Do you guys remember BRINK?

Do you guys remember BRINK?

Well fuck you because now its FREE 2p . I played it, I enjoyed it, now maybe now you will too.

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Brink is actually pretty fun. Sure it didn't play as expected, but for what it is, it just works.


Is there any reason to play this over dirty bomb? I really like dirty bomb though

contrarian faggots need to consider offing themselves


>mfw i bought it when it was new

I remember enjoying this on a free weekend one time but this game is shit playing it again now.

Theyre only 10 years late to the f2p party

Thank you Jesus

Everyone please please download this game.

It is so unique and if you have an open mind and learn to play the game you will enjoy it greatly.

Possibly one of the top 10 multiplayer fps games on steam even today even with it's quirks and unfinished state

If this game had mod support it might've been actually good.

I'm getting 150 fps but it looks choppy as fuck, anyone else have this

Why did it fail so hard back then and why is it good now?

It failed because it was bad. It's not good now, but it's FREE.

Lack of content and it's probably not good, though i'm downloading it just for the lulz.

Install this game right now and play it

I literally just fucking bought Brink yesterday and now I feel fully scammed up the asshole. Refund ahoy, fucking BRINK scumsucking nigwods of Greek origin

This game is amazing for a free to play shooter. It's not pay to win in any form and there is just enough content

Why the fuck would you buy it in 2017?



I still have my physical copy right there in the shelf for PC. I enjoyed my time with it honestly. The combat felt good, the guns and the characters looked fun too.
The only gripe I had with it was the almost unnecessary freerun mechanics. There were some maps that allowed for some clever use of it, but most of the time you could not be creative with those damn mechanics.
Dirty bomb has that too to some extent and the maps actually facilitate it properly.

>tfw Quake will be joining Lawbreakers and Battleborn very soon

The devs can fuck off for how they handled Dirty Bomb.

umm no sweetie we all know it was bethesda that fucked them and the game

In what way?

because they forced them to release an unfinished game that was not even properly hardware playtested by bethesda since they marketed the release date heavily
they had to cut content from both single and multiplayer , look it up

I might re-install it. I had a lot of fun playing lightweight medic.

Every EB Games store I've been in always has a dozen copies in the sale bin. I should try buying one someday just to see if they even mention that it's a dead game.

But dirty bomb was published by nexon?

Hosting locks your FPS to 30 despite what the counter might say
If you want to play by yourself, you have to host a co-op dedicated server and join it to get 60 FPS.

i still remember watching this shit a thousand times when it came out

I guess you could say going F2P brought this back from the brink of death


Give me the Brink-Pill, because I'm on the brink to download it.


Brink was the reason i got steam. Loved playing that game

Loved Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Thought Brink would be even better.

It was far worse.

> It's not pay to win in any form

That's because it wasn't designed for F2P in the first place, user.

>no more vehicles, deployables and air strikes
>symmetrical teams
>cramped map design
>customization and unlocks meme

What the hell made you think it would be better than Quake Wars

>Good character creation for outfits
>Good weapon and classes
>Finally get into the game
>It feels like Borderlands but underwater and the most sluggish shit in the world

Couldnt handle it