Figured I'd post this in Sup Forums too

Figured I'd post this in Sup Forums too.
>be me
>have my entire childhood completely obsessed with Sonic
>even get my friends and siblings into him for a time
>my mom even uses excuses about sonic to get me to do chores and shit
>spend hours with my eyes completely glued to my gameboy, sega genesis, and playstation 2 for fucking years
>sonic heroes, sonic the hedgehog 1 and 2, even the comics
>then came about shadow the hedgehog
>get obsessed over how edgy he is in his new game
>start talking like him in elementary
>"you're pathetic and a waste of my time"
>ultimate dickhead autism mode for a solid 6 months
>watch tribute videos on youtube of him with fucking three days grace and other emo shit
>legit go through that whole awkward pre teen phase because of shadow the hedgehog of all things

>adult now and moved out of parent's house
>start getting interested in metal sonic
>downloaded every game involving him, including sonic mania
>have a playstation account and even a youtube channel dedicated about him
>am I going randy stairs?

Other urls found in this thread:

You're a faggot. That's the worst character

Link to your Metal Sonic YouTube channel.

i would call you a faggot, but that would be a waste of my time

You are the legitimate autist. The only thing that would top it off would be that you ate the chilidogs and watched the show too.

try and get a new hobby

You need help. The only character that's okay to have a unhealthy obsession with is Amy.

I'm going to get smacked for this but watching that trailer made me realise how great Metal and Chaos' designs are. I guess Shadow too in a "Terrible Edgy Sonic" sort of way.

Zavok a shit

link to the channel or gtfo
its what metal sonic would want you to do. you want metal sonic to like you, don't you? there's a good boy.

At least Metal Sonic is better than Shadow or regular Sonic.
DESU, I think Metal Sonic is probably the best character in the entire franchise

Woah, wasn't expecting this thread to live at all.
Anyways, here's the link to the channel. Nothing will probably come of it other than shitposts.

>No videos

I'm so sorry sonic gave you autism OP. Sonic needs to be outlawed.

Chili dogs are good.

What are your thoughts on Sonic X? Did you find it more enjoyable than Sonic Boom?

My wife left me and I quit my job, might as well just spend my days watching kids cartoons and trying to pretend that everything's fine.

Metal Sonic is one my favourite characters as well. Have you seen the really old Sonic movie OP? Awesome fight scenes

The fandom for it is pretty fucked. Like FBI paying attention to you kinda fucked.

Never tried either actually. I played Sonic CD though.

"You might know everything I'm going to do, but I know everything you're going to do. Strange, isn't it?"

Not OP but, I like many people think Chris ruined it.

careful OP... careful...

Okay now that gave me a good laugh.
I don't really care about the shows or shippings and shit. I just think Metal Sonic is a cool character and that the games are fun.

>Really likes sonic
>never used internet to find shit about him
>Internet Cafe opened beside us with some few games like CS and RA2
>Decided to give the cafe a try
>Actually enjoyed it way too much and spent way too much money just to play it with no purpose
I am not mad