initiator.

His second spell is his best early game, devour money is overrated when you can run down anyone with a mini-radiance that also heals you.
